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About Reevesie11

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Reevesie11

    starting with a weapon

    Ok i know that in the new patch they took out starting with a gun. I know there trying to make it realistic. But is it only me or if there was a zombie apocalypse i would be carrying some sort of weapon like a bat or something. I know that i would be carrying nothing. So does anyone else think they should at least let u start with a melee weapon of some sort. Please leave how you feel about this...THANKS :D
  2. Reevesie11

    Looking for group

    Still looking for more people to start a group with. If interested the Skype and steam are still above... If you see me online i will most likely play. P.S. I don't have the one on steam i am using six launcher.
  3. Reevesie11

    Looking for new players

    hey add me on Skype i have a mic and i just started this today i would like to get in a group. Skype name-Reevesie11
  4. Reevesie11

    Looking for group

    Hello im new to Dayz just got i yesterday. And im still trying to learn how to play it. And im looking for a group that will help me learn and have fun together. I would prefer people on the East coast, I live in NJ. I have steam and Skype. Steam- Bastardchild Skype- Reevesie11 Please if you would like to start and group or allow me to join a group let me know either through steam or Skype thanks.