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Everything posted by Jeffmf

  1. I'll keep this brief. Me and my 3 other friends are looking for some new people to play with and add to our group. We are experienced and ask that you be at least somewhat experienced. However the biggest thing we are looking for is just cool people we can play with and have fun. We ask you be mature and us player. Add me on Skype : The_monopoly_guy
  2. Hello, I'm Jeff. I am looking to get a couple new members to my group of friends that I play with. We're about 4-5 people strong and like running in a tight group. We have camps scattered on our home server and have plenty of gear. Upon joining expect access to pretty much all gear in the game. What do we want in return? A nice, fun individual that can also be serious if the situation presents itself. We play on us servers central standard time and use Skype. Please post your age, time zone, experience, Skype username, and anything else we should know about you! Obviously we are looking for mature players, no offense to younger gamers. Well, what Are you waiting for?! reply to this or PM me! I will choose a couple of the standout applicants. Thanks!
  3. Jeffmf

    M240 for trade with two mags

    Satchel charges? M24? L85? As50? M4sd?M107? Let me know
  4. Add me I need the mk48
  5. Hello, I am looking for an svd camo plus ammunition. I am willing to trade almost anything else in the game, including ghillies, range finders, satchels, frags, 50 cal rifles, a radio, etc. let me know and we can make a deal! Also would be interested in m4cco sd or an mk48. Thanks
  6. I think we already found our 2...haha thanks guys
  7. Jeffmf

    Dayz squad

    Skype the_monopoly_guy you won't regret it
  8. Jeffmf

    Group of 3 looking for more players

  9. Jeffmf

    Mk 48 Mod 0 trade

    You have svd camo?
  10. I am looking for a new member to our 4 man team. One of our players isn't on very often so I want a new person to come in to help us. We have a home server we play on and are on every night. we are us players and so I ask you are too. Please be experienced and have decent gear preferably. Night vision goggles will be provided to you upon recruitment, because we normally play at night. Please message/comment your qualifications on here stating why you would be a good addition to our team. We talk over Skype and I ask you have a mic as well. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon
  11. Jeffmf

    BLACK LEGION is trading rare items...

    I have sand bags sir. Looking to make a trade. PM me please
  12. Jeffmf

    Trading for antibiotics

    No you still get infected, only now it's random, so antibiotics are even more valuable. And name what weps you have, I'll tell you if interested
  13. Jeffmf

    Trading for antibiotics

    I'll take either a good weapon, or range finder. I really don't need anything else. Have been looking for an svd camo, if you had that, I'd throw in some nvgs for you
  14. Jeffmf

    Trading for antibiotics

    I have 2 antibiotics, what are you offering in return?
  15. Jeffmf

    Looking For New Team Member

    Devin I sent you a pm, add me on skype