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Everything posted by green_machine

  1. green_machine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well, ok. Seeing as how I this is a luxury and I'd might as well be dead.. I'll send you a PM, calicheSCOT
  2. green_machine

    fire fight {video}

    I'm surprised you weren't too embarrassed to upload this.
  3. green_machine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Once you are on the list of trust worthy medics :P
  4. green_machine

    No ability to defend

    Can you give us some examples as to where you are killed by logging in? Remember: If players are given perks like invincibility or some other life saving perk, then it will be abused during gun-fights. By aborting and re-joining.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I want and DayZ to be challenging and even cruel but I've noticed some really annoying things lately that are ruining any chance this game has to create an immersive environment. Zombie Auto-Aim/Wall-Hack/Aim-Bots. (Would like confirmation from a MOD or Developer about his.) I've spent a lot of time around Zombies, I even hear them whilst my PC has been turned off. I've noticed that they follow you, even tho they cannot see you. I suspect there is some programming involved that enables them to track your movements, cut off your paths then follow you as you move to compensate. Broken Bones This should be hard but not "unrealistically hard". I had 12000 health today and 1 hit from a Zombie breaks my leg. If you're going to add broken bones at least remove the glitches before you do... So far, what's been breaking my bones has been flaws, glitches and plain nonsense. Ran up a Barn staircase in a hurry, ran off the side and dropped down- Broken legs, END GAME. I've jumped from many high places in my time as a child, I don't think I even sprained an ankle..... I'm quite sure this wouldn't happen in a real-world situation. Stood above a ladder, waiting for Zombies. As I waited a Zombie climbed up, I got hit and my legs were broken by the zombie climbing the ladder..... END GAME. I'm quite sure this wouldn't happen in a real-world situation. Reached the NW airfield. Zombie opened the doors that I closed with a suspicious amount of knowledge about my position. I shot him point blank as I laid on the floor (He had the jump on me). I then sprinted up to the tower, got my axe out and prepared to mop up. 1st zombie that walked up the stairs, didn't get all the way up. he then sprints through the floor, hits me, breaks my legs and disappears.... END GAME (unless my call for a medic is answered, becuase I'm not losing my guy to this BS) A MOD in it's Alpha stage should not be implementing an END-GAME injury based on chance whilst it is full of bugs. The fall from height should be tweaked ASAP and A zombie's ability to break legs should be removed until this MOD has reached an acceptable level of performance or at least let us make splints with firewood and bandages to at least let us run slowly.
  6. green_machine

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    Well, Ok then. I'll be patient and keep drinking my milk. There's no harm in being considerate towards your lab rats ya know, we spend a lot of time on DayZ.
  7. green_machine

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    Another rumor says that saying "It's an Alpha' date=' deal with it" is the dumbest thing to say in an Alpha, instead of discussing bugs, features and balances. Which yet another rumor tells me that helps the game progress to a better and more balanced game regardless of stage in development. [/quote'] +1 lol I have also heard and continue to propagate these rumors Awesome, so we have a basic idea here. Instead Of breaking peoples bones and applying tweaks to combat this epidemic, remove the bone breaking and slowly add tweaks to implement it. Is this zombie world full of people with weak leg bones :huh:
  8. green_machine

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    As stated in the OP, yes I'm fully aware of that. Which is why END GAME injuries are not ready to be implemented IMO. Especially with such a time consuming game or mod, whatevs, I'll just call it a game.
  9. green_machine

    Ghillie Suits Protect Against Thermal

    Gillie suits that mask your appearance from thermal optics are real and do exist. They are just exclusive to certain countries, like Great Britain :D (And possibly some of our allies, but I watched it on a 2-3 year-old modern war tech documentary so my intel is outdated) It also requires separate training with movement so you can keep your temp down. But for me, it's another sniper wanting more advantage than he/she already has so I say NO to this idea.
  10. green_machine

    Starting to Doubt the Realism...

    This is so hard to read. It seems like youre trying to say that zombies hitting you and breaking your bones wouldnt happen in a real world situation. Pro-tip: zombies arent real. Sorry/Tired/Fixed. For the fall height, It happens regardless of your inventory weight and still, dropping from height doesn't mean that you land like a broomstick every time, we have knee's ya know. Yes, I'm saying that zombies hitting you cannot break legs. Are saying that by swinging your arms or by punching and grabbing, you could break a mans leg? From what I know, a Zombies flesh is dead flesh so it is constantly decaying so muscles would be weaker. You'd also have to stamp on a leg to break it, at least. I'm just saying, zombies don't break bones, glitches and bad designs do. Until the design is updated, I don't think broken legs are viable addition to this mod. Shot in the leg and it's broken? Sure, that's fine. I will admit fault with not getting morphine 1st. I was going to rush cross country to a city and loot a hospital once I left the air-field. It will be on my to-do list before I venture in-land next time.
  11. green_machine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I NEED HELP! SOS! SOS! For the 1st time, I reached the NW airfield. After closing all the doors in the fire station to get my bearings and loot the building, one zombie walks through the doors with a suspicious amount of knowledge of my position. I blasted him with my Makerov, ran to the tower, dropped my CZ-550 to use my Axe, and the 1st zombie I saw somehow managed to break my leg on the 1st hit (I even had 12000 blood). I've crawled into a hanger and I'm quite safe. What is the price for a med evac these days? Or a delivery of auto-inject morphine?
  12. green_machine

    whats the point?

    Find servers with less people. There are quite a few out there running just 4-8 people in one server. Me and one other guy had the server completely to ourselves one time...
  13. green_machine

    Spawn Killing

    Nah, bad idea. Just find safer places to log-out, don't log-out in groups, spread out and go prone in the bushes then regroup.
  14. green_machine

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    No. When, respawning at the shoreline, you often run past other players who have also respawned. If everybody had a weapon, this common occurrence would turn a tedious restart into a very frustrating and repetitive restart. + It would encourage FFA death matches in the cities. + Players would run from the shoreline, try to find a kitted out player holed up in a city building and keep trying to kill him/her for his/her loot, then he/she will die and keep trying....
  15. green_machine

    Character permabugged after Hacker encounter

    why not quit sooner?
  16. green_machine

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    Or gasoline and matches :cool:
  17. green_machine

    Robbing people.

    Here is something that players with mics might enjoy. If you have a mic, you have a chance to benefit from a PvP encounter without killing. From what I have read, people can get the drop on players and pin them down, simply by using the mic and warning the player that if they move, they will be shot. If you have the time and space, you can seriously benefit from this without having to second guess your decision for hours to come. Approach the player, tell him/her: "move and you are dead, you're in my sights and I can kill you." (He might turn around, kill if he/she does. If not...) Tell him/her: "go to your inventory, drop your weapons on the floor and step away" (investigate to check if he/she has complied) Tell him/her: "Drop your backpack and run" --OR-- "Drop your backpack and step away" (If they seem to be taking some time, they could be putting useless item in there, kill them if they do not comply immediately) (Be weary, ask to drop the axe too and keep and eye on them, they have to reload the axe 1st but if you tell them to step away further, you'll have enough time to react if they try to Axe you on the sly). Also, if they have not dropped a secondary item, warn them that you'll kill if they don't and shoot their leg/arm (something survivable, allow them to bandage). Take what you need, make you sure you are clear to escape by using smoke grenade or walking back slowly. Job-done, You both survived a little bit longer.... (It is risky, if something does not feel right, take the shot) (Rough idea, opinions welcomed.)
  18. green_machine

    Robbing people.

  19. green_machine

    Robbing people.

    letting them live is the common courtesy and at least it's one step in the right direction. If you take their weapon, you'll still drop your own and they will take it once you leave. I'd imagine they'd still have their axe in most cases. They'll still have their equipment I imagine (maps, compass, watch, matches etc etc) so it's not as if you'd be better off respawning after being robbed. It just depends how much the victim values their life and progress. If they want to spin round, pop off a few round and get shot then that's their own fault... (Ha! That robbery video was good. I Think I'll have to remember to tell the player to drop their inventory items too because he got away with that really, the robbers could have got more)
  20. green_machine

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    Tip of the ice ice burg. I killed the same player twice. Chased him all over the the shorline with an AXE with zombies after us...we held up in a barn, he bandaged himself and the chase continued after he witnessed me kill 5 zombies.... he ran again and I chased laughing like maniac.... Found him again and did the same thing after he respawned, whilst he sent me hate mail..... Then I ran from the west coast to Elektro with a zombie horde after me (25+ zombies) led them into a church towards a camper (Nothing wrong with that), he walked back slowly in disbelief and ignored me.... he ignored me even though he had a fully automatic then disconnected due to pure fear...... LOL'd my ass off and led my horde elsewhere to cause havoc! (stress relief after losing a 3 day character build i worked on...) (shoreline players and City Campers are fodder in my book, 5 minute characters are scrap metal. The players in-land built themselves properly, that's where I act appropriately)
  21. green_machine

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    Same thing happened to me. Spawned, saw a house, entered, found gillie suit and left like a fox. It later went on to save my life twice within the first 30 minutes from Axe twats. (Then the server update screwed me over and I lost my suit.... (sigh)
  22. green_machine

    Tunnel network

    I had an idea like this today but better. If sewage systems and tunnels were introduced for City area's. Find a manhole, climb down and be confronted with a whole new dark world underneath a city/town. which could make for an alternative to bolting through cities or just a gutsy player looking to score some tunnel loot. I also thought about Bunker Bases. Like what you'd see in, Fallout 3/New Vegas. Rare Loot, Zombie's, Underground fort in secluded area's, unmarked on the map etc But I realised that both would be too hard to implement into a mod and carried on with my day...
  23. There aren't enough people with mics. (which explain the whole thread)