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Everything posted by darthmichael7

  1. Was this the red wall of death? Because that was fucking hilarious. And did the server get DDOS'd again? I haven't been able to connect for a day or two.
  2. darthmichael7

    Vodnik Demolition Help

    I play on a Taviana server (Taviana Titty Sprinkles to be exact) and lately there has been a problem with a group of people mass murdering new players with a vodnik with mounted guns. Me and a group of friends are trying to take down this enemy vodnik. The server only has standard DayZ explosives such as satchel charges and M136s. High caliber anti-material sniper rifles seem to have no effect. What would be the best approach? Also, the vodnik is extremely well hidden while they are offline.
  3. darthmichael7

    Differentiating Bullets & Magazines

    I entirely agree to the shotgun shells. Say for example, you could hold 16 shells per slot (after fixing the winchester shell so a separate catergory the 3 main SGs would all have a common factor of 16 or 8) then the gun just draws on that supply. almost like arows for the bow in minecraft does. this would be much more sensible than having serveral mags of shotgun shells partially used. If i have 2 sets of 2rdslugs that each have 1 bullet used, why do i have to load one, fire one, reload, and fire the second one? that makes no sense. Also, Reloading the magazines is a wonderful idea. However, i believe you should only be able to transfer bullets from one magazine to another. the magazine itself without the bullets wont just appear from mid air for you to put bullets into. This makes turning .44magnum rounds into .45 m1911 rounds even more rediculous. Not only does the caliber change, but you magically take the bullets off the speedloader for the revolver and materialize a magazine to place them in? That just seems absurd.
  4. darthmichael7

    DayZ Xmas Songs

    Haha bandits only kill me. Love the video though! :lol:
  5. darthmichael7

    How to loot Low value Military Houses?

    This helped me so much i found so much great gear up near the hangars at Balota (for a new death it wasnt bad) and was slowly starving. I managed to find one can of food that will keep me going for a quick run through cherno. Thanks!
  6. i have tried the invisible console and flushed the game, but they did not go away for me even temporarily... I am trying to completely close and restart dayz...
  7. For me and my friend updating the games via steam fixed the problem... but who knows...
  8. me and my friend have been *trying* to raid the Stary Sobor Mil. tents for a while, but these glitches are a royal pain. We have been server hopping and changing our settings, but every time we have LOOKED near the place it glitches up and lags my friend. I am running a toshiba satellite with an i7 second gen, 8 gig ddr3, and windows 7 64 bit. He is running some shitty AMD core with a crappy ram. (thats why he lags near these glitches) We have been server hopping to try and find a server where this didnt happen to either of us, but it seems we will have to wait for the update. We both have and the beta patch 95417.
  9. darthmichael7


    An interesting stratedgy. I cannot say that running into cities as abeginner is a good idea. I have spawned next to both Cherno and Elekrto multiple times and have scoured almost the whole city. i found one gun once and was instantly sniped upon taking it. Also, you seem to rely on matches a whole lot but i have yet to find a book of matches. Yes, i have only been playing this for a few days, but your beginners guide seems to rely on a lot of luck in finding rare items... I would actually go and try to find matches but the servers are STILL down and that is starting to get on my nerves.
  10. darthmichael7

    Noob trying to find guns

    I can never find any guns. Ever. I have now invested a good 10+ hours of playtime into the game and have only found one gun, an Enfield in Cherno, where i was instantly sniped. I have checked military buildings, many buildings that are supposed to stock handguns, even spent several hours each in elektro and cherno. I am always up to ears in mags for various guns because i never know which ones i am going to find(none). So i wander around keeping atleast one type of each mag with me if i can and praying that i find a better weapon than my fireman's axe... :(