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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    11 lessons for Bambie

    Very nice thread, Rosebud, most helpful. And welcome to the forums. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Someone explain zeroing to me!

    So as you can see, zeroing is a very easy to understand thing, as shown in the myriad of replies here. To summarise let x be y and where a = 9 and b = f the answer is always "Tuesday". :thumbsup:
  3. Sula

    How to: Land punches in 3PP

    Well done on spotting such a sneaking move, Publik! :thumbsup: :beans:
  4. Sula

    What im i doing wrong ?

    Hi Golthrim, welcome to the forums. I had to stop clicking "like" on all the feedback and advice. You only get a limited amount to use on the forums each day but all the advice on this thread is excellent. Good luck with find the essentials. :thumbsup:
  5. Folks don't take too good to generous strangers in these parts, friend. :huh:
  6. Sula

    The instant supplies crate

    Murderers! *faints*
  7. Sula

    Dedicated video RAM

    Hi Pazzmon, welcome to the forums. Mess around with your settings. I found that I could still play pretty well with low settings, as you say. Sometimes the slightest change in one or another area can improve the gameplay. I find I can run quickly now whereas at first it was like running through jelly. :thumbsup:
  8. H1C3, welcome to the forums. Sounds like a possible urine infection to me. Of course, I'm not a doctor, just a mod, so I can't say for sure. :thumbsup:
  9. Welcome to the forums, Poultround. I'm still in my underwear with no weapons or food. So you're doing better than me! It is a little challenging to say the least, and it does sound like you've been unlucky. I hope your luck improves soon. :thumbsup:
  10. Hi P4triot, welcome to the forums. The guys are great here. I'm sure they'll be happy to answer any further questions and help where they can. :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I'm not reading any of the above. What I will say is many games over the last 30 years have used 3rd as well as first. Some of you get all angry and annoyed that you can't force other players to play the way you like. Fair enough but that doesn't make you right, just angry. My advice is keep your ranting civil please, as I don't want to deal with reports from people who think every little comment should be reported. Of course, if anyone does go to far, I will personally hack off your fingers with my teeth! Rrrraar!
  12. Sula

    fix it.....

    Closing this pointless, silly thread. K64 you have 2 posts and you're already posting inappropriately angry rants. Another one will get you in trouble. If you're frustrated waited until you're calmer before posting. Thread closed.
  13. Sula

    Keeping it dapper in the countryside

    Please post Gear in the "Post Your Gear So Far" thread in the Gallery forum, as I'm getting reports about stuff being in the wrong place and I don't like having to move threads. Thread closed.
  14. Sula

    Zombies and bleeding 24/03/2014

    I agree with Kichi on this one. Please make sure you all put your zombie feedback in the link he has provided to the Zombie Feedback sticky thread in General Discussion Forum. I don't want to keep getting reports from users about stuff being in the wrong forums. Life is too short. :huh: :thumbsup:
  15. Sula


    Hi, welcome to Dayz forums, Tbear. Generally, we try to be a little more specific about subjects when we post threads. However, this IS New Player Discussion, so don't worry too much. :thumbsup: And the rest of you don't reply to new players if it's just to be insulting. I'm happy to issue warning points if any of you feel the urge!
  16. I see this more as general venting of frustration rather than just "zombie feedback". Nothing too wrong about expressing feelings for the purposes of encouraging discussion and ideas. I'll leave the thread here as long as it remains on topic and civilised.
  17. It's not really feedback, more just someone venting their frustration. I can understand that. If we stifle all negative discussion we'd have a very flawed view of the game. I think I will keep this thread open as long as it is a general discussion and not a pointless rant at the unfinished game.
  18. A number of times this has happened. It happens suddenly, so if I'm running along on my own or being chased by zombies, suddenly, I can't see a thing, it's pitch black. I have to alt-tab out of the game. I thought my graphic card was playing up but it happened again just now and I could still hear zombies. So it's definitely a sudden change to night. It's odd because it doesn't last. It's as though the admin has imposed permanent day light but when the server thinks it's night time and should be dark, for a minute or two it's dark then bam! back to daylight. I tried to get back on the server but a message said I had been kicked. All a bit stressful. Any ideas? Thanks
  19. OK enough with the insults or I'll close this and any other threads where it continues. Sula
  20. Sula

    What do a mute person do?

    Hi Missy, we have had a couple of members who were deaf, in the past. They played on ordinary servers along with everyone else. They were two of our most deadly players. ;) I hope you enjoy the game!
  21. Sula

    Night- Heat Vision goggles/Scope

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion on NVGs. If you don't like people's opinions don't read the threads. But guys, keep it civil. Thanks, Sula
  22. Seems to me that we moderators and admins can't win. If we delete all your whining we're evil but if we go easy on the whining we're just as evil and neglectful too. How about you get a grip and try a little self-control, guys. Some of you act like you don't know how to behave in front of a lady!
  23. Sula

    Bug Reports

    Remember we cannot reply to you in person if you do not enable the option to allow Private Messaging.
  24. Sula

    Live Server Tracking

    Confirmed, link fixed and takes you to performance/stats page for clan called Virus. :thumbsup: