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About JERRY220

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. This game is the sh*t. This is game of the year type content. The premise is frigging brilliant. It is about time someone came up with a realistic zombie survival game. But with the direction it is headed it will never succeed at anything except pissing off the few who try it and gain no new users. I have tried to write out exactly what I'm talking about several times but I think a list is the only way to do it: 1) Zombies are waaaaaaaaaay over powered when you have no weapons or supplies. They can still attack through walls and walk right through barriers and doors and only have to hit you a few times before they cripple you or knock you out for two f*cking minutes. And unless you are incredibly lucky you will never find a morphine auto injector or wake up in time. Noob hating A-hole:"Just get out of their line of sight." Me: "BULLSH*T. That never works because one will always still find you and make hiding impossible." 2) Apparently noobs are a f*cking delicacy to anyone and everyone who has any real weapons. On the off chance you actually find a winchester 1886 or an m1911 or crossbow, it sure as sh*t doesn't add up to whatever the bandits have on them. Especially since you, the noob, have no idea how to shoot and your gun sucks, where, the bandit, has a freaking AKM and is pinpoint accurate. Noob Hating A-hole:"Don't go into populated areas until you have a good weapon then, idiot." Me:"And just where the hell am I supposed to get a good weapon then? IN DENSELY POPULATED MILITARY AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS DAMNIT!" 3) Rural areas are death traps. Every post I read I see some asshat who says to get away from the coast until you find a weapon. Oh so I can get lost in the desolate woods or get killed on the damn road? And almost every rural town has only a single enter-able building. Usually the kind where there is only one door, that zombies can f*cking walk through, and no goodies. So now your stuck in a building with no way out an a hoard of zombies headed for you. Brilliant. 4) Anyone who actually knows how to play started playing when the game first gave you a f*cking gun at start! Think of the first time you played DayZ. What did you do? Unless you are a fellow noob I would say YOU. F*CKING. USED. THE GODDAMN. STARTER GUN. With the starter gun you learned how the basic shooting mechanics and were able to defend your ass from bandits and zombies. Now you are experienced with this game. Now you know what your doing. So when the starter gun is removed, guess who is isn't affected. YOU! Guess who is? MOTHER F*CKING ME! Noob Hating A-hole:"Dude your just some C.O.D. spoiled brat who is used to being a god in games. This game is not like that and is not for you." Me:"I am not asking to be a f*cking god in this game. I want a fair fucking playing field. I don't want to die at the hands of overpowered super zombies I can't loose, or get killed by a fully armed and all powerful veteran who started playing when he still had the capability to learn most of the games mechanics WITHOUT dying fifty billion motherf*cking god forsaken times." If this game doesn't fix at least a few of these problems no new players will actually play long enough to enjoy it. They will give up and not tell any of their friends about it, and then their friends will not play and then this awesome concept of a game will be dead before it even officially existed. I WANT THIS GAME TO EXIST. The one out of ten times that I don't die from some BS I actually have a great time, a vision of what this game should be like. Anyone who disagrees should comment I would love to debate your nonsensical logic.