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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Is there any nice people

    Welcome to the forums, Opdoger. There are some of us out there. I've never killed another player. I refuse to do it. But generally I find that many players are untrustworthy. It's unbelievable but some people actually argue that they kill others because someone killed them. Makes no sense to me but you have develop a tough skin and get used to dying every few minutes and getting right back up and starting again. Good luck :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Meeting my first human player

    Nice to know there are quiet servers out there. In my first 2 minutes all I got was non stop bellowing chat from some guy talking to everyone and anyone. I was too busy panicking and trying to stay alive to work out how to mute him. Wish I had had an axe. I'd have muted him permanently then!
  3. Sula


    Hmm interesting. Maybe you could log it as feed back? :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Tone down the aggressiveness and keep it polite please.
  5. Sula

    The Fist Bandit - Having Fun With Dem Thangs

    If you want to keep being welcomed at these forums, Snowball, calm down and stop being so rude and negative. There's no need and it contributes nothing to the community. I'm removing your last post.
  6. Sula

    Horrible starts after update.

    The game isn't finished. Some things will work better than others but eventually we should end up with a challenging game that is hopefully not so challenging people don't want to play. There's nothing wrong with feeling frustrated because the game dynamics have changed, at least Draconis is being polite about it. Thing this, it's going to keep happening while in development. So we have to grit our teeth and get by. I think all feedback is useful not just praise. :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    base building

    Apparently, you were referring to DayZ mod servers (private ones). My apologies, it wasn't clear from your post. I think what we are clear on is that private servers shouldn't be charging and doing so via these forums is not allowed, it's against the rules. :thumbsup: My advice would be to steer your son away from those services, if you can.
  8. Sula

    base building

    Hi Bullet, your query isn't relevant to DayZ and its forums. It might be better to address it to Arma's forums. Personally, from what I've seen, the admins of some private servers do charge for items but public DayZ mod servers don't. Different game, different provider. Does that make sense? If not, feel free to ask for further information.
  9. Sula

    Surviving is a Living

    Be prepared to never be prepared enough.
  10. You are never safe. There is no safety in the DayZ world. Anyone at anytime could be scratched, infected and eat you alive. :huh: Have fun! :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    What a great thread. This is what I call a great discussion. No kids posting nonsense or abuse, just detailed, thorough discussion on a very interesting subject. :thumbsup: Personally, I think there are many different ways of surviving and come a holocaust I think we'd see people surviving on their own initially but also trying to get together with others. It's why we exist in cities, we crave other humans. Well not all of us and not all "other humans". I could kill my brother in law without a second thought!. <_<
  12. Sula

    profile/config variables

    Belphegor, trust Kichi, he's a genius! :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    profile/config variables

    Not really. Why not just edit the in game options? It's not GTA and other disk based games where you can change settings to change game play.
  14. Sula

    I have to report Bugs

    Welcome to the forums, Alentos. If we can help you with anything please feel free to ask. :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    Icons DayZMOD

    Sorry, I don't understand your question. Anyone else know what this means? Is it a DayZ Stand alone question and posted in wrong forum?
  16. I don't agree that DayZ mod is "almost dead". That just means he doesn't play it. I play every day and it's not dead to me. It's worth getting if you like the look of it. I'd say it can be a bit tricky to download and get right but we will help you. :thumbsup: Think about the cost though. Games can be pricey. Wait until there's a bit steam sale.
  17. Sula

    I love this game..But im scared to play it!

    Number one piece of advice in DayZ is what everyone here keeps saying, don't get attached to your gear, you won't have it long. The only way to play and keep improving is to keep dying and keep getting right back up and starting over. I survived 180 days and then got shot by a CoD kid who just joined the server to kill anything that moved. I went into bereavement at the loss of my character but then you realise that is how it will always be. So it's best to get used to it and move on. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  18. I hope that helps you, Michael. As you can tell, many of us are fans of DayZcommander. It works so well that I've given up all other ways of playing. :thumbsup:
  19. Sula

    blur when breathing heavy

    Yup, excellent advice. You should find performance significantly improved. :thumbsup:
  20. Sula

    Question about the mod

    Hi Ozvooky, welcome to the forums. I don't have Arma 3 but I do have Arma 2 and I play the DayZ mod every single day. I have no idea if DayZ mod can be played with Arma 3. Anyone know? Is it the same mod with Arma 3 or different? Been playing DayZ mod through Arma 2 for nearly two years. It's addictive and wonderful. I recommend it to anyone. If people can afford to buy it comfortably, then I'd say do so. However, I don't like to encourage people to spend money if they don't need to. :thumbsup:
  21. Sula

    hack or glitch?

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. Or so the saying goes. These sorts of things happen sometimes. Sometimes zombies walk through plate glass and walls then fall through stairs and die. Sometimes lag hurls you from your helicopter seat to your immediate death on the ground below. This is the mysterious world of DayZ. I'm addicted, and I love it. I am forgiving of glitches, desync and other mysteries of nature.
  22. Welcome to the forums, HP. Good advice and tips in your post. My advice is be ready for lots of people to disagree, it's the nature of youth, in my experience. Never take it personally or seriously. Have fun! :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    Battlefield 3 vs DayZ dispersion

    Alright, I've hidden it. He's hardly ruined the thread, he's just not as intellectual as some of you, right? Now everyone please carry on with your discussion. :thumbsup:
  24. Hi Shaeg, welcome to DayZ. Have we answered your questions sufficiently? If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and I'll try to help. :thumbsup: