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Posts posted by green_machine

  1. I found an odd bugger yesterday and today. I crawled through grass undetected and saw a Z' 6 meters away walking towards me. I moved back to let him pass but he followed my direction. I moved back another 2 meters and had to pop his skull open because he seemed to have locked-onto me and followed my position at all times.

    There seems to be an element in the Zombie's behavior that auto-aims them to your location, perhaps you found a bug in this design.

  2. Hello' date='

    But when I start a new game right now, I already panic if i don't find something to drink or eat. Please give us at least a water bottle or let us drink water directly from lakes and wells.


    The water bottles in this MOD are military issued. Not everybody would have one. There could be normal water bottles I guess? But I feel they should only refill partial amounts because the military canteens are always larger ans not too big, so you are not carrying 1 litre of water throughout exploration which is quite tiring.

    I do agree that we should be able to drink directly water source tho.

    Hmm' date='who here doesn't have a watch?This actually irks me when I wanna know the servers time.And don't get me started on all these websites that srpung up showing where all the good loot is and allowing you to not even need to find a map...shame on you. ;(


    I don't have a watch.

    We're living in a digital age now. Phones, PC's, Tv's, cooker's and microwaves all have clocks.

  3. Thnx guys, I'll look into that.

    I love the background music in the game. The 1st days of game play, I'd reconsider playing just because of the tension that the music creates but I have found a tedious element within one soundtrack.

    I played a server today from 8pm till midnight. The experience of midnight darkness and real-time is insane! I heard the soundtrack during low-light and many time during day-light hours and it wasn't so bad. It was only until the darkness crept in when it became a serious problem...

    One soundtrack uses Zombie voice sound effects. I don't care for the tension it creates and nor do i feel it has any right to be in the soundtrack and I'll debate this until my keyboard smashes to pieces.

    Please, could the soundtrack be re-edited to have the Zombie voice's removed.

  4. Being a pussy sniper takes no skill' date=' as much skill as it takes to point a cursor at someone and left click, maybe pressing R for the occasional reload.[/quote']

    Are you familiar with Arma II's bullet physics?

    Everything requires some degree of skill, even swinging a hatchet.

    It requires more experience to reap the full benefits of the sniper rifle whilst avoiding all the set-backs, that in-itself can be a skill.

    And one more thing, I'd hate to see a follow up reply claiming I'm wrong because time is precious. If you want to show disrespect towards snipers all day, I suggest you find another forum.

  5. Same happened to me when I found my 1st Enfield. Broken legs and'all.

    But after a few days, I found another. I gathered 40 bullets and sweeped my 1st barn area which had 10 zombies in the area (contrary to my last post regarding this, I forgot the 2 in the field that I killed for sport).

    Quite good for my 1st raid. (no blood-loss and worthy accuracy)

    So, just you wait buddy. If we have anything in common, you're 2nd Enfield will be worth cleaning.

    pm me a time' date=' server, and your location for rescue. I do rescues and shit for fun, help the newly spawned gear up too.


    Or you'll run up to him with an AXE and take his gun! (Jk)

  6. They are necessary to have in the game and so is a pair of steel cutting pliers...

    (I also found a dead body next to a barbed wire doorway. I think the darkness stopped him from seeing the barbed wire which lead to his death. I hope he was a server hopper :D)

    I've found these to be so tedious at times. I'm actually forced to server hop, it's embarrassing because I usually find these during respawns and remember them for safety if i can jump over the side-gap. Dying and starting all over is not easy, even if you have a routine or something.

    If a Zombie see's you, where you gonna go? From what I've seen so far, without barbed wire or tank traps, you are dead as soon as a zombie see's you, which is quite harsh due to the difficulty of obtaining weapons without losing too much blood. Blood that is replaced by needing matches, survival knife, Wood and meat PLUS A WEAPON! It's quite harsh and players need all the chances they can muster, even if it can fall prey to exploiters.

  7. Nice quote from The Grey. Although the way you worded it applies here' date=' it is actually (and) not (or). It is about a warrior knowing he is going into his last battle to death. But in that moment he feels alive.


    Ooh, I must have selected the one link that was wrong :-/

    Thanks for the heads-up. I'd prefer to keep it true to the meaning. After-all, it holds weight in this game either way it is written. Most times I login to play, this is my 1st thought.

  8. I thought it was a glitche with the maintenance. I logged off at 3pm then logged on at 8pm-ish.

    I respawned as my previous character which is bummer becuase the character i should have had was a guy who found a gillie suit the 1st house he found that had no zombie's inside. It saved my life twice as players with Axes almost spotted me, It got real close too. The guy caught a glimpse of my tag and walked towards me, 10 meters away he adjusted his path to get vantage off the train tracks because he thought I was further away then I fled to find another player unable to spot me out :cool:

    Shame, It's gone now and I respawned with a broken leg, green-horn clothing and a brand new Enfield that got itself 16 Zombie kills, cleared a barn yard area that had 7-8 Zombies With CQC. 1st ever sweep of an area, did it unharmed :cool:

    I'd rather have not had a 2nd chance tho even tho I might be better off now. It felt like cheating but what could I do?

  9. I don't think the idea's shown so far are reliable enough. The white arm bands can be abused. It's a free ticket to trust that nobody deserves, ever.

    Signals are cool but like the arm bands, it can still be abused and who wants to spent time looking for a white patch when nerves are tense and triggers are loose.

    Body language is important. You can't make contact with a person if they are sprinting around, you'd be chasing after them which is dodgy and nerve wrecking, you can't be waiting for them on hill sides letting them know you are watching them, it gives them the feeling of vulnerability. It comes down to chance settings. ya know. You as a player you can drop items on the floor. If you have the time and space, drop a tin of food or bandages on a road and run away.

    It's all chance tho, which is why...

    Ya just need to find incentives for players to band together. It can't be too hard for DayZ Dev's to add an icon to the Arma II: CO main menu with a short video showing 5 survivors banded together, raiding cities with a helicopter, communication and team-work, whilst having a separate video of a Bandit living life alone and inevitably dying alone with a pointless unknown, invisible death as it pans out to a cold, large scale view of the Chernarus map. Bandits in truth are rare and less in numbers in Zombie survival scenarios compared to the whole movie or game based on characters, they just appear at the worst possible times, which is the time where you die.

  10. C) Finding a gun shout friendly to some other guy who has insane weapons who then shoots me..

    I am just getting bored of these 4 things happening then starting all over with nothing and was wondering if anyone know some fun stuff to do or can give me tips on things like easy ways to find guns' date=' Stay on the coast or go inland, which way to head when starting (Bareing in mind that running for hours getting chased and resulting in death by some idiot who can no understnad the fact i shout friendly and also will not have a weapon)


    Words mean nothing. Could you imagine a guy being found by two server veterans who flew into a city with their Heli and found a player sneaking around who says, "friendly, friendly, don't shoot let's be friends".... then just before they fly out in the Heli, this guy see's what he can get for free. He shoots these 2 guys with a Mkv Pistol, steals their gear and flies out in their Heli. I don't even have to exaggerate this , when you get killed for a can of beans, you'll realize that people would go one step further and become a lying traitor bandit just to get a little more.

    Wait it out dude, eventually scenario's will play out. You'll find players who need help and If you have a sniper rifle, you have a chance to increase the percentage of trust but it's still a pretty low percentage and it gets lower if there's no real communication.

    There's a DayZ Wiki Page for you. It explains what the game does not explain to you before starting

    Try finding a Darker setting and be patient. I escaped a zombie just by running through obstacles and diving to the floor it's that useful (make sure there is ample space between you and it and keep moving away) You wouldn't believe how beneficial darkness can be during the early stages of unarmed exploration, nobody can see you but be cautious about sounds. Just make sure you are not blind, can hear quite well and stay out of tight buildings. Take a firm grip on your balls 1st... for luck. (Or whatever balls are closest)

    (It's odd though. I entered one server. It was pure black.I entered another and It was clearly night but still had visibility, look for an early morning type of light and don't use lights, I swear you're given a torch as a joke :dodgy: )

  11. This thread might be the product of DayZ's incredible success. A lot of people are Jumping straight into the Mod without appreciating the mechanics of a Military Sim. It will happen more and more as time goes by if DayZ's success is realized and monopolized.

    Cross your fingers and save your energy, itputsthelotion because in time more and more players will complain about Arma game mechanics being too realistic due to lack of appreciation and understanding of this games purpose, which could lead to Kevlar vests or less bullet damage etc.

    I love the 1 shot kill. I know that if I took a bullet, I'd go straight down like a crying baby. That's the thrill, Danger. I only spent a few days playing until I found my safe Zone, sneaking around, finding safe spots and crawling my way to victory until... I stepped out into the night without light. I cannot describe the sensation of finding a dead player...hearing running running footsteps behind you... then Zombie shouts behind you... then watching 1 blurry shadow sprint past you with 3 Zombies chasing and in all this time, I have no weapon at all! I'm praying out of fear that I'm not detected. Then I compare that to a 3 man-squad with AR's + full kits sweeping towns during day-light hours and I think..... meh.

    DayZ does not need objectives. It needs to force incentives upon you that make you experience more fear. Lets say.... Server-wide food shortages, Seasonal effects that deplete your Hunger/Hydration/Body-Heat faster, Server-Wide Ammo shortages or even give bonuses for night activity by giving better loot during Zero-light hours.

    Combine all this. You'll be working around the clock to stock up on food to prepare for seasonal weather effects. If you can't find enough, You have to explore during Zero-light hours. Perhaps you can't find enough ammo? Tough Shit Compradre, you're going to have sneak your way through the petrol station at night to find additional reserves.

    I believe it can be done. All you have to do is decrease respawn percentages for certain periods of time, Increase respawn percentages from 9PM until 4AM, add seasonal effects as a 4 updates each year. Not all winters are white winters so no need for snow, just more clouds and rain will be fine.

    Radical idea's that need to be in the suggestions area, went on a DaygaZm there :s

    But this: --DayZ does not need objectives. It needs to force incentives upon you that make you experience more fear.--

  12. (I once scared a guy away with a double barrel shotgun which I had no ammo for)

    I must chase new players up and down the coast line with an empty shotgun some day :D

    Tip: You'll find yourself lost, confused, hungry, thirsty, unarmed and only half full of blood during the first weeks in DayZ. You won't know south from north or coast-line from in-land, especially if you can't find a compass or map. Take a look around, determine land marks along the coast line and exit the lobby. Go to the armory, get in a good helicopter (Google:> Unlock Armory Cheat) and find where you are on the servers. Scout the map and determine where you can go from there :P

    You can find easy pickings and plot paths by memory. This greatly helps you if you want to get away from the axe wielding coast-line maniacs.

    It's not cheating, It's not cheap but it can ruin the atmosphere. All you need to do really, is do this until you learn which coast line you are on by identifying land-marks, towns and cities. Getting in a helicopter really help. Otherwise, you'll find yourself wondering into no-mans land on the East/North borders which waste HOURS.

  13. 1st, let me state that If I say, "flaw in the game" or something like that, I don't mean any disrespect :heart:


    I get a lot of random idea's whilst playing DayZ about various things so instead of posting a new thread per day, I'll just update this one. I see when a flaw can hinder the experience, my idea's are all based on giving the player a better experience whilst being beneficial towards realism.

    I got sprung by a zombie today and as I ran for my life (once again), I found an small silo with a ladder, and climbed up. I thought I'd be safe enough to be able to hack at any Zomb that climbed up. I could then attract attention to myself with flares so I could clear a large area of Zombs and give me more freedom to search. Well, the 1st Zomb climbed up and it attacked me whilst it climbed up the ladder, all I could see was his head but it still achieved a bite on me and broke my leg? Yeah, how could that have happened?

    So, I don't think Zombie's should be able to attack whilst climbing. The worst it could do is grab you... Unless you like Zombies licking your toes :P

    Also, I feel that the prone stance should be sped up. As it is, it represents a soldier in the field who has time to position himself, not a scared-to-death survivor running from Zombie's. If there could be an animation that goes from prone to running, that would be perfect.

    And, If you could see whether or not a dead player was either killed by Zombies or gunfire, I think it would make a big difference towards atmosphere. I'd imagine that everybody searches a dead body if they see one so it doesn't really matter what symbol appears. The symbol could be a bite mark, a gun symbol or a tree symbol (for if the player died from natural causes).

    +Zombie's really need faster death animations. It's often hard to tell if you need to shoot more bullets and bullets are often wasted.

  14. Sorry, I got snappy there. It's been a long week with buying new games and fixing errors, downloading updates, patches and mods with a mountain of troubleshooting to-boot. It's annoying when you see the game of your dreams yet you cannot play it because the files are not setup correctly or the everything's just not up-to-date.

    Thanks for the link. :heart:

  15. Hi. I recently bought a new PC. Quad core 3.6 & ATI radeon graphics card 6770.

    I bought Arma II recently for DayZ.

    As you'd expect. I found the DayZ mod tricky to install and i have not yet found a server that i can join...

    It is just a game, it is just a mod so why am i encountering such formidable difficulties.

    I don't wish to go into a troubleshooting guide and i realize that this game is in it's early stages... I just want to ask: Why are you making this game so difficult to access? I'm still finding mountains of problems even after I just spent 5 hours trying to make this mod playable.

    C'mon! It is just a game! Why is there a brick wall in-front of me the game?
