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Posts posted by Sula

  1. My pc has been fixed a few weeks now and I'm back playing. There are a few severs still running. But I'm mainly playing on overwatch servers, which are like vanilla but have food, weapons and vehicles. Personally, I love it and am playing up to 6 six hours a day/night. Some are crowded pvp servers, others are quieter hunting/survival servers. I play both. I recommend you give them a go.  :thumbsup:  

  2. Locked until investigated.


    OK I've investigated and it looks like some idiot's used the n word.  If you are not black you don't get to use the n word.


    And no one should use it in public because it is deeply offensive to most people no matter their colour.  Claiming something isn't meant "in a racist way means it isn't racism" is crap.

    • Like 6

  3. I got a blank server list today. Not a single server showing up. So I guess there might have been some sort of update today?  I thought this would be the place to find out. Right, I think I better start searching the rest of the forums to find out what's happening. :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

  4. You're right, HW, it's heart breaking but it's also part of the game.  We've all told similar tales.  I survived for 181 days and got shot in the back by a kid I was trying to help.  <_<


    Don't give up.  Grit your teeth and start again. I'm in the UK and have just started playing again, now my pc is working after nearly a year of not being able to play. Feel free to join me if you see me on the servers.  I never kill players and am happy to help out if you see me around.  :thumbsup:

    • Like 3

  5. My pc was broken for just under a year but finally, thanks to the kindness of a thoughtful and generous friend (deadactionman) my pc is working and I am back on dayz mod.


    It's still just as great as it ever was.  Running up the beach like it was my first ever game, trying to find an axe and a can or two of food and drink. What a great game.  I can't believe it's still as addictive as it ever was.


    If you join a server and see me there, do say hi. I'm friendly and have never killed anyone. If you need help, you only have to ask!  My role is to welcome and help everyone, especially noobs, so feel free to join me or ask for help/tips/advice when you see me on a sever. I'm moving around, taking a look at what's available so you might see me on your regular ones.   :thumbsup:

    • Like 11

  6. Hi Purg, I'll have a look and let you know if I hear of anything. If I can help someone avoid the hassle I went through when I started playing then I'm happy to help. I would hate to be one of those types who think they hard a hard time so everyone has to.  :thumbsup:

  7. It's interesting how much of an impact DayZ can have on you. I still remember the first time I was killed, some years back.  I felt genuinely sick with shock that someone would kill me when I was unarmed and harmless. They just shot me in the back and ran by. It changed the way I played the game, had a big emotional effect on how I felt about other players, and made me play a much more solo game  But I loved the challenge of changing the way I survive.  Once the game gets into your bones, it's there for good.  :thumbsup:


    Also, when I started to play this game most people didn't have mics.  It was all typed.  It was a different challenge.  Now people are much quicker to shoot if they can't hear an immediate vocal response.  

  8. On the contrary, Crowbar.  I have no problem with the question.   :thumbsup:


    Hi Tinkula, it's frustrating, I know, and to be honest, I'm no expert on the latest changes to the game.  I think Gunrunner gives some interesting and helpful insights.  :thumbsup:


    If I learn more I'll let you know about it here.

    • Like 1

  9. Posts removed if a member continues to be a smart arse arguing point as there is no room for that here. Stay on topic and stop insulting other players.


    If you want to continue arguing your point feel free to carry on and I will issue a ban.

    • Like 1

  10. I've not played since my pc broke but what I used to do is this: Say I spawned far down the coast in the south east, I'd head up the coast, avoiding kamenka, going straight to komorovo, where'd I go into the big industrial building and the attached barn, on the coast.  I'd pick up any tins of food and drink, and check all floors for an axe.  I'd then go on to balota and do the same.  I'd not bother with the air field as I don't worry about guns in the early stages of a game.  If I have an axe I can usually survive, as it's my weapon of choice.  All the way, I run when there are no zombies and I creep when there are.  


    My first priority is always food, drink and axe, then bandages and a backpack. Then I can hit cherno and find the rest pretty easily as long as I don't run. :thumbsup:  
