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Everything posted by Sula

  1. 3 or 4 weeks ago I bought Arma 2 and Arrowhead (Combined Ops I think) via Steam. I then followed the instructions and got Six Launcher too. No matter how I tried, or who I asked, I couldn't get Day Z to work. I got error messages of all kinds but eventually the only one I got often was "wait for host". I waited but nothing happened. I tried Day z commander but had very similar problems. Last night, when the servers weren't working, I decided to download everything again, including: Day Z, Six Launcher and Day Z Commander. I noticed that something new popped up. It was called battle eye or eagle eye? It said it was reinstalling, I think. McAffee asked if it should be allowed and I said yes. I didn't try Day Z as I assumed it wouldn't work, as I hadn't done anything differently to the many other times I'd tried to install and run the game. But I did try to set up a server via Arrowhead and run the Armory. I've been driving trucks in the armory for weeks because I couldn't get into Day Z. But instead of a server opening with Armory running, I got a picture of a cottage, flowers blowing in the wind and music playing. No server. Any idea why? Or what I can do about it? Thinking back I remember another difference. Usually when I go into the Expanisions menu @dayz is at the bottom and the OK button is greyed out. But today when I tried Day Z for the first time it worked and I had a great time. I remember noticing in the expansion menu @dayz was at the top and can now be selected. It's not greyed out. I mention it because I'm at a lost. I've no idea whether it's relevant to this problem. I hope someone can help. Thanks Sula
  2. Sula

    Playing solo is problematic

    Just watched Rhino's vid. Unbelievable what he can do. Middle of the night, pouring rain, can't see a thing and knows exactly where he is! Got everything he wanted, even a map! :thumbsup:
  3. Sula

    Playing solo is problematic

    Also, don't be intimidated or set your sites to high by whatever rhinocrunch's vid has in it. He's way beyond experienced. I've spent the last month living with his vids and devildoggamer's, eatmydiction's, zemalfs (this guy is amazing. His vids are in the gallery. You should check them out. He's alone and just keeps on getting back up and doing it. He's incredible.). And I've also been watching nooby noobster's dayz vids on youtube. They are so funny and he makes everything look easy. :)
  4. Sula

    Playing solo is problematic

    You're right, Lobsterman. Where are you in the world? I'll meet up with you if you feel like starving or bleeding together. I'm especially good at dying of thirst whilst lying by water. :)
  5. You got mine bean, mate. I agree. I spent two and a half years on a software project that was meant to be a six month project to adapt some off-the-shelf software. I know how hard every tiny little thing is and eventually you have to walk away from it. I spent 2.5 nearly 3 years on that so called 6 month project. We went bespoke, got financial backing but they were still working on it when I left. It never worked properly. You have to appreciate what the developers have done here. I've just had a really good moan about the lack of information about this activating things before using. To me, if we're stuck with having to activate something (remove from toolbelt for example) before use then let's have it in the tutorials and advice pages. :)
  6. Sula

    Newbies and Wikis

    I have the spirit of adventure, and I understand you're trying to encourage people. However there are 2 different issues. The first is people complaining because there are no special effects, flying dragons, big guns and when they join the game they are not big and powerful. Instead, they are weak, frail and vulnerable and have to work hard to stay alive. No fun. Especially if you're used to xboxing games and achieving points for walking to a place. The second issue is that there is no clear and obvious advice on what to do when faced with quirks like compasses, watches, axes and such that won't work unless first activated (removed from toolkit). But it's worse than that because they still don't work. I have never fired a gun yet because despite loading and making it my primary weapon, I don't know what else I'm meant to do. No instructions. I can't operate my watch, compass etc either. Right click doesn't activate or bring up a menu. But that's ok because it tells you all about that on .... oh no... it doesn't. That's the problem. Look at this - Here are the day z wiki instructions to use a watch. "A watch can be used to see the current server time, which determines whether it is day or night. The default bind is "o". Watches are fairly common, as they can be found in most itemspawns. Watches take up one tool slot space" HOW? Where are the instructions? That's what some finding frustrating, including me. PS I'm still reading instructions and hope to find the answer but it's a lot of reading. I don't mind but young people want to have fun! I have asked here but no one seems to know! They must do!
  7. Sula

    Stranded outside cherno

    I'm handing out so many beans I'm going to have to buy the bigger cans! :)
  8. Sula

    Law to Lawless Lands

    It all sounds great to me. I don't care if it's technically, a 'new gang' as it'll balance out the bad behaviours of the bandits.
  9. I know it is a pine tree and not a bush. I was kidding with you. There's a bug and bushes randomly kill people. :)
  10. Thanks Rainbow, not heard of them. I'll have a read if I can find them! I'm assuming they're here somwhere. Thanks Pureevuls but I don't need to do any of that. I just click find servers and there they are, ready and waiting, with plenty of space, not passworded, not private, and low ping. ;)
  11. Good point, Lomi. The faffing about trying to work out why your axe just clicks instead of hitting a zombie's head, is annoying and doesn't add to anything. Not jumping is a frustration though I wouldn't want to jump much with a heavy rucksack to be fair. I still have no idea how to fire a weapon. Not that I mind. I don't really need a weapon most of the time. :)
  12. Well, you get my beans. Just because other people didn't get a gun or any help doesn't mean that is how it should be. We should be looking to encourage new players, as should Day Z developers. I found the website less than helpful. BUT I'm NOT saying give people everything but a web page that says, "Hey, be warned! This is not like other games. You don't get any weapons. You just have to survive and like in a real zombie holocaust, most of you will die... and die again...." Maybe a link to some realistic footage. Not the great movie style stuff that sounds so great. Just a warning for potential players and then reall quotes from real players on why it's worth the hard work. And what would be nice is to see experienced players (of 3 or 4 months or more) setting aside time to offer help regularly to newbies. An hour a month isn't so much, is it? Do they even come in here?
  13. That's why I've swapped to DayZ Commander as my launcher. You can tick boxes to filter out full, day/night, locked, and so on and go right to the servers that have spaces. :)
  14. It sounds great but be careful, bushes regularly kill folk in DayZ!
  15. Thanks. I think this is my third or fourth day but I haven't had as much chance to play as I would have liked. My pal tried all day and we couldn't get on to the same server for some reason. The only thing I find I don't enjoy is spawning in a place where you can't see the sky and it's pitch black but you can hear zombies, so can't move. I love the rest of it :)
  16. I ask because I lot of people seem to have problems getting into servers and even though I had understood we couldn't set up private servers there seem to be a lot that are passworded. Of course there's the ping from servers across the world and that makes it a few more that we can't get into. Do you find there are lots of servers where you can get in without being told some file or other is missing from your software?
  17. Just tried to get back into a server and got a message saying I was missing a mod. What does that mean? No problem a few minutes before but after I died and tried to respawn I kept respawning already dead. When I hit 3 recorded deaths I left and went to the lobby. Clicked on one of the dayz servers that was running days sanctuary (is that different?) and looked like I would be ok but at last moment I got the message that I was missing a mod. Can anyone explain/help me please? Thanks
  18. Me too. I'm in London but am flexible about times and servers to meet on. I don't yet have skype or any of them thar new fangled things but I do have a mic. So that's nice isn't dears? :) So, would any of you equally ancient old folk, say over um ooh lemme think...what was I talking about? Oh yes, that's right - honestly my memory is dreadful. I must get some fish for dinner this evening and get those carpets cleaned...Oh! I remember, would any of you who is ancient and mature and over say 30 in age, or in mental maturity if you're younger - like to join me at some time for a group wander round chernarus and try to stay alive? It would be very nice is more experienced players would like to lead the walk, pointing out sunny spots, scenic views, important architecture, as we run by screaming our heads off. Do feel free to volunteer if you feel you would like to lead a little tour of a few unarmed folk around while issuing handy hints and places of interest. :) More seriously, feel free to message me here if anyone is interested in a few newbies trying to meet up or an experienced player offering to take lead of the tour. Age doesn't matter at all, just say if you're interested here. Thanks :)
  19. Sula

    Guardians of Chernarus.

    Digsby, me too! I'm probably the oldest here! *takes rheumatism tablets and hobbles off*
  20. So who in the dayz dev team told you all it was to do with lag? I find zombies spawn in like mad as soon as I arrive and lag or no lag they run faster than me, can catch me from a distance and that's frustrating. Just got to put up with it until I get smarter and get a quiet weapon. :)
  21. Sula

    New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

    Proven, thanks for the advice but the shipyards? I've died there today and the zombies followed me when I ran into the water and still followed me on and on. After that I was chased around the forests for ten minutes and they just would not give up no matter how I zigged and zagged and how many fir trees I got between themand me. What am I doing wrong do you think? Thanks :)
  22. Sula

    New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

    Thank, Stiffy. I will look into this thing of which you speak - skype. Seems very popular these days, so will go check it out. Ta.
  23. Sula

    Water Bottles, How Many Is Too Many?

    *gasps in outrage and faints*
  24. Sula

    New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

    Stiffy, I can't seem to get away from the zombies long enough so they lose interest. As you seem helpful, do you have any advice on what to do if being chased and getting tired and thirsty but can't find a building with 2 entrances so you can run in one, slow down the zombies and run out the other? Naturally, I have no weapons, nothing and have just respawned. Cheers. :D
  25. Sula

    New to DayZ -- Can't find any weapons

    I'm another newbie, day 2 of playing. I got my hands on a gun and ammo but despite following the guides I've read I couldn't get it to load and a zombie got me. Fantastic, I love it! What drives me nuts is how the ai reads my mind. All I wanted was food or water, not even a weapon and in 2 days I found only one can of soda, and no food. It's reading my mind!