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Everything posted by BlaBlaSoldier

  1. BlaBlaSoldier

    New tents dont save their inventory

    Maybe there wasn't a server restart/disconnect when you put up them?
  2. BlaBlaSoldier

    need some halp quickly!

    I only know that mine 560ti is crashing becuase it has too low voltage on it. I have to change something on Bios but im too lazy.
  3. BlaBlaSoldier

    can you stash items?

    I really dont know
  4. BlaBlaSoldier

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket are you going to fix the tents in this patch?
  5. BlaBlaSoldier

    Where's the beef?

    Not working in the night btw. Zooming in make the Dots bigger.
  6. BlaBlaSoldier

    can you stash items?

    New tents are currently bugged :) Its gonna been fixed atm. If you have old tents laying around you can still use them without the fear to loose them.
  7. BlaBlaSoldier


    Welcome Soldier.
  8. BlaBlaSoldier

    Where's the beef?

    Zoom in with right click (you have to be in a wildlife zone without zombies or buildings) and then look for white dots left and right of your screen go into this direction where the white dots are.
  9. BlaBlaSoldier

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

  10. BlaBlaSoldier

    need some halp quickly!

    When you want to play BF3 DONT BUY THE 560ti . It has some serious problems with it.
  11. BlaBlaSoldier

    Anyone know how to get a tent working?

    New Tents are bugged Atm!!!!! Because of failing to save their Numbers in the Database the inventory cant be saved anymore. There will be a patch Rocket said. Old tents still work because they have the old ID.
  12. BlaBlaSoldier

    Bear Traps

    Anyone found a Bear Trap yet? :o
  13. BlaBlaSoldier

    Battleye Client Not Responding!

    Chill in the Lobby of the server and wait till your BE updates
  14. BlaBlaSoldier

    A week into DayZ

    I played a month and haven't found a sniper then suddenly i found a Heli crash with As-50 and DMR :D
  15. BlaBlaSoldier

    What do youy do if you see a player

    1. Arm the AS50 from the backpack. 2. Aim to the player. 3. Shoot them in the body. 4. Enjoy loot.
  16. BlaBlaSoldier

    Pending Update: Build

    He said tents are bugged because of database numbers or something and he is looking at it.
  17. BlaBlaSoldier

    Pending Update: Build

    In World of warcraft you cant logout when you are in Combat. Just add an Anti-logout at shock.
  18. BlaBlaSoldier

    What do you do when you got gear?

    Set up a tent and make it full of weapons untill someone loots it.
  19. BlaBlaSoldier

    Sick of Hackers

    Idk why Punkbuster should be bad. Im playing BF3 since the release and i saw around 2 hackers. And in Dayz i never saw a hacker.
  20. BlaBlaSoldier

    Camo Clothing Bug

    Camo and Ghillie is removed in Your failure when you still wear it
  21. BlaBlaSoldier


    You just have to be lucky
  22. BlaBlaSoldier


    Tents work fine for me about 5 days now :o Edit: Just the pitching is LOL
  23. BlaBlaSoldier


    There is about a 24% chance that one camping tent is in one supermarket :o
  24. BlaBlaSoldier


    The biggest chance have Supermarkets.
  25. BlaBlaSoldier

    Can't see my position on the map

    It depends on the server where you can see yourself on the map. Those servers where you can see yourself have WP: on i think. Most Regular / Recruit servers have WP: On