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abstract (DayZ)

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About abstract (DayZ)

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  1. abstract (DayZ)

    How do I ban hackers?

    He just hacked himself an ATV. Please help me, I really need to get him off my server. His in-game name is Dekar. He is killing players all over the server. THIS NEEDS TO STOP! HELP ME!
  2. abstract (DayZ)

    How do I ban hackers?

    He joined my server again today. How do I kick him? :(
  3. abstract (DayZ)

    How do I ban hackers?

    No, my friend had those items. The hacker also had AS50 and a ghillie suit. I know he was hacking, he respawned 5-6 times with the same gear untill he killed my friend. I take full responsibility for bans on my server. I just need to know how to ban hackers from a Multiplay server.
  4. abstract (DayZ)

    How do I ban hackers?

    Hi, I recently bought a server with some friends and my friend just got killed by a hacker. He had a ghillie suit, NVG's, Rangefinder, AS50 etc. I wonder how to ban people if I own a Multiplay server? I don't see any ban/kick options in Clanforge... Does anyone have any advice? :( / Abstract
  5. abstract (DayZ)

    Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

    Still not working :L
  6. I only kill other players beacuse I don't want to get shot. If I see that the survivor can see me I usually take the shot, just out of precaution. I try to ask the player if he is friendly or not if I am close to him, but that doesn't guarantee that he is friendly...
  7. Hello there, survivors of the world! :) I have recently aquired a map from a local supermarket. I looked at it and it was spammed with racial slurs etc :@. I want to have a serious map with my own marks around the world. For example I want to mark houses which I have found special items in or mark some deer stands. So, here are my map related questions: 1. Can I remove all the spam and all the racial slurs from my map? I would really like to do this since the map is really ugly and as I said before I want to keep things serious. Or do I simply need to find another map? 2. If I mark something on my map in my first life and die and find a map in another life, are my marks still there? Or are marks map specific? (I'll be playing on the same server so I'm not wondering about marks staying if I cross-server play). 3. Can I somehow make my friends see my marks? I mean, since I saw all the spam marks that someone else made I should be able to make my friends see them. Thank you so much for your answers! /Abstract
  8. abstract (DayZ)

    I want to start a server, but I'm not allowed to?

    I don't really feel like paying money to eventually get my camp raided when I'm not logged in. It's happened to me before, many times. I don't want to pay to get raided...
  9. abstract (DayZ)

    I want to start a server, but I'm not allowed to?

    So if I rent a server it's basically exactly as if I would be playing on someone else's server since I can't kick players to make room for my mates and I can't put a password on it. If this is the case, why would anyone want to buy servers :huh: (Another question: Can I atleast change the server time to match my time? I'm from Sweden.)
  10. abstract (DayZ)

    I want to start a server, but I'm not allowed to?

    Well' date=' how do I play with my friends? We want to play alone on a server. [/quote'] try and find a low population server? There are plenty of low pop servers later at night. But yeah you can't run a passworded server for long until it will get blacklisted and you'll be unable to connect to the Main server and play the game. One more question. Can't I host a dedicated server on my computer? Then it doesn't need to be connected to the "hive", right?
  11. abstract (DayZ)

    I want to start a server, but I'm not allowed to?

    Well, how do I play with my friends? We want to play alone on a server.
  12. Hello! I have a bit of a problem. Me and some friends have decided to start a server. We want to play friendly, explore the world with eachother and we plan on starting a project where we will build a giant base, filled with tents and vehicles, just for fun. We are currently around 12 people that want to create this server. I thought about buying a server from Multiplay but they said you were not allowed to put a password on your server. I googled "DayZ Server" and I read on the forums that passworded servers are apparently not allowed? Is this really true? I mean, there are loads of passworded DayZ servers out there. We only want to play alone. We do not plan on hacking or doing any type of modding, we just want to play alone. We don't really care if our server get's blacklisted or whatever, we just want to play with eachother, on a passworded server. Is this possible? Thank you for your answers. /Abstract
  13. I bought this mod like a week ago. I've been playing it daily for a couple of hours, trying to scavange houses and stuff. It always ends with me either being shot by some random bandit or being overwhelmed by zombies. I've never ever found a weapon, except for the hatchet. I've watched countless tutorial videos on YouTube but they all tell me the same thing - make your way into a town and get some weapons. I can't do this since I have got no idea how to know where I am on the map... I've played for like 6 hours today and I've scavanged probably 30 houses or more, trying to find a weapon, but I found nothing. Please, can someone help me? I have tried asking people in-game for help but I just get shot... :(