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meh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by meh (DayZ)

  1. meh (DayZ)

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In Game Name: Brandon Location: Alberta, Canada Experience (Days/months): Over a month Age: 18 When Available: Everyday Time Available: Weekdays in the evening, weekends all day Time Zone: MST Weapon preference: Sniper, atm favourite is the AS50 Any additional information: Great recon and team player.
  2. Hey guys, ive been playing dayz for a few weeks now and have a firm grasp on the game. Ive got a camp set up with a few other players, but they seem to have lost interest in the mod. Im looking for more players to join me in surviving and taking out rivals. I have stock piled medical supplies, food, and weapons, and just need to more people to go running around with. The camp is currently set up on a seattle server but will also play on other west coast servers as well. I use skype to talk with others and am also willing to join any vent/mumble/teamspeak channel if you have one. If you are interested in joining me my steam id is: Dansmore Thanks!
  3. meh (DayZ)

    Looking for party up

    hey im also looking for a good group of players to play with, add me on steam if interested, steam id is: dansmore