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Everything posted by Vlad_I

  1. Whilst playing on DE 2008, at around 8:20pm Moscow time, a hacker teleported to me in the fields between Stariy Sobor and the NW Airfield. I saw him first and put several bullets from an FN FAL into his torso with absolutely no effect. He teleported almost directly in front of me. He then simply shot me. My character had a whole bunch of nice stuff including an AS50 with 5 clips, two NVGs, GPS, etc. All hard-earned good loot. I like this game. I really do. This and WoT are the only ones i ever play anymore. But this kind of outrageous crap simply spoils the whole experience. The person was clearly using one of those "private hacks" that dont use scripts. BattleEye is useless here. If by any chance an admin from DE 2008 sees this,I would like to ask to review the logs - 11/11/2012. Catch that worthless waste of matter and give him a ban.
  2. Vlad_I

    Am I an ass hole?

    And this is the reason why i shoot everyone on sight regardless of whether they are armed or not.
  3. I am a senior squad leader at Elysium. If someone under my command disconnects during a firefight to save their sorry ass they will be banned immideately. The OP is making uncomfirmed claims against very senior members of the clan whilst revealing his own unbecoming conduct. Valaden (1) server hopped, (2) made erroneous claims against one of his victims (Todwarter never disconnected) and this leaves me questioning his judgement and the validity of his story all together. I mean, if the second person never went down (was killed), how on earth could You have tracked him down on a different server without knowing his name? And even if there were tags on the server, how in the flying fuck did you manage to find the correct server fast enough before the other guy bandaged himself and left the area for good? Im sorry, but this story is bullshit.
  4. Holly shit i just went through a couple pages of nothing but whining and complaining just to read what the actual dev team is saying. Have you all forgotten that this is an ALPHA version of a MODIFICATION developed by a small number of people? This isnt EA or DICE or whatever with their enormous offices and million-dollar budgets. They DO NOT have this type of manpower or resources to deal with all of your whiny wishes and do's and dont's. You are not entitled to anything at this point so please... please... give these guys a break. Go do something else as clearly this issue is being worked on, its summer time for fucks sake...
  5. Hello. I'll keep it simple: 1. Im tired of soloing this tough world. 2. I like teamwork, but lost faith in randoms. 3. Have good gear. Would very much like to join a serious group/clan to explore the amazing potential of this game while knowing someones got my back and i got their back. Love organized operations.
  6. Also, I dont have a problem with Xfire or what have you.
  7. I added MrZipe. My skype is "pickledtomato".
  8. Vlad_I

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey all. My name in the game is Vlad and guess what... thats my real name. Spend time on german, english, russian and (OMFG SOMETIMES EVEN) atlanta/chicago servers. Absolutely love this mod, hope it flourishes into something epic other than COD with zombies. If you want to team up or are looking for a serious dedicated member to join your squad, PM me :)
  9. Ohhhh... good old memories. Ill never forget the first time i got killed in DayZ by another player. There already werent any bandit skins and i surely didnt know about the heartbeat thing. I announce myself before coming into Elektro. Go into the school with a PM - there were three guys on the first floor. I looked at them as i entered from the right side entrance, all happy at the prospect of making some buddies, one of them looked at me, long enough to aim for a HS, and just pulled the trigger. All in all - 2 seconds of contemplating humanity and asking myself the eternal question: "Is he going to fire?". He sure did. Now, after having been shot many times, outright betrayed over a stupid common assault rifle, eaten a couple times by Zs... i have little faith left in humanity. Generally i will shoot on sight if i begin collecting rare loot, without announcing a single thing. Right now im in a ghillie suit with a silenced M4 and a G17 and you better believe it - at the slightest hint of being spotted i open fire. It would be pretty stupid of me to type in global/side chat "Hurr durr guys im coming into Stariy Sobor to loot some mil-tents, dont shoot". I will also most likely fire at people looting what i need. If i see a player and warn him over direct that i have him sighted so he better leave and he doesnt reply or begins sudden movements, i shoot. After i got shot in the back for an AK-74 Kobra... i seriously learned my lesson. But if im just running around with a PM and an Enfield near the beach i gladly announce myself when coming into town, offer help to other players, share supplies, cooperate etc.