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Everything posted by zombiegenesis

  1. zombiegenesis

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    I understand the doubt' date=' but in order to do something great you have to think big. In order for a single person to manage everything i believe it would have to have military like structure. I would suggest that two to three people would be in charge for a rotation of personnel so our lives are not dedicated to this full time. I would also suggest the same for each of the sub tasks such as a set of "Captains" to manager local security, set of "Captains" for the organization of equipment collection, and a set of "captains" for the tasking of product organization into the proper tent organized, food, ammo, handguns, rifles, medical, ect... to which there would be small groups that would answer to the "captains" that in turn would answer to the "Commanders" or something. [/quote'] People will always put down an idea. I don't think it would surprise you to hear that it will be incredibly difficult to begin, and practically impossible to maintain. But then again, what city has ever been infinite and without trouble? I think it's worth trying. Day Z is quick becoming a game of fast looting, fast shooting, fast reloading. It rather defeats the feel of a survival mode simulation... what we need, is a project. Goals.
  2. zombiegenesis

    What's your personal alignment?

    Neutral Good.
  3. zombiegenesis

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    If this ever actually takes off I'd be willing to give it a go. What else is there to do after gear gathering other than player griefing?
  4. zombiegenesis

    Why did you shoot me.

    Learn to read, buddy. Nowhere did I say I shot unarmed survivors, nor do I liken it to a real world scenario. Besides, this is a game. Death is not final, the psychological ramifications of murder are totally different. I could say same to you, I never claimed you did either. I AM saying, as you can now read, that your idea of adaptation is wrong. It isn't something that needs to change of course, if all players actually wanted to play as a genuine survivor with balanced moral views then every DayZ experience would be exactly the same. It is a game, but the penalties of death are not of consequence. Death and restarting applies in all games, this one is no different. What is important about this mod on a game level is that thinking mimicing bad players makes you a 'real man' is going to make the situation progressively worse until a very real solution has to be taken. Or the game just flops.
  5. zombiegenesis

    Why did you shoot me.

  6. zombiegenesis

    Why did you shoot me.

    Did I say bandits would be removed? No I did not. I said that such players would be cracked down on, hindered. Maybe not the players themselves but the mod they operate in will have to be adapted to compensate for douche players. Otherwise Day Z will lose any kind of cooperation gameplay at all, because killing on sight is a cycle. Everyone who loses trust in other players will simply play, to kill other players. Bandits are fine, but most of the PK'ers are not bandits. They are players who simply don't consider there is anything to the other people on the server than murder targets.
  7. zombiegenesis

    Why did you shoot me.

    People who play this game on the philosophy "shoot on sight" are simply bad players. Any half decent player knows this and doesn't have to spend ages rambling about why, it's just obvious. The only exception being roleplaying as someone who's an asshole, like Northernlion did. There's nothing wrong with high levels of caution, or murdering when in desperate need of food or water. Camping around cities killing people simply because you own a shotgun, that's the sort of thing the mod creators will have to crack down on. These will be the kind of players who will be actively removed from the game.
  8. I signed up just to say- this guy is really on to something. Take the idea. Use the idea. Flourish.