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About jaredddbrown@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Zombie killin' business

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  • Bio
    Sometimes I don't like to kill zombies. At times like those, I like to hunker down in the middle of the woods, cover myself in blankets, and dream of the good ol' days before zombie killin' got so fun.
  1. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Hacker now sell's lemonade

    No, it's funny because it takes the same amount of slots as any primary weapon. So you could actually store 2 launchers in a Coyote backpack if you wanted to, despite the fact that they are apparently so bulky they completely replace your backpack. I actually found one in a firehouse awhile back and was carrying it around in my Alice Pack. Eventually got rid of it since I had no ammo and needed to pack more medical and food supplies.
  2. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Hacker now sell's lemonade

    You need to do your research before accusing someone of hacking. It replaces the backpack slot only.
  3. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    DMR effective range?

    This is just from my personal opinion, but it seems like the damage does drop off past X meters. I was in the woods when I spotted 2 people in the clearing. Me, being an asshole and wanting to test my new DMR, took a shot at one of them, after just learning how to use the mildots. (700m) Dude didn't even fall over. I fired 3 more shots, only one of which hit him again, and he was still up and running.
  4. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Vehicle respawn during server restart?

    Why the fuck did you bump a 1 month+ old thread
  5. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    DayZ players should have the courtesy to play Arma2 at least once or twice.

    Any new players to DayZ should be required to play the Arma 2 tutorial at the very least. The tutorial teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know for DayZ and more.
  6. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Anyone high literally every time you playDayZ?

    GTFO stoner
  7. Remington 870 or Winchester if you're on low population servers and don't have to worry about players as much. Ammo for both is plentiful and both kill zombies in one hit. Remington and M1014 both have the ability to also use pellets, which can kill multiple zombies at once if you aim correctly. Pellets can be found fucking everywhere, and you can combine those 2 round shells you always find into 8 round shots for the shotgun. You don't have to use military weapons to be able to survive. Couple that shotgun with a G17 or even a Revolver, and you'll be fine.
  8. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Rare guns, and tools for trade, looking for m24

    Oh... I had an M24 with 6 mags yesterday, before I killed myself for getting too bored with my character. And with any trade you make, don't include M24 ammo in the value of an M24 set. 1 DMR ammo can be converted into 4 M24 ammo, and DMR ammo is pretty damn common.
  9. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Swapped my Winchester for an M1014...

    M1014 or Remington loaded with Pellets makes them the best anti-zombie weapon. Just for the simple fact that you can kill multiple zombies with one shot and you don't even have to aim to really hit a zombie. Pellets will always kill a zombie in one hit.
  10. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    What is your FPS?

    60 everywhere but Cherno/Elektro Running on a Phenom II X4-955, Radeon 7870 and 8GB of RAM. Resolution and 3D are both set to 1920x1200, and I have most settings on high except for shadows. Shadows always eat up a shit load of processing power.
  11. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    What Is you'r View on the crossbow?

    Here's my suggestion First and foremost, add a quiver. Something that you can attach to yourself and be able to hold 10-15 arrows. Perhaps simply make it like a regular magazine that comes with 15 bolts. You can pick these bolts back up and it will add to the ammo magazine. Second, add different ammo types. Add a barbed variant that does loadsa damage And then, my personal suggestion, add a blunt arrow that will knock a player unconscious instead of killing him This would encourage non-lethal banditry, as well as being able to defend yourself and not have your humanity take a nose dive. The crossbow should come with a scope. Something similar to the scope on the crossbow in Killing Floor. Doesn't need to be powerful, but just enough so that it makes aiming much easier. Currently, the aiming is incredibly hard to get right.
  12. Sniping into a city far away and popping noob players is not banditry. It's camping and faggotry. Banditry is taking supplies from others instead of obtaining the items yourself. Banditry is killing someone or holding them up for their beans/ammo/weapons/w.e. What you're doing isn't even that dangerous. I don't know anyone who actually stays still while running through Cherno. I duck through each building, grab what I need and bug out.
  13. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Just killed a guy that had a pdw sd

    Some dude hacked it in. Not hard to figure out. The gentlemens way would be to dump it You COULD keep it and kill people with it, but you risk being banned from the server you're playing on.
  14. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    Stalking two people with only a pistol!

    Standing up doesn't effect your crosshairs that much, at least at close range. Crouching messes it up quite a bit. You have to aim MUCH higher than where you actually want to hit Prone... same as above, but almost impossible to hit someone who's within ~10M unless you have your crosshairs WAY up to the top right.
  15. jaredddbrown@gmail.com

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Y'know, I love how I can find some of the rarest items in the game. But I can never find NVG's, L85's, or GPS's. But, I find THIS tonight (and stuck it in my backpack):