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Everything posted by green_machine

  1. green_machine

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Sniping on DayZ has a lot of potential, I look forward to watching you progress your technique as time goes by. Especially if you focus on team based sniping.
  2. Never been killed by a sniper, Want a difficult game to play and please don't make homophobic, offensive remarks on the forum.
  3. (Just had a horrible glimpse into the future of DayZ after watching and reading) [/url[/media]
  4. green_machine

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    I understand what you mean. It's all fine if you meet a player in the game, team up and 1 hour later, he/she shoots you in the back. What's BS is that players might seek out players from forums, Skype or through friends to shoot players in the back. That's just being a douche and there's no excuse for that. It would be like entering a hardcore TDM FPS gaming lobby just to kill friendlies. Heck, every time I spawn from now on, I could find a makerov and meet somebody from Skype/The Forum, claiming, "friend" and swipe that players gear. Total exploit and I understand your decision. (If there is a..) Next time, don't force the team-work scenario, it seems you were destined to be shot in the back sooner or later with that attitude and I suppose it's best you encountered it sooner rather than later.
  5. green_machine

    Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

    I think this user has shed some new light on a Z-Apocalypse Survival scenario. VEGANS will be the 2nd inline to die, after obese people.
  6. green_machine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I feel ya buddy. There has been an outbreak of "DayZ Forums" lately, I guess there's no harm in our forum being the prettiest eh?
  7. green_machine

    How did you discover Day Z?

    I was looking for a Military Sim. Found ARMA II in steam, Googled it and found a ton of DayZ content. Bonus.
  8. lol Classic. Find a Hacker, report him etc, etc. But still take advantage of the hacked items and claim to be honest player etc, etc. Might aswell of hacked that ATV into the server yourself. But as they say, "When in Rome..."
  9. green_machine

    More enterable buildings!

    I think there have been a few added military camps thanks to DayZ's addition that are not included in ARMA II's Chernarus map. Next to the SWAF is one. If a few more of these could be added in the extremely secluded area's, it could make for a better experience and compensate for lack of buildings to enter. The North, NE, NW and some of the West Border are dead-zones, they'd be good area's to populate with temporary bases. It might reflect military strategy in a zombie scenario too.
  10. green_machine

    Bear Traps

    I'm thinking this too. I've seen items on the floor that are set under the surface. Like In Berizino's apartment blocks, shotgun shell are seen poking up from under the floor making dropped pistols invisible. In houses with dirt inside, most items can be under the surface making them completely invisible. Why the fuck put bear traps in this mod if some floors might make it near-invisible/invisible?
  11. green_machine

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    Metallica - For whom the bell tolls. Make his fight On the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun On they run Through the endless grey On they fight Are they right Yes, but who's to say? For a hill men would kill Why? They do not know Stiffened wounds test their pride Men of five Still alive through the raging glow Gone insane From the pain that they surely know For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls Take a look To the sky Just before you die It's the last time he will Blackened roar Massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal Fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now Are his eyes to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn All is gone Except the will to be Now they see what will be Blinded eyes to see For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls...
  12. You failed to interpret my intentions with that post and the post before it. FAIL + FAIL
  13. Explain the purpose of this forum to the fullest extent. I'd like to see rocket play test this mod alone until all the bugs have been ironed out. We're lab rats in Rocket eyes, my friends. Have any idea how awesome this mod will be for the future of Bohemia & Arma? It all rests on this mods ability to perform when it has to.
  14. Well, if you guys think your ego is more important than this MODs development and growth then fine , have it your way so you can have a quick giggle and pat eachother on the back.
  15. By what I've seen, The "It's only alpha" remark, combined with bad ass player comments is blocking the progress of this MODs development and/or overall forum contribution to this MOD. If idea's and bug reports are not being taken into consideration, discussed and explored through discussion then why have a forum for players to offer feedback? The Guy: "I found a bug/glitche today, It's blocking my progress and It's getting annoying". The douche: "Shut up pussy and deal with it, it's a hardcore world out there perhaps you should stop playing. It's only an alpha mod so we'd prefer it if you didn't share your experience and report bugs so these issues never get addressed now fuck off back to COD" The Guy: (Never returns)
  16. FLAW - You won't be able to see the difference between a gillie zombie and a gillie friendly. Imagine, 3-4 guys with gillie suits being attacked by 2 gillie zombies! I'd love to see the panic and confusion :P
  17. green_machine

    fire fight {video}

    EDIT: Comment removed. (Don't want to take this any further)
  18. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4581 Goodluck.
  19. I do like the idea of zombies in gillie suits tho! Boogey mans gonna get ya!
  20. green_machine

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Wait a minute... I thought you were helping me :) Big thanks to you mate, I think I forgot to say it tho :blush: It shown me the value of a buddy. Perhaps I'll feel a bit more guilty if I choose to shoot somebody else's buddy! It was good to have some company on my way back to Berizino too. Lucky it was Berizino actually because the route to Cherno along the western border would have taken twice as long!
  21. green_machine

    Server Graphic Quality.

    I've noticed a serious difference with server graphics/performance whilst surfing the servers over the past week. 3 Questions. Is there a difference in graphic quality between servers? If yes, Is there a way to identify high spec servers? Who's playing with the lights? The tree's, overall colour and brightness seem to fluxuate seem to go dull and and bright and dull and bright and the the pine tree seem to turn photo-negative which is all giving me a headache. I remember the clouds on Single players simulates cloud shadows but with online, it gets way too dark and shady to be daylight hours. I've played Arma II Single player on MAX settings so I'm confused as to how this is happening online, even tho I'm experimenting with the graphic settings, It's not delivering the same results.
  22. green_machine

    Server Graphic Quality.

    I've had that already, had it during mt last session too. It happens with various offline single players games so Its' unlikely to be online server related.
  23. Ha, its that prick who looted people in the spawn forest.