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Posts posted by Sula

  1. Great to see people getting together to play DayZ.  Good luck, Ari but finding one player might not give you a friendship that will last a life time of DayZ gaming. You might want to think about finding a few more.  :thumbsup:


    I tend to play lone wolf because that way, if I die, it's my fault and not someone else's. Today I've been flying a chinook in one of the mod's mods, all over chernarus, and I survived!

  2. Do not use DayZCommander, it is no longer supported, it doesn't work and it will give you problems. It will make you pull your hair out even more, then it will make you come back here and make a topic to ask why DayZCommander doesn't work.


    This is how to play the mod:

    1. Install A2, launch it and quit

    2. Install OA, launch it and quit

    3. Install DayZMod, launch it and play

    4. That's it


    Thanks, Max.  My problem is it doesn't work for me. I try to access the servers and nothing happens, I can't get in. Any idea why? That's a dumb question, sorry but I'm at a loss as I've done exactly what you and others say.  :thumbsup:

  3. I think Steak's right, if you can use the in game server control thingy (<--- official, technical name) do as it's safe and up to date but sadly I just cannot get it to work for me. Interested to hear of DayZ Launcher.  Not sure what that is, as I had a year where I couldn't play due to borked pc. Will have to do a search for more info. 

  4. You could do a simple search of these forums and find your questions have been answered many hundreds of times.  :thumbsup:  Good luck and welcome to the mod.


    Vanilla's ok but there's not much to do as there's so little to collect. I'd recommend giving it a go if you're one of those who plays in groups and likes a busy server. But if you play lone wolf it can get dull from my personal experience. I'd suggest trying a variety. The only way I can find overwatch servers is via dayzcommander. Some of the ones I've played on lately were NPG, The Hospital #1 and The Hospital #2, Dreist, PVP Walkers and VOLTs. Just do a search for any of them. The only vanilla I can get on are Musty's EU servers but they tend to be empty and as I said, there's nothing much to do except starve or die of thirst. Pity as they were a lot of fun when loads of people were playing on them.  :thumbsup:

    • Like 1

  5. The guy's expressing his frustration but he's doing it in a reasoned way.  He hasn't ranted, sworn and gone nuts.  And most but the last reply seemed equally reasonable too.  


    As long as you're not killing each other in real life, or provoking a war on the forums, it all seems reasonable enough to me, though other mods might disagree, so I suggest we keep it calm and reasoned so the thread stays open.  :thumbsup:

    • Like 1

  6. Scratch the "I'm friend and have never killed anyone" bit. I kept warning this guy to stay away but he kept coming forward.  I had warned him again and again but I think he wasn't listening. I had to shoot him. Seriously, I lost sleep over that incident. I'm such a goody goody.  :facepalm:

    • Like 2

  7. Hi Sweat, welcome to the forums.  In my experience there's little point posting your skype details, all that happens is people ignore it and reply telling you how you can contact them.  And around and around everyone goes, hoping someone else will do the work. 


    Better just take things into your own hands and reply to the lot of them, and see how it goes for you. :thumbsup:

  8. Yes, I would recommend dayzDB too.  Google it.


    To be honest, you're better off finding an empty server and playing on it until you are familiar with the map. It's all part of life's rich tapestry.  Plus it will help you to accept repeated death and loss of your gear.  :thumbsup:

  9. Hi, Rudmed, welcome to the forums.


    OK, first I'd say, no "the mod" doesn't have more of anything.  There's no building or crafting, no trading in the mod.  However, there are a number of different mods, some of which do have these things.


    The regular or "vanilla" mod is very difficult because there's hardly any food or drink, you will probably end up dead from that or zombie scratches.  But there are other versions of the mod.  There's Overwatch, which has more food and weapons, there's Epoch which has building and trading/crafting etc. I can't recall any of the others except overpoch which I think is a mixture of both two I already mentioned. I haven't played it, so don't know what it's like.


    The future is the standalone. It's being developed by devs who are paid to do that.  


    However, the mod is run and developed by a volunteer developers in the community, like Kichi and Razor.  To be frank, it's my favourite. I find that there are a mix of servers, some very quiet and others very heavy duty intense pvp servers.  Last night I saw a few that were full 50/50 servers but others were 20, 15 players and others with a couple of players on them.  


    I think it's the vanilla we provide a forum on, not sure of the others, I'll check. My advice would be just try all of them. Find out which ones you can access and which ones you like the feel of. 


    I wouldn't worry about those who are already kitted out. They're probably be dead in a few minutes so it doesn't really matter.


    I suggest a quiet server at first.  Get yourself an axe from a barn or construction site, grab a knife, some matches, a compass and/map then look for weapons.  You'll probably die a thousands times before you achieve that but that's what it's all about.  :thumbsup:  :beans:

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  10. I must say, I use dayz commander and it works well for me on Overwatch servers, though I can't see any vanilla servers anymore.  On overwatch we had a 50/50 full server last night, and there are quite a few with 15+ players a lot of the time too.


    It's a pity because the ingame server list is a mess for me.  I haven't found a single server I can access on that list of many, many hundreds. It's disorganised chaos.  Such a shame as I love the mod so much.  I am only happy when I get to run up a beach with my axe, and search for a can of pepsi and some beans!


    I play for a few hours most days.  The NPG server's a popular one, also The Hospital #2, and I think there's one I've played on called VOLTS, also popular.  But as I say those are Overwatch servers. For a vanilla server, the only one I can get into is Musty's EU1 and EU2 but to be honest there's not much to do there, no vehicles or much in the way of food/drink etc anymore.  Shame as it was a fantastic server.  Our heli disappeared a couple of weeks ago but not been able to find anything since.

  11. I have absolutely no idea what it is you're looking for, so I can't help you, sorry.


    PS I see the sa at the end of whatever it is you refer to.  If that stands for standalone then you are in the wrong forum!
