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Everything posted by Tran

  1. Tran

    L85A2 AWS

    Wow, you have awesome gear. I just found a crashed heli a few minutes ago and found a FN Fal ANPV S4 or whatever.... Apparently it's considered "extremely rare" :DDDD
  2. Tran

    Just a friendly suggestion from a survivor.

    A nice ass survivor let me live today out of the kindness of his heart, I had absolutely nothing but a makarov, shot him in the head. Feels good. Kinda.
  3. So the weirdest thing happened this morning... I was playing on one of the US servers when all of a sudden the server decided to teleport all 50 players on the server to one location in the woods. Everyone in Chernarus spawned into one location, the words "Deathmatch" then appeared on the bottom of my screen. People screaming "What the hell is going on?!" as the biggest firefight in Day Z history broke out. Luckily I had nothing valuable, I quickly laid down as people around me were getting massacred. People with ghillie suits, sniper rifles, m4's and AK's. I tried looting some rare items and then disconnecting but I got shot in the face :(
  4. Tran

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    Pretend to be a civilian, walk in all nice and comfy then kill the guards. BOOM! Flaw... :)
  5. Tran

    Fps drop issue /Macbook Pro

    Got a Macbook Pro also bro, running Bootcamp.. my frame rate dropped dramatically the last time I played. I thought I could play with the choppiness but I ended up getting sniped :(