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Everything posted by astroz0mbie

  1. I found a crash site and my zombie count was at 25 or so... playing on a low count server (like 2 people). I started shooting them trying to clear out some of them to give me time to get in and out... within a few seconds... maybe 5 or 10, the zombie count went right back up to 25... Am I missing something? Or are we not supposed to be able to clear out an area for our safety?
  2. astroz0mbie

    Running/Crouch Running Toggle Stops

    I think i'm more describing what you are describing. I know if you run up a steep incline you will stop running. I run diagonal up and down steep hills. I crouch run quite a bit and found on occasion I just stop running. I thought it had to do with steep hills or me using a combination of W and A or D at the same time... I have to stop and mess with the buttons/crouch/standing/prone and move around for running to kick back in. I run everywhere and use shift to walk or slow down when near zombies or survivors. happens about once or twice a night.
  3. two things in that sentence made me laugh... free kills... and professional players... what a joke Neither of those mean a thing in the gaming community or real life... I hope no one is basing their self esteem off these non accomplishments.
  4. I'd just like it to be less cumbersome to switch to a hatchet. Is there a scripting language you can write in that will drop your weapon, then switch to hatchet? If your weapon is slingable, you should be able to quickly switch to hatchet.
  5. I'd support that, I survived for a long time on 4k blood. It'd get hit, eat some food and never get above 4k. It was annoying because I'd go loot to find food, then get whacked and eat the food I found. I went days without finding matches... I've only found one box of matches since I've been playing. I have bad luck or not looking in the right places. I find tons of ammo, but no matches. That life, I had everything I needed but matches. Died going to the grocery store... If you had full food/water, I think you should regen blood. Just like any healthy human. I'd be happy with really slow regeneration... like if you were at 4k and ate food/water... you might get up to 6k over the time it takes you to start showing pink/red on your food/water. Then you'd have to eat again. The better the food, the rate could increase. (MREs... I'd love to see MREs. slowest... canned items... slow... cooked foods... a little faster... ) so you might be able to go from 4k to 6k or 4k to 6.5k or 4k to 7k depending on what foods you had to eat. Later when you eat again, it could go the next range up. 7k to 9k, 7k to 9.5k or 7k to 10k.
  6. I wasn't sure if it was last version or this one... I guess i'd only hit lakes in the last version. so it was a surprise to me :)
  7. I played two or three lives tonight. 1st life, I logged back in and was on top of the building at the airstrip. I accidentally moved forward on the "climb down ladder" and must of stopped "climbing". I backed up to climb down and fell down to break my leg. I crawled for a ways then gave up and shot some zombies in the field. overwhelmed and died. 2nd life, I went in to kamenka found a water bottle (which I never do...) and then realized the change in zombie agro. it's a long run to a steep hill from kamenka and I had one zombie follow me for about a minute and a half. I finally lost him and found a gun in a hunting stand. I found a bunch of ammo but not for my gun. getting thirsty, I ran all the way back down to kamenka to run into the ocean to get water. Turns out, you can't refill a water bottle in the ocean. ponds or water pumps. I had to circle back into kamenka and found a pepsi in a building, drank it and I'm at about half health. crawled to the water pump and filled up then crawled out of town. Everything was smooth for me. I think I like the new zombies. I had a pretty good rush making my way in and out of kamenka half health and needing water. I noticed more zombies around deer stands... Good update for me... I look forward to seeing this mod keep developing. (I'm waiting for hordes to pop up... I'd like to see a horde that heads toward a sound and then just keeps walking) running 1.7.2 and 94444
  8. Anyone else feel like you run into a town with minimal zombies spawned only to hear them pop up all around the building you are in? then when you come out, it seems like they are all over the place? I've gone in to several towns pretty quickly... then come out of a building or climbed up to the top of a building and looked out and there are a ton of zombies that were not there before. Maybe it's just a perception issue on my part.
  9. astroz0mbie

    Zombies still coming through walls

    Same here, was in Solnichniy in the industrial buildings on the south side of town (right in front of the quarry). Had the doors closed and aggro'd a number of zombies outside the building. I don't know if it was the noise or that I was close to the walls? Maybe they can see you if you are too close to the walls? Anyway, had one run around to the small door and clip through it... running and arma 93825.
  10. Here is my mindset/Set of Guiding Principles to help game play along. 1. I'm not in my home of origin. So I don't expect to find all the common items where I might expect them. (water bottles, matches, normal melee weapons etc) Who knows how many others have come before me to take the same items. 2. I don't know what happened to these people, but they obviously don't like having me around and want to use me as a food source. 3. Other people want to survive just as bad as I do and can't be trusted. There is no way to be sure if another survivor is friendly or looking to stab you in the back later down the road. 4. I will have to make some tough choices. Do I risk my life to help a guy running down the street with a horde behind him? Do I risk my life going into a town to try and find a critical piece of loot? What role do I want to play? 5. Set some goals. Try and travel a certain path to hit different towns. Can I repair a vehicle? Can I penetrate different buildings? Please add if you have other thoughts.
  11. astroz0mbie

    Discussion on Loot Balance

    In my last few attempts at survival, I came really close to being self sufficient. (getting a hatchet, hunting knife, matches and canteen). I probably survived four or five days with 4k blood and exploring towns eating food, nursing my wounds and looking for matches... that was the only thing I was missing. As I played, I thought about how strange it is that I visit every house and find flares, ammunition, heat packs and chem lights. But no matches and it took me forever to find a water bottle. As there really is no back story to this tale other than, you find yourself on a beach with nothing but your desire to survive... maybe I've landed in a very military based society... which is why guns are everywhere but matches do not exist? Maybe in future updates, less guns/ammo in residential buildings, more matches, melee weapons and water bottles. Then make the animals a bit more intelligent to run from survivors so building up health requires some hunting... I was just thinking that looting could feel more like I just ran down the block in my neighborhood and not the block at the local military base. I felt going into a barn and finding nothing but tin cans and a whiskey bottle felt way more realistic than finding and endless supply of road flares and chem lights.
  12. Leaderboard. Is a leaderboard really needed? Everyone talks about realism, in real life there is no leaderboard to rank people. I wonder if that influences game play in anyway. Statistics. I'd like to see more statistics. For example. Unique Players: 392,813 Players in Last 24h: 100,824 Alive Characters: 323,529 Survival Attempts: 719,337 Zombies killed: 9,229,715 Murders: 159,300 Bandits Alive: 59,609 Bandits killed: 14,870 Total Walked: 5,052,643km Time Played: 18423d 8h Survival Attempts, 719,337 and murders are 159,300. That is about 22% of deaths that are murders. What percentage are dehydration, starvation, zombie deaths. I know the abort is probably fairly high.
  13. for me it's been 1 good, six or eight bad. I've been shot by peopled I couldn't see, by people who I spoke with via mic to team up only to be shot in the back a few minutes later. Shot in buildings trying to gear up by people who must have followed me in. I had one death trying to out run a zombie. I was sprinting through the flats headed for the hills and was shot head on by a guy laying in the grass... I didn't see him until I was falling to the ground to die... I was running right at him with zombies in tow... I don't blame him for shooting me. Last night, I was about to log out because it was late. I decided to gear up first. I was in kamenka and saw a guy go in way ahead of me. I went in and triggered a zombie as I left a house. On the west side of town there are no hills. i ran all over through the woods trying to lose the zombie and then decided I screw it, I'll run right through town and clear out the zombies for that guy and then head to the hills. On my sprint through town I had like eight zombies behind me and this guy comes running up beside me and has me follow him to safety... That one guy makes me want to play even more despite the number of "WTF!" deaths i've had. I think I'm more frustrated from deaths due to dehydration. I have the worst luck finding water bottles. Even though the deaths are frustrating at times, I've made some great solo last stands out of desperation to get gear... those choices of "well I die here slowly or risk going in and living." are what make it fun for me. Standing off in a house with little or no ammo because your dehydrated and needed a water bottle/source... tons of fun for me.
  14. I know the water one has already been suggested, but i'm including it as it is part of the balance in the game. ---------------------------------------- Realism - In real life, I could kill a pig or a cow and manage to get meat off of it with out having a hunting knife. I could not clean and gut it as cleanly as someone with a knife, but I could get meat to survive. As of Hunting requires a weapon, hunting knife, wood pile and matches in order to make cooked meat. Suggestion - Setup animals to yield maybe one or two pieces of meat when cleaning a kill by hand versus a more efficient cleaning with a knife which yields more meat. ---------------------------------------- Realism - I don't need a container to drink water. Suggestion - Allow people to drink from lakes and wells. ---------------------------------------- Keep up the good work, things are coming along nicely.
  15. Some random thoughts after playing tonight... I started about a week ago. Right around the update that allowed you to lose Zombies by out running them. After playing for a while, I've found I don't really fear zombies that much. I can move into most towns crouched/running and avoid attracting zombies. If I do attract some, I always have an exit route to leave into the hills or forest. You can lose zombies pretty quickly that way. You can also run into an area with zombies around the building you are targeting and lure them out into the woods... lose them and then circle back around and go into the building you were targeting. It feels like more of a grind to gear up a bit when you start out. Like improving my fishing skill in WoW. Same shit, different town... I find playing DayZ very isolating. I don't have a group that plays and I have now learned not to trust anyone you come across. So I spend most of my time by myself running around. I have previously chosen not to kill other players... because well... I just thought it's kinda pointless and too easy... but now after not having a point to killing zombies, I can see the appeal of killing other players, it's probably harder than zombies and people know it pisses other players off... so I'm sure they are just giggling away behind their keyboards each time they shoot another player... This is why I think DayZ as a Social Experiment is not as realistic as it could be. In a true outbreak, i think the goal would be to survive, but also rid the world of those zombies... In the mean time, I've started trying to just give myself objectives for each life now... Find out where I spawn and then set a list of waypoints up to achieve.... This makes it more interesting... I find a hatchet is a great weapon against zombies... guns... just noise makers...
  16. astroz0mbie

    DayZ - looking forward to another update.

    appending "that much" implies I do fear them, but very little. Sentences end with a period. Read them all the way to the end. Now go back under your bridge.
  17. Is it possible quick switch between a hatchet and another weapon? I've only tried with some shot guns and I have to put those down to wield the hatchet.
  18. 1st Day - Installing the game was f'n hard. This was because I joined when the beta version of Arma 2 had some compatibility issues with DayZ. Afterwards, everything has gone well. 1. Steam install pointers... run Steam as Admin, Install Arma 2 CO. 2. Start Arma 2 and let it load up completely. 3. Start Arma 2 Op Arrowhead and let it load completely. 4. Copy your DayZ Mod files to the correct folder (documented in the install guide) 5. Install the Beta version of Arma 2. 6. Make a backup copy of your arma exe file, then copy the beta over to the right folder (check the install guide). 2nd Day - I started in and never got to start with a gun. Starting without a gun sucks, but get over it and play the game. Spend your first few hours doing the following. -Run around trying to figure out how close you can get to zombies and how to outrun and lose them. -Run around and figure out what buildings you can go into and which you can't. (You can go into buildings you can see in to, if you can't see into a building, you probably can't enter it) -When you log in, look on the bottom right and figure out when you spawned. Try to get oriented and figure out where you are on the map. I prefer dayzdb.com, but there are lots of online maps. Face it, you are going die of dehydration and starvation until you figure things out... 3rd Day - Once you get yourself oriented and figure out how to navigate, you have a choice. Locate the closest deer stand and try to loot it for a weapon. (You will need one to get into buildings that have zombies inside them... I had a hard time finding supplies because I could get really close to a building only to have it filled with zombies.) Hit the inland towns. The shores are filled with player killers. I was killed a number of times even after handing over supplies trying to show I was friendly. 4th Day - Hopefully you have gotten finding a weapon down. Now make your way to some of the barns and stuff near towns. Find some supplies inside. (water bottle is critical in and you will need matches and a hatchet to be able to build fires and make food (this is where I am at now) Also, if you need to shoot zombies... try to go inside a building... They walk when they are inside... I've been able to survive for a while sticking inland and skirting roads but I'm about to starve because I lost my matches f'n around with my backpack... I tried to put them in and they got deleted... In the beginning the learning curve was a challenge because you are expecting a free world where you can do whatever you want. Keep in mind this is alpha testing so things are going to be rough and from what I can tell only getting better... Once you get those things down, the game seems more enjoyable. Still alot out there to explore. Playing solo is quite isolating and can be frustrating... so be prepared if you can't get friends to play...
  19. astroz0mbie

    Beginner Lessons Learned After Four Days (

    More lessons learned... when you arm yourself with a hatchet... don't forget to hit reload right away... I suffered a broken leg because my hatchet wasn't "loaded". I assume a fix for this is on the way. I know this gets said alot.. but don't trust anyone. Assume everyone on here is a player killer.... After playing for days on my own, I was headed into electro and was hiding behind a tree because I heard gunshots... the guy ran right by me and I warned him of my location via mic... I know I had to have scared him... he said he had no ammo... I had no gun but I had a hatchet... I asked if he wanted to join up to head into electro... he said yes, he's going to meet some guys... we run the rest of the way and when we get to a hill right outside electro... the douche bag starts shooting me. I had a bit of ammo, a hatchet and some other easily to find items so I took a chance... (I saw his name in game... I should have went to the lobby where it lists players names and wrote it down :)) I should keep those names on a post it note beside my monitor. :) The world is truly doomed if PC gamers survive a zombie outbreak...
  20. astroz0mbie

    Beginner Lessons Learned After Four Days (

    Ok this respawn I decided to be more bold. I had been crawling into town and I made it in and got a shotgun... With four shells. I found an axe and tried to equip it. I kept getting you do not have enough room in your inventory. I had to shoot a zombie and make a dash for the hills. I tried again in the hills and ended up deleting my shot gun. Once I lost that shotgun I could remove the hatchet from my tool belt and use it.... This time I low jog (x) ran into the town and into the building and silently disposed of a few zombies... I got hit by a few who came through a closed door... Found another shot gun and picked it up... Ran to the hills again only to realize I had dropped my hatchet for the shotgun. Ran back and picked it up and settled in the hills with only 4k blood. Finding optimal exposure and losing zombies really helps your gaming experience. Originally I spent a lot of time moving in stealth and avoiding contact.
  21. astroz0mbie

    Beginner Lessons Learned After Four Days (

    Ok... Logged in and was close to starvation... Risked looting a church to find out it was a single loot small room off the side of the church. Also, this is my first encounter with crawling zombies.... Made my last stand shooting about six zombies... Attracted a horde and ran through them with about 300 blood left. Died about 150 yards out.. Back to shore to explore again...
  22. astroz0mbie

    Suggestion - Food/Water as of

    :) OK, sharp objects being developed... not the best choice of words... Maybe discovered?
  23. astroz0mbie

    Suggestion - Food/Water as of

    @clasius007 I'm not sure if you are aware, but human beings have been killing and eating animals long before knives or even sharp objects were developed. So yes, I'm pretty sure we could all tear into an animal by hand or by breaking off limbs to get some hunks of meat from it. You don't need to gut an animal to tear off it's rear leg and end up with a decent piece of meat. If all you left with were the two hind quarters (legs) you'd have a decent amount of meat... if you had a knife to skin and gut the animal, you could recover the other cuts of meat.
  24. I've looked all over and can't find a developer road map. Suggestion - Create a feature road map and prioritization that people could reference. For example - If "Drink directly from lakes/wells" is on the road map. Duplicate posts/suggestions in the forums would be eliminated. Keep up the good work. I just started playing recently and I am slowly making progress on the learning curve to become more efficient at gearing up. Found it... Features https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=2'>https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=2 Main page https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz