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Everything posted by green_machine

  1. green_machine

    Brass Knuckles

    Not something your average ChernoRussian would possess :| We do have work gloves and duct tape. There's probably a few dozen things laying around you could strap onto them. However, There are police gloves like this you could find in the police stations that could deliver similar results .
  2. green_machine

    Zombie dogs and spiders and snakes

    (Some) Players spend a lot of time around camp fires and fishing, to bring a much needed relief to the sometimes overwhelming atmosphere of DayZ. Having a snake/spider bite you while doing either of these things would not bring anything "constructive" to the experience I feel. Endurance Sniping (spending hours camping with your Sniper Rifle for a worthy goal, hijacking vehicles etc) would also become even more problematic. If I remember correctly, the idea's been touched on but immediately dropped because the country that chernarus is based didn't have many or any deadly snakes or spiders. I suppose we'll have dogs soon as pets. looking after your dog may involve treating it for illness/sickness.. maybe even rabies? Sounds more believable considering....
  3. Never seen someone so crazy about jackets
  4. green_machine

    Add a zombie kill counter?

    Why do people want stats? They're just numbers, they mean nothing. You did something a lot of times, that's all you need to know
  5. green_machine

    Lootable Zeds

    I remember in the DayZ~Mod. If I was hungry and had enough ammo, I could go on a killing spree and loot over 20-40 zed bodies, I'd end up with quite a lot of food and other gears. If I did that in SA, I'd have to wear gloves and use disinfectant on them often I'd imagine but it may still be possible. Jus saying. Edit: It felt kinda like an exploit because I was taking advantage of zombie spawning
  6. I know what you mean about the 2 houses, they were used pre-release in dev-showcases and used as an example of how many places you can find loot and the complexities or where they can be placed... I check them out of novelty now, every time they're empty. There's a picture somewhere of over a dozen tins of beans in that house, tucked away as an example of how the loot can be hidden. I check evrytiem and i cry evrytiem :( EDIT: Thought. People don't check those house anymore, they're always empty.. is that why there's food everywhere else in abundance? Because the ratio is messed up.
  7. green_machine

    More involved item repair

    I knew this idea was on the table, saves me from posting that. Much better idea's a here and I hope the land on the dev table.
  8. green_machine

    Boonie Hat Storage Encyclopedia

    There's something about this hat I really like, putting the fishing hook in the hat.. BLEW MY MIND!!! (probably still feeling the DAYZ Alpha Release buzz...) I want to make it the best hat in the game with this suggestion. Store Pens in the hats. Store Shotgun Shells in the hat. *7.62+ size rounds A Glowstick on the front or back of the hat. *Battery *Chicken feather Give it a few more slots. 2 or 3? It's rimmed with hoops! There'll be much more items upon release ... small and insignificant. I'd be happy to hear other suggestions.
  9. green_machine

    Boonie Hat Storage Encyclopedia

    Well, it's pressed against the base of the hat and it seems tight. Won't you have a bandolier? Much more bad-ass It could fit.... paper? (A note)..And a Feather, it does look like a tight fit
  10. green_machine

    Reduce fall damage.

    I'm not welsh it's just my location :P still a nice country, reminds me of chernarus and the view from my balcony, I can see a radio tower so it's picture perfect
  11. green_machine

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Finally, If I do go camo, I prefer the Brown/beige spectrum too. I stalk the tree-lines, so the ground is browned off, twigs and less grass with patches of sun-light creating beige, Ironically, green is sometimes the wrong colour to use
  12. green_machine

    Ability to label gear with pen

    I easily agree it's a great idea. I also thought of such a thing today. You know what it's like finding a weapon your friend wants and manage to get it to him, would be cool to make an inscription, "To ******, from *****, Happy Birthday". etc
  13. green_machine

    Cruel Joke or What?

    You have a Mosin... but find a better sniper rifle, saw it down (There's probs still more to come), stick it in your backpack for support, it's as good as a sawn-off shotgun, I think you're being unimaginative .
  14. green_machine

    crying about bandits/more emotes/weapons

    Chernarus is a rural, farming community with a few port-cities. I'm sure you can imagine the demographic. Farmers, Port Workers, Elderly, Country Boys/Girls. Blokes down the pub/Bar It's not America/UK where they worship the internet, Facebook and eBay, posting pictures of themselves on 4Chan with battleaxes and slingshots
  15. green_machine

    crying about bandits/more emotes/weapons

    it's not a school, it's an office building
  16. green_machine

    crying about bandits/more emotes/weapons

    starts a suggestion with an insult, expects thread to go well.
  17. green_machine

    Just stop..

    Stop playing like you care about the life of your character. You had a pickaxe. I would have gone for the biggest-fastest gun 1st then the other. If I get held up, it's... "Hmm, ok... alright.. take it.. okey... fine..", don't even respond to some questions. killing you won't be as enjoyable if they know you don't care. Don't be all like, "ERmergerd! Pls don't kill meh! Take my gear please let me live!!", you're only giving them a reason to do it again
  18. green_machine

    Cruel Joke or What?

    What if you have found an AKM or M4 and want to keep it but you haven't found any ammo for it for days, yet you find Mosin ammo and a mosin, saw it down put in your backpack, something is better than nothing. + I get the feeling when weapons can degrade, the sawn off weapons will be harder to degrade because they're more robust and easier to maintain.
  19. green_machine

    Sabotage other players loot.

    When you capture a player by KO'ing them or sneaking up on them with a pair of cuffs, I think it would be great of you could use tools to sabotage their loot. Drag and drop the hammer, drag and drop the hacksaw... smash up their loot and cut their guns in half. Use handcuffs to strap their gun to their leg (lol I know, probably never going to happen that one). Use a knife to RUIN their clothes, backpacks etc. When you're packed with loot and don't need to rob people (and don't want to kill) yet you can't just release a player with weapons and gear, this seems great and sadistic.
  20. green_machine

    Hacksaws uber rare now?

    I found 1 today, you know those tunnels going through buildings in cities and towns, under the civilian 3-4 story buildings? Found 1 there today after a few days looking. Not to mention, those buildings have a fair amount of workshops
  21. green_machine

    Cruel Joke or What?

    It is sadistic, I spent a few days looking for a hacksaw too (thinking it would fit in the chest holster So I've been juggling my Fire Axe, Mosin and Shotgun.. so tedious but now I have 30+ shells), Played Night server earlier... just after I sorted some gear, prone in the street, a figure catches my eye.. A crouched zombie... between him and me is the hacksaw.. Ain't nothing standing in my way.. ran at the zed.. LOTR style with my axe and there was another zombie next to it round the corner. Nothing stopped me, I would have taken down 8 more If I had to. So I dumped my Scoped Mosin (cry me a river) and cut it down too (cry some more). And went back to where I stashed my shotgun. Bliss. It gave me an idea... If you manage to capture somebody, don't want to kill them and can't take their guns, you should be able to use the hacksaw to RUIN the weapon
  22. green_machine

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Face Bandana was all I ever wanted. Now If only I could put my hood up.... (I look so dirty with my Sawn-off, ready to jump out of the bushes and commit highway-robbery)
  23. green_machine

    Light fire to clothes.

    Gas Canister and stove. Put it in their inventory, turn it on :) Do the same with a grenade
  24. green_machine


    Why not add some cherry bombs and bottle caps? lol You're seriously going to fit some wires on a watch with your bare hands and fix it to a gas canister and make a bomb? Even with basic tools its laughable Better off making it simple. Sticks + rope/wire + Duct tape + Grenade. (tripwire, indoors you can just scrap the sticks and click, "Rig Door-way") Duct tape + Flare + Gas Canister . The flare's heat will not instantly blow the canister, as good a timer as you're going to get without having James Bond nearby