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Everything posted by BlaBlaSoldier

  1. *insulting player above me*
  2. BlaBlaSoldier

    DMR, or M24?

    I would say that the DMR is better because of the greater mags. IDK why but i like the m24 more.
  3. BlaBlaSoldier

    Bug with M107/As50

  4. BlaBlaSoldier

    Bug with M107/As50

  5. BlaBlaSoldier

    iteams saved or lost

    1. The server you are playing at needs about 1 min to save your inventory. When you disconnect everything will be lost what you have looted 1 min ago. 2. Use a compass, map, GPS and look for buldings to adjust your position. A spoilering loot map like DayzDB.com can help you. But care its totally spoilering.
  6. BlaBlaSoldier

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    You sir are a coward making photos of yourself in front of your bathroom mirror because no one wants to make photos from you. Now leave me alone. I already told that the first time i spawned in Wilderness a relog didnt fixed it. And yes it was in
  7. BlaBlaSoldier

    when comes

    Restart your game 1 or 2 times and the graphical glitches will be away in your position
  8. BlaBlaSoldier

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    And you blindly trust in Patch notes?! Its the second time i spawned in wilderness and at the first time I could not EASILY reset my character. Edit: Anyway close this topic. Problem fixed.
  9. BlaBlaSoldier

    Cars and tents disappeared from nowhere

    I have the same problem. So the Admin is able to reset it?
  10. BlaBlaSoldier

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    You got your gear back?
  11. BlaBlaSoldier

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    A zombie is about 400km away from me please dont talk that much when you dont know. I just got stuck in A debug world and lost my gear and bag.
  12. BlaBlaSoldier

    Problem with artifacts

    sometimes going exit the game will fix it
  13. BlaBlaSoldier

    5 min counciesness

    Im loosing everytime i login 5 min long mine couciuessness(sry if wrong written). How to fix this? this is getting on my nerves.
  14. BlaBlaSoldier

    5 min counciesness

    and now everytime i go afk i have this bug when i come back
  15. BlaBlaSoldier

    5 min counciesness

    I just joined a server this morning and it happened. Havent played Dayz 10 hours before.
  16. BlaBlaSoldier

    Six Launcher Bugged

    My Six Launcher is bugged it shows sometimes servers and then they disappear and dont appear anymore in the list.
  17. BlaBlaSoldier

    A simple question

    Dude no one will tell you how an Exploit works!?
  18. BlaBlaSoldier

    A simple question

    Yes it dissapear and your account gets deleted and 2 zombies are spawning in your toilet in Real life
  19. fr78 doesnt show up too
  20. BlaBlaSoldier

    Not Sure What Exactly is Happening Here...

    39 C OH NO GO MAKE A FIRE :o
  21. BlaBlaSoldier

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    Finding a Sniper is nearly Impossible. Only dupers have enough sniper rifles means that not everyone is a sniper.