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About Grim_2o0o

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Grim_2o0o

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I dunno if it has already been mentioned, but you can create fires by only using matches still. You can use the scroll wheel and scroll beneath the actual options, so that none are selected, and if you press your mouse button, you start creating a fireplace.
  2. Grim_2o0o

    Examine Dead Bodies

    I suggested this in-game before to have some kind of examining feature to determine the time of death, not to pin-point precision, but a rough estimate. Such as, "The corpse is still warm, this person died less than a minute ago!", "The corpse has maggots and looks rotten, this person died more than one day ago." It would really make me feel safer knowing that the body I just looked at wasn't killed exactly then, so I can safely stroll past it without having to keep my eyes peeled every second looking for a potential gunman.
  3. Grim_2o0o

    DayZ VidZ

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm_Pgf-1IEc Us [ZomSu] folk playing, sadly most of us have stopped playing DayZ, only me and Zozamex frequent it still.
  4. Grim_2o0o

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello people of the zombie apocalypse! Name's Greem in-game, Grim_2o0o pretty much elsewhere. I'm your local nice guy.