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Posts posted by green_machine

  1. but firstly the DC problem must be fixed.

    Ha! Indeed. I wouldn't let that ruin the possibly tho.

    There are some peeps who just have fun to sniper people in Elektro and Cherno for the thrill of killing.

    Most definitely not City/Town situation friendly. Time and Space is what you need.

  2. I've done this before' date=' they turn around every time and somehow manage to get a shot off before they drop dead, so I'm left 3000+ blood gone and my entire clip wasted. Easier said than done.


    If you're gonna say: "I have my sights on you"... you'd better darn well mean it! :)

  3. Here is something that players with mics might enjoy.

    If you have a mic, you have a chance to benefit from a PvP encounter without killing.

    From what I have read, people can get the drop on players and pin them down, simply by using the mic and warning the player that if they move, they will be shot.

    If you have the time and space, you can seriously benefit from this without having to second guess your decision for hours to come.

    Approach the player, tell him/her: "move and you are dead, you're in my sights and I can kill you."

    (He might turn around, kill if he/she does. If not...)

    Tell him/her: "go to your inventory, drop your weapons on the floor and step away"

    (investigate to check if he/she has complied)

    Tell him/her: "Drop your backpack and run" --OR-- "Drop your backpack and step away" (If they seem to be taking some time, they could be putting useless item in there, kill them if they do not comply immediately)

    (Be weary, ask to drop the axe too and keep and eye on them, they have to reload the axe 1st but if you tell them to step away further, you'll have enough time to react if they try to Axe you on the sly).

    Also, if they have not dropped a secondary item, warn them that you'll kill if they don't and shoot their leg/arm (something survivable, allow them to bandage).

    Take what you need, make you sure you are clear to escape by using smoke grenade or walking back slowly.

    Job-done, You both survived a little bit longer.... (It is risky, if something does not feel right, take the shot)

    (Rough idea, opinions welcomed.)

  4. I had the jump on one guy a while back. He just looted a Hunting Tower and I had a Revolver with nothing worth mentioning. He had some sort of Primary weapon, Camo Clothing and possibly an ALICE pack.

    He definitely saw me, I was close enough to see his head twisted in my direction and he hid behind a tree.

    5-6 tree's stood between me and him and luckily they were lined up perfectly. I pinched out into the open and darted back behind the next tree for cover and kept my eye on his tree with the tilt shoulder buttons and by darting in and out of cover whilst running.

    I got there to find nothing. He couldn't have escaped because I had the angles covered to witness him running or taking aim. All that adrenaline wasted.

    Nobody even fired a shot. Some people eh.

  5. As for the bandits thing' date=' you can hear your heart beat faster and faster if you're nearby a player that has alot of murders.


    Tell me about it! :D

    As for No.3, I think grouped bandits have enough of an advantage over individual players as it is. Death does not mean as much to them either. If a guy dies, they meet up, share equipment and after some time it's as-if the player didn't even die at all or they return to the dead body to get back what they can. Which is a BIG difference compared to individuals who die alone...

    So implementing No.3 would be counter productive towards what this mod is trying to achieve.

  6. There is something wrong happening, it's not our fault.

    I tested it today. I fortified a barn and prepared for a Zombie Horde.

    I fired off 7 rounds at 7 Zombies with a Springfield Rifle. Switched to my makarov, killed 10 more. Switched to my axe and killed 7 more, fell off the stairs, broke my legs (Which is also lame) .. killed 3 more with my makerov then 4-5 ate my remains. I held that area for 20-30 minutes before this happened so I knew what I should have expected.

    I fired off my Springfield, fine. Used my Makerov for some time, which is not so loud and then used my silent axe for some time too...the horde should have dissipated and stopped coming to my position after I switched to a silent weapon.

    So, from this you can see that they lock onto your position after respawning, get stuck in an infinite respawn loop and keep coming.

    There should be a range limit to determine how close they can respawn and how many, at least.

  7. This Thread.

    When I died today, I knew it wasn't from natural causes. I was prepared for what happened, but had no idea what this respawn is like.

    I Stood at the back of the church with 26 ACP rounds and 30 Rifle rounds. I stood there forever just blasting these guys down. I knew my rifle would attract attention but other times I've found an end to the amount of Zombies coming for me. Also, It was too many for the size of this Town. Before I entered, I snuck around and counted 8, maybe? Then when the showdown happened, I shot down 20 with 10 more behind them!

    When you're playing Dayz and you're playing for the immersion, It all falls apart once you realize the Zombies are magically appearing out thin air with infinite numbers. I could identify the respawn, It was how they massed in groups instantly rather than slowly accumulate, as if the ran from the distance.

    I dunno, just needs to be sorted. What happened today was FUBAR.

  8. Unfortunately there are way too few servers that turn off 3DP' date=' but if people start poking server admins more then that could change[/quote']

    If you are familiar with Metal Gear Online (3rd person shooter), you'd know how this can DESTROY game play. On MGO, you could stand at a corner and watch the alley in front of you. You could then line up your sight, take one step out and get a perfect 1 shot head shot in 1 second with flashbang results.


    In Arma II single player, It's added just to accommodate for lazy players, Noobs or players wanting to enjoy the scenery of a Single player game. With Online Gameplay, instead of it being an addition towards the experience, it's become an addition towards exploitation.

    DayZ Mods apparently hate Exploits. Apparently....

  9. The MOD as it stands is what you make of it, if you cannot make anything from it then perhaps you have been playing the wrong games, or the right games with the wrong attitude.

    ARMA II Single player does suck. The AI in that game is too auto bot for my liking, which is why I chose to master Vehicle Combat or try online play. Try the Aircraft's in the armoury and you'll see what I mean, give it time.

    The rage with Arma 3 for me is the chance that DayZ will fully integrated into the game, so it won't have MOD status which explodes the chances for gaming possibilities.

    Please stick around. Grow as a gamer and as a DayZ survivor. The modern online gaming generation would benefit as a result.


  10. I would love PVP to just be rid of. Friendly Fire OFF! PLEASE!

    Can still be exploited.

    Go into a server with no PVP' date=' get an awesome sniper setup with maxXxed supplies. Log out, go to a Vantage point next to a city in another Server and kill players with a setup you gained with ease.

    We're still waiting for the DayZ mods to conjure some magic and improve this Awesome MOD that has Awesome Potential that has simply disolved into a common online gaming server :dodgy:

    Until then, we can only bitch and moan and accept the world we live in. A world where hope is carried in your pocket in the form of a can of beans, ready for a player who needs it.


    Discussing why bandits kill anyone is pointless. If you are going to play this game the first thing you have to do is simply accept that there will always be people who take pleasure in killing you. If you cannot handle that then this game is not for you.

    I can handle that. Can they handle being called "A common faceless selfish cancerous person"?

  11. Slot-based inventory makes more sense than weight-based. An item can weigh next to nothing' date=' but still be cumbersome to carry. Meanwhile a heavier item could be fairly easy to lift and carry if it's easy to get a grip on.


    Exactly. It just depends on how many pockets you have.

    As for the 2 handed carrying thing you guys are talking about, it's just dumb, sorry. Even if you implemented vehicles to carry the Rotary Engine, you'd still have to carry a car engine....

    Long range carrying would be mind-numbing. It might even need a few players. That can single out individuals and stop them from earning a vehicle which is not nice.

  12. I don't think I'll ever meet another player in the server who will be a companion in some way.

    This may have been said already.

    At a certain stage of the game, you have all you need and no worries when it comes to surviving. Seriously. It's not a rare occurrence for a Dayz player to build-up resources once you venture with an axe until you get a reliable gun, a few canteens and a full hunting kit. Other players have this too. Once you Venture far enough inland, you'd surely realise other players would have the same stable status that you have. So really, there is nothing to be gained in terms of ensuring survival by killing another player.

    I can't see the logic in this game in terms of PVP once I realise this.

    From just a Day 2 player:

    1 SMG

    1 pistol

    6 raw meat.

    3 water canteens.

    4 blood packs.

    8 Morphine auto injectors

    8 bandages

    2 epi-pens

    4 painkillers

    Full hunting survival kit.

    Map & Compass & Watch

    Could you imagine if a day 4 player killed me? What would he gain? Nothing. Even If i killed him, it would be a pointless kill regardless of the chance of him killing me.

    What I'm thinking is: I'm might just have to defend myself against a player who kills for pleasure. In an online gaming setting, this pleasure has become a serious cancer.

  13. Sprinted 3-4Km (2-3 Km had Zero Visibility) to get to the shoreline then 3 kilometers to get to Cherno.... then Entered Cherno at night, Zero detection, then traveled to Elektro in the darkness. Waited there until daylight, (Server hopped to simulate sleep) entered Elektro and died.... Never did find the antibiotics I needed..

    Night Navigation with map and compass is an incredible experience.

    That was my Midnight Run.

  14. I don't play with music' date=' bro. I turned mine off long ago. Most of the time I even turn my TV off, because it distracts me, covers other noises, and also bleeds through my mic and bothers people.


    So many thnx for reminding me ;)

  15. . Having to find SD mags specifically for a gun is both unrealistic and super annoying. Balance is hardly a matter when idiots are running around sniping 24/7 anyways lols.

    Some guns can have Silencers built into them which cannot be removed but require certain bullets so the silencer does not degrade. Apparently it improves overall performance by merging the gun with the silencer, it also enables more flexibility towards suppressor design in-order to do what cannot be done with a detachable silencer.

    Bullets emit heat and gunpowder residue which can cause silencers to degrade and become unusable. Heat damage & if too much gun-powder residue accumulates. Silencer bullets emit much less of the both I'd imagine.

    Seeing as how weapons cannot be customized in this game, we'd not be able to remove a degraded silencer and re-attach a new one, which is why silencer ammo is used.

    It's actually a blessing in disguise. When your silencer breaks, It makes a loud noise, it could happen at any time and if happens in the middle of a city.... YOU ARE SCREWED.

  16. eh carrying 1l of water is tiring? i'm pretty unfit. but enjoy navigation events. and usually carry 3-4L for that event cos i'm unfit and use lots of water. (can't stand having dirty socks). i'm more fucked walking up a steep hill then carrying 4kg of water about for 9 hours. of course that 4l ends up being 500ml or less at the end of the day.

    My mistake, I meant 2 Litres, Sorry.

    But either way: Why do you think military canteens are not 2 litres? Military experts have studied the perfect amount of water you should carry to avoid fatigue.

    Carrying too much water can lead to fatigue which causes dehydration, you must drink more water which requires energy to digest and then you'll need more food, rest and/or sleep. Take into account your inventory and you'll see what I'm getting at.

  17. Also for my grammar i know its a shame when english is my native language i noticed some of my mistakes but im just a bit frustrated by the incident when i love DayZ and the idea of it Hehe but yea ill try and fix it later :P.

    Understood. It doesn't help if you're tired and frustrated, I find.

    Support posts in the suggestion section that are similar to your experience. I'm sure there are other players who have had the same experience and I've seen requests for the addition of server re-entry timers being added. Chances are, this won't happen to you again for a long time coming so don't let the fools ruin your gaming experience.

  18. I have the equipment i need..... But i dont know what to do now :/

    If i go to a popular city it will be exiting and action packed' date=' but i'll more than likely just get shot by a sniper as soon as i set foot in the city. What do you guys do when you are satisfied with your equipment?


    Take a midnight stroll into a town or city. It's good for avoiding snipers I'd imagine but it's a gamble because they may have NVG's.

    Hook-up with another player from the forum and search for vehicles. (I will not be blamed for your death if they kill you)

  19. How did you know you were shot in the back? It can be hard to spot a shooter at times.

    Thanks for sharing the experience, it will surely help anybody if they visually see a player log-out during fights etc.

    (Please use some consideration towards other readers by using correct and tidy grammar or at least something readable. Like avoiding the wall of text, no worries if English is not your native language)
