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About zombiegenesis

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. zombiegenesis

    Small Town Sensibilities

    I agree with the OP, on top of that I'm waiting for scarce spawning in wooded areas. There's no reason zombies would be afraid of trees.
  2. At this point Rocket would be aware there's a PK'er issue going on. The unfortunate part is, since Bandits are a crucial part of the game, he's going to be hard pressed to find a solution. Most PK players don't understand there is a different between playing a bandit, and being a KoS braindead tool. Once Rocket gets the distinction down, we'll be better off.
  3. zombiegenesis

    An attempted experiment...

    ... and you stop other players from doing this by opening fire in infected areas? Huh. Right' date=' whatever. I'm going to play more Day Z. [/quote'] SD weapons. Oh and thanks for only hitting on one of my points. A player with zombies behind him is louder and more visible than a SD shot from a M9 or Bison. Do you WANT me to systematically go through each of your points and illustrate why in most cases it's still pointless to open fire on everything that moves? I don't think you'd want to sit around arguing over every play tactic you use.
  4. zombiegenesis

    Annoying thigns.

    Clearing an area of infected in the radius of only a dozen in-game meters or so. Turn around, all bodies gone and zombies have respawned.
  5. zombiegenesis

    An attempted experiment...

    ... and you stop other players from doing this by opening fire in infected areas? Huh. Right, whatever. I'm going to play more Day Z.
  6. zombiegenesis

    An attempted experiment...

    Kids seem to enter the game believing this is how it is 'won', killing more players than can kill you. I suppose it is partly due to not having much else to do but... Sometimes, the phrase "go back to Call of Duty" really IS more appropriate than it ever should be.
  7. zombiegenesis

    Killed by a rabbit

    Admit it, it was awesome, and you were happy it happened.
  8. zombiegenesis

    DayZ Bandit PVP Montage - Just having some fun

    This thread is funny on more than one level.
  9. After spending more time in the game deliberately to balance these proposals I can say that while I don't agree with every single one, I think the actual idea behind them is what the game really needs at this point. It's more Day Z than Day Z is. Especially the options for the zombies, some good stuff there.
  10. zombiegenesis

    Estimated/Exact Zed Height

    I like how people have different names for the zombies. I've heard Zeds, Z's, Zombs...more I'm sure. Personally I go with Zack, from Max Brooks book.
  11. zombiegenesis

    I'm Starting A Day Z YT Channel

    And the next guy who buys this game and runs up to you for some teamwork will also be shot in the face. It's not terribly hard to see how the victims in this are their own problem.
  12. zombiegenesis

    An attempted experiment...

    My first encounter with this mod was actually a LetsPlay video on Youtube, where the guy pretended to be a friendly so he could exit a Zack infested area without PvP trouble. As soon as they got to the road he shot his new fellow in the back of the head and took his stuff. Better than KoS but still, if this is how people are being introduced to the game (and how some are playing it) are we all that surprised? I can only summarise that people who trigger happy every time somebody waves are cowards.
  13. zombiegenesis

    I'm Starting A Day Z YT Channel

    Oh gosh, do you have to do a KoS on a Youtube channel? Think of all the people who will be showing up thinking that's how to play the game... Ugh. Still having a DayZ channel is an idea I approve of.
  14. zombiegenesis

    To the dude i just killed with a crowbar.

    I laughed at that. And actually, I've still not seen anyone use a close combat weapon in-game... I should figure out how to do it. The picture of the crowbar with the scope on it comes to mind. Long-distance bludgeoning.