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    On the Coast

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name:Rofl Player ID (Not SteamID):76561198000525415 Why do you wish to join the Militia:Fight back! clear towns and make them safe for survivors! What can you offer the Militia: Good shot! My alice pack is always open to help out. Love to cook around the campfire if I have hatchet,matches and knife Are you a team player: Yep, team play is a blast with DayZ Are you willing to lose your gear if required:Yep, death is a big part or DayZ Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Yep, Group of 4 or 5 friends. They might join us also. Extra Information: Looking to play with a big survivor group and have fun! Hopefully see you guys soon! Take care. :)
  2. We held a VIP event last week and it was a blast! This week we want to open it up to everybody. Basic info below.. Additional info at http://roflcoptorgaming.blogspot.com/2012/07/events.html Event V.I.P. Date:Saturday 7/7/2012 Time: 10am EST Dayz Server will be released on mumble at 10am by Owner/Mods and it is first come first serve for participation. 60 Slot Mumble. Please make sure you have a working mic or you may be asked to leave to make room for someone who does. Your mission At 10:15am the V.I.P. will be in Cherno intel on the V.I.P.'s location will be located at http://www.twitch.tv/roflcoptorgaming the event starts when the stream is up. Gear up prior. Escort the V.I.P. to your goal building safely to score. First team to 3 points wins. Event info,mumble info,scoring buildings: http://roflcoptorgaming.blogspot.com/2012/07/events.html