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About Merciless

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Merciless

    Looking for a challenge

    I want your dick. Shut your whore mouth when men are talking.
  2. Merciless

    Bring back our clothing!

    And now everyone just shoots on sight. You're in the wrong forum.
  3. Merciless

    PvP tips we all should know.

    I didn't know army snipers loot dead bodies for supplies and equipment.
  4. Merciless

    Any greek bandits out there?

    Both nationalism and ressentiments are strong in this thread. You're all retarded.
  5. Merciless

    Graphical Glitches FTW!

    I feel your life lacks purpose if you feel the need to comment stuff like that.
  6. Merciless

    Only one weapon for you!

    Oh boy am I glad nobody cares if you use a weapon the way it is intended or not. How is my point hard to get? Why is your reaction a completely invalid reply?
  7. Merciless

    Only one weapon for you!

    Yeah, no. Same thing applies to every weapon and distance. OH SHIT I MIGHT MISS I'D BETTER SHOOT AT THE TORSO works for 20 meters like it does for 1 klick. My point was that assault rifles are usually less accurate and they're often fired in bursts or fully automatic in close quarters. Using an actual sniper rifle I'd have a better ratio than with an assault rifle. And with an assault rifle I'd have a better ratio than you. Easily. Get it?
  8. Merciless

    Only one weapon for you!

    You've got a horrible headshot ratio. I'd have a better one using an assault rifle.
  9. Merciless

    Looking for a challenge

    Are you trying to compensate for your virginity? Try harder. Your virginity is enormous.
  10. Merciless

    Looking for a challenge

    It's the other way around.
  11. Merciless

    Looking for a challenge

    Hahahahahaha, virgin.
  12. Merciless

    To far

    Shit just got real.
  13. Merciless

    Where do you draw the line?

    Was my post aimed at someone with an unhealthy obsession for cod? Yes. Did you talk about cod? No.
  14. Merciless

    Where do you draw the line?

    You people got an unhealthy obsession with cod. Hardly anyone comes to this game the way you picture it. It just fits into the projection you have of the world - you're on top of it and everyone else is retarded. It's pretty entertaining when you watch people like that rant about stuff, actually. And yes, you are obviously butthurt with your completely unrelated post.