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Everything posted by astroz0mbie

  1. astroz0mbie

    Suggestion - Food/Water as of

    I found this. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/35534 So it looks like it is in the works.
  2. astroz0mbie

    Suggestion - Game Types

    Would it be possible to create a game type where the zombies are not sprinting zombies? I'd be interested to see two game types that might appeal to the different zombie aficionado's who would argue over Zombies don't run, they stumble/stagger around and are deadly because there is a extremely large number of them. Versus Zombies shuffle around and suddenly when they see you, they sprint after you. So far, ( the game balance seems pretty good with the sprinters now that you can run and lose them in the woods or out of line of site. Just wondering if the more slower zombies would change the dynamic of the game.