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Everything posted by green_machine

  1. green_machine

    They're out to get me..

    FYI, I've had the same guy for several days. This occurred after my post with a long standing guy.
  2. green_machine

    KOS hypothesis

    You couldn't even go back in time and prevent Murder, KOS would still exist.
  3. green_machine

    They're out to get me..

    I ate a bag of rice, 2 boxes of cereal, several tins of food, 6 pieces of fruit. My friend ate the scraps. He was fine.
  4. green_machine

    They're out to get me..

    We met a guy in wilderness, he trekked with us for a few days until we reached South Barazino. He had a brothers broken leg to attend to. Before he left, he asked, "When you told me about the SWAF flashpoint, you mentioned a 3rd person, did he survive? What was him name?" I replied, "Jim". My Intestinal Worm is named Jim.
  5. green_machine

    Do blood bags expire yet?

    You're looking too much into it. You'll need a refrigeration unit to keep them fully primed. Without them, you'll be getting them hot and cold on a daily basis, and sometimes covered in icky water. That's just speculation. Check this out then see what's what. http://www.mahasbtc.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=139&Itemid=220
  6. green_machine

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    We're talking about expansive country, not urban area's. The Zoom function, when looking at a tree-line 100M away is very much unlike Real Vision. EDIT: Instead of ZOOM? Why not have a FOCUS? The clarity of objects could be increased while the peripheral vision (edges of your screen) blurs. Moving objects, could become more animated and the surrounding contrast dulled
  7. green_machine

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    I think this could also help KOS... I mean, It's being treated like an FPS game, maybe it's the cross-hair/dot?
  8. green_machine

    So this is how you stop server hoppers/farmers

    I thought that too. It's what the DayZ MOD does. I had no idea why they couldn't implement the same system. Then I realised, it's a whole new engine. The same fix might not be possible, and it never was perfect. It enabled, "Loot Cycling", Where you'd grab all the gear from a building, keep the good stuff, drop the junk outside. Run away for 20-50m and come back, the loot would be back and you could repeat the process. I'm not a sure if the current engine enables this exploit, but I haven't seen any piles of loot outside buildings yet.
  9. green_machine

    Long wait but worth it.

    ha, those buses are the Moby Dick of DayZ,
  10. green_machine

    What, exactly, is the point of this game?

    Yes, it does.
  11. green_machine

    [Video] Patience Is Key

    If you manage to get a kill. un-equip as much as you can off the players, mainly clothes. the items will stay after the bodies de-spawn. Road Kill :D Can't believe how dumb they were. I wonder if they learnt a lesson at all?
  12. green_machine

    Can openers LOL

    Axes = kill zombies + open cans Kitchen knife = Kill zombies + opens cans. Can opener = Opens cans. Can opener, rarest thing, after the mosin mega Scope I've never needed 100% of a can.
  13. green_machine

    Why people are KoS

    They're never hungry or thirsty. The map is packed with food and water. Like I've said before, it's a game, and FPS game to most, not a Zombie survival Sim. I've NEVER had to kill for survival and THAT has to change or fuck Dayz, fuck it in the ass
  14. green_machine

    Anti Server hopper tips.

    There's no reason for you to enter NWAF... or is there? There's a few military compounds before you reach NWAF. Why would a server hopper travel further than he/she has to? Green mountain has good loot, Zelenogorsk has good loot, And the military compound between Zeleno and the coast. SWAF + Firehouses (why that has military loot is stupendous) Skip them and loot without worry. Listen for the reload sound. Every player who enters the server, reloads (To my knowledge, not sure if owning a gun matters.) If you're in a barracks and hear this, enter a room and close the door. Wait for the scum bag to open the door and kill him/her. They won't expect a player. MESSAGE TO ALL HONEST PLAYER: close 2 or 3 random doors before you leave. This will create disinformation. If you don't have a wing-man. Get one. (A good guy, you can trust, This is why you help people in DayZ and lower your guard, it can be worth it, even if you die. A 14 day character is worth gambling for a life-long friend. Moral is sometimes better than food and bullets.) Either one of you can enter any Barracks, with a watchful eye. Nothing worse that being trapped in a barracks building. One guy enters, one guy watches from a distance. Circle every compound you encounter. It takes more time to loot area's now, people spend more time inside buildings and server hoppers spend more time too. You also have more time to hear the reload sound. ​Mosin Nagants, do not spawn in military. You can can still obtain camo clothes without looting military.... Anything GREEN, is camo. Drop your Backpack before entering Server hopper hot spots, if you're alone. Hide it, naturally. OPEN DOORS + server restart -minutes ago- . Someone has been there / or are there already . If you enter a compound where the only doors that are open are military or medical, RUN AWAY. (You need a wing-man) Get out of there if you don't have a friend watching. Server hoppers medicals. If you see various medical kits or scattered medical gear, that is more often that usual. Server hopper has been there. Get what you can and escape ASAP. KILL ALL SERVER HOPPERS ON SITE. There's no reason, other than ignorance and laziness to log-off in a loot-spawn area Make sure you pay attention to closed doors and open doors... they differ from priority (Military/food... if a compound has food doors open, relax but if military doors are open and foods are not, you have a server hopper hot spot), your judgement is what spots the cheat.
  15. green_machine

    Birds: Interesting mechanics

    YES. Who could resist a duck roast? I'd fire 4 buckshots for that!
  16. green_machine

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    KOS players have the habit of justifying their actions in the same way that OP states. When in reality, they're just doing it because it's a game. They're not role-playing. This is Battlefield 5 or Call of Duty Ghosts 2 to some people. I've met many people who server hop, combat log and naturally KOS. So many in fact, it's worrying. So now, when I see a KOS player, I see nothing more than a twitchy FPS junky who's looking for his next buzz. Not stating the Status Quo, this is my personal experience from the many people I've met. Bandit is just another word for FPS junky, IMO. Even when I end up killing a player, they rarely have anything I need to survive. If I needed to kill in cold blood to survive, I would... but the game has not yet reached a balance where that event has occurred... AMAZINGLY, I know. So that would apply to most bandits too.
  17. green_machine

    *IDEA* Locked Doors

    Stethescope. lol yeah, much more believable. Considering the array of Hospitals, that would be perfect.
  18. green_machine

    *IDEA* Locked Doors

    I thought about this. Safe Cracking could part of the skills that rocket want to implement So, finding a rare safe cracking kit, to crack a safe, reset the code. Use it, until somebody cracks it and uses it for themselves.
  19. green_machine

    Annnnd character wiped :(

    This is how I deal with it.
  20. green_machine

    Birds: Interesting mechanics

    There are a lot of ponds etc. I'd love to hear "Quack! Quack!" now and then. Kill a duck then roast it. I had duck today for Boxing Day Feast... Damn fine bird.
  21. green_machine

    Choose what percentage of food we eat.

    If you put it into your hand, you can mash the mouse3 button and wolf it down in 1 chunk or 1/2 if you want. Same way you gulp down water at a well as fast as you can. That's what I do, so I couldn't care less if this gets implemented. I'd be surprised if it did, out of all the features there are, this one sounds a bit anal.
  22. green_machine

    rockets disapointment

    Rocket used to talk about, guiding people away from KOS and FPS twitcher banditry by making it harder to survive, making people have a reason to trade and work together... although bandits already have STEAM friends so they're working together from the start. I think that OP wants to say that Rocket failed in his attempt. I kinda agree and disagree. Met up with a old friend on STEAM today. He was Camping balota with a Magnified Mosin, killing indiscriminately. We meet up at green mountain... a player gets the jump on him,... HE COMBAT LOGS. I delete him from all records of existence. So, it seems my friend who was packed with loot, excellent gear.. had no reason to rely on others to survive. I won't help the bastard, that's for sure. Edit, not even joking, Bandits are not what they used to be... if they used to be anything at all B) hehehe
  23. green_machine

    Why is Podeba Dam gone?

    It wasn't that unique. It was water. hills. tree's. A big wall. Nahh, I'd rather have a prison, a whole new town. Or an Airport... ooh. Edit: In a long history of using it as a tent area.. not one single fire fight, no loot. just a glorified water supply.
  24. green_machine

    [SA] Kill Count?

    That would be playtime, what you find in STEAM. I think, the longest amount of time spent alive, would be best. Something that forces you to compete against your own abilities and not other people. .
  25. green_machine

    Gamma cheating has been fixed?

    Wait till flares are introduced. Right now, it's GAMMA wars.