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Everything posted by industria

  1. industria

    What to Upgrade for DayZ?

    New processor on intel skylake (not a cheap one, coming this fall) and at least GeForce 970 (980TI or SLI 970 would be better). However i dont really believe this game will run good with such specs. I've upgraded my video card from 660gtx OC to 970 gtx OC and didnt noticed any boost in the cities, still laggy and buggy. Going to put another 1000 Euro in to skylake + ddr4 + water cooling for cpu overclocking till the end of year, need a new pc for upcoming oculus rift, however i think even this specs are going to fail. p.s. ram and windows are currently not important and i have really no idea what is important for this game, cause it doesnt properly loads my PC. p.p.s. you can try to visit some famous twitch streamers playing dayz. They have pretty good fps with pc specs listed from below, however i'm sure these are OP pc's with 2-4 graphic cards and intel extreme processors (that cost 600-1000$).
  2. industria

    DayZ FPS Help

    Well, i'm using SSD's for my both drives (C and D, system and games). SSD should boost your load time and could even boost the FPS in various games (not in the all games). I'm not able to say how exactly does ssd affect dayz, cause i dont have any hdd to compare, but generaly i would recomend you to buy it (if you have free money), you will be not dissapointed (hope so).
  3. industria

    DayZ FPS Help

    Well, i meant it's still too bad. Yes, they are probably working on it, yes, it's alpha stage and i will wait till the release - however i dont really trust this game anymore. I dont really think that 20-30 fps in the cities and significant fps drops when you're trying to enter some buildings is something that we could call 'majorly increased perfomance'. For example, last exp. build AVG GPU usage: 30-50% AVG CPU usage: 40-50% Objects set to very low, cause it's the only one and single setting that could affect perfomance on my system. Game is running on GTX 970 OC edition, 16gb ddr3 1600 mhz and overclocked i5 3570k (4x 4.3ghz). No zombies in sight, no humans in sight, my PC works perfect with 60+ fps on ultra high setting by the witcher 3 (that has really poor perfomance by the way, otherwise i would not compare this games). AVG FPS in DAYZ at all cities and villages: 20-30, unstable, with drops and freezes. The only 1 thing i did wrong — waiting for this game for almost 2 years and bying it at 2013, cause after all this years optimisation it's still not playable. DayZ mod was much better game expirience...
  4. industria

    DayZ FPS Help

    Nope, it's a game. I'm waiting for this miracle called 'optimisation' since early access has been launched, however not much happened till now. Game doesnt load my new 970 gtx as well as my CPU isn't loaded even for 50%. No idea how people can enjoy first person shooter game with 15-30 fps :(
  5. industria

    Performance Issues

    Somehow it doesnt helps much, my core i5 3570k runs at 4.3 ghz, with 50% overall CPU load (40% for dayz). GPU usage 20-30% and looking on the amount of not used resources i still have only 20-30 fps in cities and random fps drops. And all this with 'Objects' set to low, cause this is the only one setting that is affecting my fps at all... Whole guide has this remarks: decrease or increase if you have good GPU or CPU. What the point to get better cpu or gpu if they will be not used even on the half.
  6. industria

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Great optimisation, nice fps! RESPECT!
  7. industria

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Still no zombies in-game? I'm tired to wait, why the hell a zombie apocalypse survival game need so much stuff as jackets but doesnt has proper zombies?:(
  8. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Well, i leave this here for all who looking for 0.53 changes: http://www.dayztv.com/news/2015/01/dayz-0-53-update-features-items-list/ And a picture of course :) (not sure about true or fake)
  9. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Running is so sweet!:)
  10. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Such a stupid death with a lot of stuff :(
  11. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    I see fps increase in towns, however fps drops are horrible.
  12. industria

    End of an era!

    Thank you for reworking that place. Since dayz has gone to steam early access - i wasn't able to visit any of airfield, cause it took for me each time about 1-2 hours time and then i was killed at the first building by some campers, that insulted me (being unconscious) using mic, calling me bit.... and server hopper for no reason.Those players like Calibre ruin this game and make me wish to delete it all the time, making it from Zombie survival to some stupid KoS shooter.
  13. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    I think they are already doing that, but not all-in-one.
  14. industria

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    is that a bug or i'm doing something wrong? (there is no reload option in scroll menu or at R button).
  15. industria

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Stable this friday? It happens?:D
  16. Nothing there :( using experimental builds since alpha release, but it doesn't work this time :( FOUND! If you cant see new servers - make Battleeye filter disabled! This servers are not BE protected!
  17. industria

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Good hotfix, thx a lot!
  18. industria

    Dayz unplayable

    Same problems, game lags a lot and keep disconnecting every 5-15 min :(((
  19. industria

    Surviving way too easy for veterans

    Its to easy cause there are no zombies in the game, so - Just wait...
  20. industria

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Solo players will not have any way to survive?O_o Or it is a "fix" to get heals regenerating?
  21. industria

    Ship exploration!:)

    This place is amazing!:) But be aware, place is bugged as well! You will fall down through textures and "if" you will not die - you will not be able to get out from closed rooms :)
  22. industria

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    LoL'ed so much! :D
  23. industria

    Headtorches not working? (Fixed)

    Same problem, i thought they were bugged :( It was on my head with a battery inside - but no light appears...