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Posts posted by alanos

  1. I'll come get you.

    I would love for a FN FAL.

    I can pick you up in 8 hours *It is 3AM over here and I am on my laptop.*

    If you can wait out for moe it would make my day I need a FN FAL.

    skype: kerry.pushkarev or... pushkarev.kerry

    ps. you kill me' date=' and ill hunt you down for ever..

    pps. i have blood bags and steak. I'll trade FN FAL/w mags, for steak and transfuison.


    I'll be offline until tomorrow (aka 12-14 hours later). I'll add you on Skype so we can arrange a meeting if you still want to help me.

  2. I lost massive amounts of blood due to some *ehm* nice guy shooting me in the back. I managed to stop the bleeding and ran to the woods and I'm safe for now. Problem is I used up all my food and i can't see properly anymore due to the bloodloss. Scavenging or hunting in this state is practically impossible.

    I have some pretty good stuff to trade. I would even give up my beloved FN FAL with 3 mags for some food or a blood transfusion.

    Server doesn't matter, I can change to whereever you are.

    If someone wants to help me, please leave your Skype name or something compareable then I will tell you my location and we can meet up.

    Please help me, for my taste I got a bit too far to take the cowards way out now :D
