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Everything posted by dsand@hotmail.co.uk

  1. dsand@hotmail.co.uk

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

  2. dsand@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for Friendlys / Group (Hardcore only)

    I've added you too.
  3. dsand@hotmail.co.uk

    Zombies / The Threat.

    This is a slight ramble from me but it does lead to a valid point, so.. Seriously? What threat are zombies now? Over the last few updates I've seen their vision, and heading reduced and their line of sight altered. This game has become so easy now, the only threat to my life is bandits - and being a bandit myself, and always in a group means I'm reasonably safe. The leg damage zombies could do previously was nothing short of brilliant, it was the only thing to make up for their lack of sight and sound detection. It evened the odds for them a bit - and it made the zombies a real threat - which is what they should be, and most they most definitely aren't a threat now. In a world where theres nothing but zombies, you shouldn't be able to really head anything anywhere apart from the odd groans of zombies around. The fact I can shoot (even a pistol) - and 300-400m away my team mate will hear it, but 100-200 meters away, and further, no zombies will. If I shoot anything, it will echo for a few blocks, yet only the zombies 50m close to me will hear it. The sight I have less of an issue with, as maybe they should rely on sound more for detection (if you run or crouch run too close - and make too much noise. Basically what I'm trying to get accross is, zombies are meant to be the threat in this game, not PVPing (ironic coming from a bandit?). Players will start to team up if theres a constant threat against them. Bandits more often than not are north, however, the zombies are everywhere, and there either isn't enough of them, or they aren't doing enough. I would suggest that if a player is in elektro cherno or whatever city, and a player shoots a weapon, EVERY zombie within 300m should head it and start heading that way - whether they all run, or the zombies within 150m run and up to 300m start walking - I don't know. This is the discussion I'm trying to create. In my opinion, if you made zombies the real threat - players would just go about killing eachother in cities for a can of beans. If a player shoots they need to know they're attracting a whole horde by doing so - and really, a horde should be able to take down a player, yet 2+ should be able to deal with a horde. If this games made harder, not only will it be more exciting but will promote teamwork which i what I see alot of bitching about on the forums. I've been playing all night - and it was when I was playing I realised this. When there are zombies I just run, its so easy to get rid of them - and it shouldn't be if there so hard to attract in the first place - it eitehr has to be harder to lose them or easier to attract them - otherwise I can see people doing what I've done for the last few hours, running through towns dragging the zombies into the woods and leaving them there without firing a shot. Before this week, I never survivied more than 4~ days, and usually died because of zombies, or getting killed by a player, through giving myself away by alerting zombies. I'm on 7 days alive now. For the first time - and with the current state of the zombies its just too easy. When I die, it won't matter - I'm just going to run straight through whatever town I spawn near, get the essentials and head north - losing zombies along the way, not that I'll attract many. Its a shame. I love the concept of this game - but I used to be careful and fearful.. but whats the point when theres not much to be afraid of? PS. Apologises if I went on a bit and it may be a bit in and out but I'm knackered - I had to write it now so I wouldn't forget. I want a challange when I loot!
  4. dsand@hotmail.co.uk

    Zombies / The Threat.

    I have 17 muders and 3 bandit kills on my current character. I do not avoid combat, I personally relish it - its the only time I really shit bricks if I'm tracking someone who knows I'm after them and I lose them - for example. This was more to the point of - surely you should be more afraid of the zombies than other players? Or equally, at least. I also understand the game is in alpha and essentially "still being created" however, I mentioned the fact the recent updates have made the game easier in terms of zombies when infact it should be harder. I don't log out to avoid zombies or players (which is what I consider to be the most abused exploit of the game mechanics so far which I'm sure will be resolved in time). The fact you can crouch run through a city into any building? We need to be forced to go prone and ninja it, wouldn't that be the reality of this situation? I'm not perfect, maybe I'm looking at this situation from the wrong angle - but its the general idea of zombies being more of a threat to make people team up together a bit more (or at least when you first spawn) - like, instead of agreeing with people to help eachother out it would create this unwritten understanding of, if there are zombies coming at a building your in - you look accross the room to someone you've never seen before and you both instantly know your going to have to fight together to survive -and if one shoots the other he has to know hes going to get hunted by zombies, and probably die alone. Bit of a 'Lost' reference in there ;D