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About bertbargo

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    I'm a drinker and a team player. Let's raid the countryside!
  1. bertbargo

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    Apartments are a good place to look first but I find deerstands are always empty. I personally have only had minor, minor luck in barns. Ive been to more than 2 dozen barns and Ive only ever found like 3 weapons. I'd rather stick to apartments because you find food, meds and some nice basic weapons like pistols etc
  2. bertbargo

    my first... 20 minutes?

    You might be shocked with how much you can get away with when it comes to zombies. Doubletapping shift toggles runwalk and slowly crawling or crouch-walking is *extremely* stealthy. Plus, for anything at 2 detection bars or below, you have to be litterally RIGHT NEXT to a zombie for them to aggress you. Dont stand and run full bore: crouch by pressing X first. That reduces your noise by a lot. This is crucial when youre in a town or when you see zombies near you. Try to stay off pavement: it's 0 visibility and noisy. The numpad 7 4 1 9 6 3 are each different directions you can look in. Holding left alt is freelook. USE THIS FREQUENTLY. If you can see buildings, there will be zombies near. Otherwise (typically in the woods), do whatever you want to make noise cuz there wont be zombies around. Don't be scared. USE THIS http://dayzdb.com/map Towns will have signs on the paved roads leading to them. Also, when you log in, youll see three lines of text in the lower right corner: pay CLOSE attention to the second line. That is the city you're nearest to. Look for landmarks and do your best to follow roads from place to place. You will get lost without a compass. For starting equipment: GO HERE. http://dayzdb.com/map#5.063.125 The Cherno apartments will yield TONS of things: pistols, foods, drinks, knives, matches, meds, you name it. Scout places out first by holding right-click on the mouse: I call it squint mode. See if you canspot zombies or players moving around before you move in. Otherwise, Charles Darwin is going to want to have a word with you whe nyou reach the pearly gates.. I was much like you when I started playing but after I successfully went to those apartments for the first time, it was a game changer. btw... how to use the flashlight? do i need anything like batteries? i just started with flashlight but dont know how to use. :7 I think it is the "F" key. First off it must be night time to use the flashlight. Coding-wise, the flashlight is a light-pistol. In your inventory, rightclick on the flashlight in your inv and select "remove from belt" or whatever. This will put it in your hand but it wont work if you have a pistol equipped or not enough inv space to unequip said pistol. From then on, you can just press L or H and on it goes. Whatever the key for headlights is. The lit area is very very limited small, borderline useless. Not many people want to play on pitch black servers, especially since flashlights show bandits in town exactly where you are.
  3. bertbargo

    Electricity good or bad?

    If there is gonna be electricity at some point, and even if there isnt, I'd rather occupied buildings having huge floodlights outside of the buildings than have the insides be lit up. Yeah, there should be only a little (if any) indoor lighting but I think it'd be much more exciting that way. It needs to be harder to see people garrisoning inside a house so that they can defend it... I don't think people should be punished for trying to protect their property by having themselves lit up like sitting ducks.
  4. bertbargo

    DayZ Stories

    I have a story on near-instant karma. One afternoon my pal Omni, equipped with his fancy CZ550, and I were out in the hills behind the Powerplant (henceforth known as the PP), planning to make a raid on the place. However, Omni suddenly said "Oh boy, we got a runner." I could barely believe my ears: it was that 'oh here we go' feeling you get as you climb up the first drop on a rollercoaster. Since I just had my beloved .45 and a simple doublebarreled, I hit the deck and started spotting. "Yeah we got a runner- right into the PP barn doors. Oh look out he's on the bottom floor of the tower!" I says. "Ah, he's on the roof- see him?" "Wait, wait, wait... hoooold it..." BAAANGGG "Got him! Hes down! Hes bleeding!" His two friends came and tried to find us by chilling in that tower in that building right by the PP, but they just sat right in front of the windows and Omni popped em one by one. Horribly sloppy defense work. The next 20 minutes was one of the most intense snipewars I've ever been a part of. I'd move, spot, and omni would finish them. These guys kept coming back over and over- I dunno how they spawned so close by. I think Omni got 4-6 murders. We learned more than one important lesson that day though. Omni provided coverage for me and so I bravely went to the roof to collect the bodies. After I cleaned up, I realized I couldnt get down because of buggy assed ladders. That's when I started to hear the gunshots. I was dead in two seconds. The bodies had incredible loot though- alice pack, blood packs, an AK, 3 canteens... Meh. It was blood money. I shouldnt have gone. Omni was a noob and never left his spot on the hill throughout the entire exchange so some vengeful maniac somehow ran up the hill and flanked him, spraying him down in a hail of lead. We lost absolutely everything of course but hey we learned several important lessons: first, don't bother running for bodies trapped on roofs and second, SHOOT AND SCOOT. FFS.
  5. bertbargo

    looking for group with ambition

    I'm dtf. Check my sig.
  6. bertbargo

    What's your personal alignment?

    Heh seems like the majority of people are neutral..
  7. bertbargo

    Why did you shoot me.

    I guess "adapt or QQ" is the only advice here.. I'd do quick raids into the cities for goods and then bug out asap. See if you cant make some friends on the forums or someplace and meetup. If youre an unarmed freshly spawned noob, just state where youre going and see if anyone friendly joins you. I made two new pals yesterday by saying 'Yeah Im heading to Cherno. Ill see you there'
  8. I think the current setup works fine. Get off the coast and stick to the treelines.
  9. bertbargo

    What's your personal alignment?

    Heh Im glad people are chiming in! DnD usually has a real stigma attached to it. I think the alignment chart is exceptionally relevant to this game.. I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but dont go waving guns around me. I get jumpy..
  10. According to Dungeons and Dragons, each player has an alignment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons) What's yours? I consider myself Lawful Neutral: "Lawful Neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A Lawful Neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. A Lawful Neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of Lawful Neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, and a disciplined monk."
  11. bertbargo

    DayZ is a Pretty Cool Guy

    I smell trolls trolling trolls..
  12. bertbargo


    "... Hullo?" "OH MY GODDD! DELETE THIS." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkfBR6OhPr8
  13. bertbargo

    Looking for group

    I'm new too and I'm all about vehicles/creating mobile fortresses. I'm all about making trustworthy Steam pals to go troop around with. I have a basic grasp on tactics and game mechanics so I'm far from being a liability. Let's repair some crap 8)