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About blarg

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. blarg

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting]

    First name: Grog Age: 28 TimeZone: EST Why you want to join: I've been playing alone and I would like to try it with a group. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 10 Do you have Teamspeak: Yes Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Yes How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): About 2 weeks now
  2. That would just be silly. So I do all of this, spent that much time and materials, just to have my leg be still broken? There is real, and then there is a game that is NO fun because it is so real. BUT, its not 'realistic' that morphine heals your leg anyways so it's already not real! It's also not real that zombies glitch through doors and walls...and that they are so coordinated to climb not only stairs but ladders too... All of that I can accept, but breaking my leg due to melee fights with zombies, and there is a GOOD chance of it, that's just not fun. Breaking my leg because I fall off of 2' steps...sure, I can deal with that too.
  3. Wow, I played twice today, did great both times and had the most gear I've ever had. Got into a fight with a zombie crouched, he broke my leg...done. Started again, had gear again (and when I say I did well, I had like a canteen and some food, maybe an axe, thats my "did well")...got into another fight with a zombie, he broke my leg standing. Are you kidding me? And the only way I can 'heal' my leg is through morphine?? So either I am searching for food and water, which is hard enough, but I also have to go in and find "magical" morphine to heal my bones? Is that realistic? I would rather splint my leg like suggested and literally wait 6hrs+ for it to heal/ with penalties to speed for a while!! Please fix this or make it so you don't break your leg from 1) falling off 2 steps 2' up. 2) a zombie that is SO strong his claw paws do enough damage to break my leg. Me and a buddy literally had to start and restart about 4 times the other day because in the course of meeting up, we broke our incredibly weak legs...we both just gave up. I realize this is just an alpha...but give me a break. We aren't all L33t with out m4's and huge backpacks rolling into town with a group of 5 to get morphine.
  4. Omfg, please make this happen
  5. I am good for any group, especially on an EST server. Add me, steam: grogbro
  6. blarg

    In Need of Companions

    I would like to group with you guys if you got together. grogbro is my steam name, or grogbro@yahoo.com I am east coast, US, but I will play anywhere.
  7. blarg

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    DayZ inspired sketch and zbrush sculpt. Next is an actual sculpt! ;) Love the game!