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About halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

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    On the Coast
  1. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    Ghillie suit disappeared

    Date/Time: 25th July 2012 @00:31 GMT What happened: Sat in bushes not moving, all my weapons, ammo and ghillie suit disappear. Where you were: NW Airfield on server Dallas 687. What you were doing: Staring through my scope at two buses parked in one of the hangars that someone was blowing up with grenades or something. After logging back onto a different server, my items have returned, all bar the ghillie suit. I am at a loss as to what to do as the suit is something I have treasured for a couple of patches. I am on Day 14, I carried the ghillie from the patch *before* the one where you would lose all your items if you equipped it to now. Bit miffed. (proof of day14)
  2. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    Ghillie suit still bugged?

    I dont think they spawn as loot, but if you have one in your inventory or something, you can equip it without fear of losing all your items. Source: I have one
  3. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    Anyone seen a Ghillie Suit spawn?

    lol im wearing a ghillie lol im invisible 50cal
  4. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    EU1 airfield FLATTNED BY TANK

    Go check it out. Bullshit. Retard hacker spawned a tank and wreaked havoc.
  5. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    DayZ : Forsaken (Chapter One)

    Im eager to read your chapter, but the site requires a sign-up to access. Im not that eager. Scribd please.
  6. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    Invisible Shock Status

    Date/Time: 23:25GMT 01/07/2012 What happened: Been shocked and waited it out. Status ailment disappears. Log out, log in, and incapacitated for 5min. Happens EVERY time i log out/in. Unplayable. Where you were: Cherno nr the train tracks running through the centre of the town What you were doing: fighting a zombie Timeline of events before/after error: Got shocked by a zombie horde earlier. waited shock out. met up with friends at the fire station. Logged out to eat food (no shock icon), logged in and was down for 5min. Ventured out of the fire station to loot a player we shot. Zombie attacks and im bleeding with broken leg. NO SHOCK. Log back in when my friends are near so they can heal/morphine me. KNOCKED OUT AGAIN. Entire timeline is around 25min of play.
  7. halo.2@hotmail.co.uk

    Devastating Hack

    I was playing on a server [NY68 I think] with my friends DarkFocus and thebushewok camping on top of the NW airfield fire station roof Suddenly, the ground goes black and our characters begin to fall for a moment. I see the chat log FILL UP with player deaths. I disconnected before i hit the floor. Due to the nature of the hack i did not have time to screenshot it, all i can do is give you the server name -tbw