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Everything posted by Sula

  1. That's a great idea, Kozak. If you add Stiffy on skype I'm sure he'd be grateful for the help. He told me he was thinking of planning another soon. It's Mikkla121 :)
  2. I put 4 bullets in a zombie today. It was standing right in front of me and cut me to pieces but not one of those bullets had any affect.
  3. Sula

    Some people are real dicks

    It's such a different game when you've got someone running next to you, who isn't trying to kill you just because he doesn't have someone running next to him.
  4. Sula

    Anyone wants a camo?

    Plus, every woman I meet is wearing the same outfit! They can't all be shopping in the same store. :o
  5. Wow, this is growing into a big group of friendly people. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so I have to get some sleep tonight but I will be there the next time for sure! :) Thanks to everyone who has got involved. A hope some of the more experienced players will joing Stiffy on skype and then join him in giving newbies a chance to stand still long enough to focus on their surroundings before dying. I know you'd be welcome as long as you're honorable and there to protect the unarmed.
  6. Thanks to anyone who added me on skype. I'll get in touch. If you haven't mentioned your forum name I won't know who you are but I'll ask when I contact you. I messed up today. I slept late, was running late the whole day and finally caught up with Stiffy. Naturally, I brought my friends, the flesh eating zombie gang along. <_< But Stiffy survived, killed them all and gave me transfusion when I finally noticed I was bleeding. My biggest fear is that I want improve, won't get any better and will just stay cannon fodder. *worries* Thanks again for a great adventure, Stiffy. I don't know how you stay so calm and keep on going. I panic when I've no ammo, food or water. Stiffy, I just had a thought. How about you post a date and time here when you will be free and those who've added you on skype can contact you (group chat possible?) at that time and arrange a server? Just an idea. :)
  7. Sula

    UK player looking group

    I'm in the UK. I'm on skype as sulalee01. I'm about to go into a server in a minute. Also, did you read my thread about Stiffy? Take a look. You're welcome to join us if he does another session. :)
  8. Sula


    Some people really feel it's ok to kill people as they spawn. I know it's hard to believe but remember there are different ages and different cultures here. The dayz developers had such a problem with this that when they first opened the European servers that they had to shut them again immediately and change the code so that people weren't all spawning in the same place. The Russians didn't bother with the game -ttey just all sat at the spawning point and shot everyone as they spawned and took their stuff. And that's why we now spawn randomly. Remember, we might be shocked but others are thinking, hey that's enterprised, great idea! Not right or wrong just different values.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that. As soon as I saw 'sniper' I knew it was north. There are big groups up there and they store all the vehicles, helicopters and other vehicles way back off the map. They don't have a sniper they have many snipers over a number of servers. Especially watch out for US servers. Those exmarines are way to well trained. ;) Good luck with your next life. :)
  10. Zombie magnet! Yeah, I am, aren't I? I warned you but you didn't believe me at first. That's why I crawl into town on my belly and rarely stand up! :D If anyone else wants to add me on skype I'm sulalee01 just mention dayz and I'll add you. Stiffy, I'm ready whenever you are. Just say the word and I will be there attracting the dead (sounds like my dating life too!). I'm also happy to work as a sort of anti-scarecrow, generally running around town chased by 50 zombies while others wander the stores happily selecting what they want from the shelves! :D
  11. Sula

    uk players wanted!

    I'd be interested. My skype username is sulalee01. Feel free to add me too (that's to everyone here) :)
  12. I think his English wasn't quite as clear as he thought. It can be tricky sometimes with an international community. We English are no good at languages and just speak slowler and more loudly if we're not understood. Right bunch of eejits we are. :)
  13. Sula

    Deaf Gamer

    It is great fun but it also quite isolating and lonely at times. You spawn with nothing and you need water and food to stay alive but getting it is really hard work. Some new people feel frustrated because other games are easier. You get no weapon to protect yourself and no one comes to help when you're bleeding. Sounds awful? No? Fantastic! It's great, it really is! :D
  14. Are there rules about when to speak and on which channel furing games? Is there a link to these guidelines or rules? People seem to get quite angry when I've seen others using mics. Also regarding microphones, yesterday, I read some thread that said dayz had now stopped text based comms and swapped to mics. Is that an official announcement? What are we meant to use? Are there any instructions on how to use a mic in game? I mean an activate/speak toggle or button. I just got Skype but am afraid to try it as I'm a lone survivor and don't want to offend anyone in a server by speaking. Besides no one ever replies even when I type. Thanks Sula
  15. Thanks for the advice. This is more great advice than I've had all week in previous questions. Wow, thanks for being so nice. I appreciate it. I'm dishing out beans everywhere. :) L4LN - That's a great vid! Right I'm going to try it now. I hope no one minds me speaking. I'm feeling all embarrased. :blush:
  16. Thank you so much. Four days and I've not been able to work it out. What is the difference between direct and global? I don't know which to use. I'm in a high and isolated place so does that mean only people in that area will hear me? Doesn't that mean that they will pretend to be nice to kill me? I don't mind as literally have nothing but a light. Thanks again. :)
  17. Sula

    Hey, new EU player over here!

    Hi. I'm new too and just got skype. I have no idea how to add people but my username on skype is sulalee01 and you're all very welcome. I'm in England.
  18. Sula

    Taking forever to load?

    Submitting tickets is fine if you know how. I'm afraid we had an update yesterday and the new version is just lousy for some of us. I'm sure other's have no problem. No game should take 10 minutes to load. Who'd buy it if they new that? Lots don't buy games that require steam for example. Anyway, that's not the point. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you. I don't find this forum especially useful in terms of factual information from the developers or whomever knows what's going on. I wish I could help, I really do. Trying other servers isn't much help when they all do the same thing. But I wish you luck.
  19. My apologies but I still can't see a question in your post. But welcome all the same! :) What is it you are asking? You ask how to approach the forum, and you have. But what is it you are trying to achieve, what help or information would you like? At first, I thought you were asking if playing this game and showing it on youtube would be popular but now I'm not sure. Clearly it is already very popular. But I can't see what else you are asking for. All the best and good luck.
  20. Sula

    Playing solo is problematic

    Playing alone IS hard work and I'm finding it lonely. Right now I'm lying in a forest with broken bones from a fall and not even water let alone pills. Pals can come find you and it's exciting because they've got a mission! :)
  21. If hosts don't update their servers we can't play. I've no idea if it's related but I don't believe in coincidences, and it's all gone mad with lag and servers hanging. Anyone know what's going on? This new version of DayZ takes forever to load and then just hangs. My pings have gone from 15 to 6000+with sixlauncher, and now the servers are either locked or big red crosses. Anyone have any information?
  22. Sula

    Wait for Host.... for hours

    Hi, I had the same problem. What was happening was my McAffee virus software wouldn't let something through the firewall. I set it to always let it through and now I can play dayz finally! However, since the new dayz screen appears (yesterday) with the beta (is it beta?) version we now play, god it's slow to load. But not ten mins, that's wrong. Check your security isn't stopping net access. Good luck.
  23. The best thing today was spawning close to a cow. And seeing so many animals in the fields. Not seen that before. I'm still dying a lot but got to Cherno and into the supermarket! I was so pleased. And I wasn't chased by one zombie. I crawled out of town on my belly with either snipers taking pity or just not around. I found so much food and drink I couldn't carry it all. I ate most of it to get my blood up again. There were 2 watches, and I saw three of those big army type rucksack but I couldn't work out how to pick up one. I know you have to clear the other stuff away first but still couldn't pick it up. I'll have to re-read the guidance. What an adventure Day Z is! I think I've just been killed for the first time. I was trying to find a place to stay for the night and found what looked like a couple of deserted tents surrounded by barbed wire. I'm guessing they weren't deserted! :D Right I'm off to try to work out how to look at a watch, load a gun - I think I need to find a different guide because the ones I've read ain't helping. :)
  24. Oh that. No, I tried the first one and would have died of boredom if I'd stuck with it. No I just want to know why when I remove my axe from toolbelt and place it in the main weapon space and load it, it still doesn't move. Same with weapons. I can't find a written explanation that says, "Before you can shoot a gun you have to make it your main weapon by pressing ......(whatever it is) and then loading it by pressing .... " Can't find that anywhere. I still can't see my watch, or compass when I get them. There are no instructions and dayz wiki just says a watch is useful. Yeah, I know if you can see it! :D Have to yesterday was bitter sweet. My pal tried so hard to meet me on a server but he couldn't get in. He spent the whole day trying and didn't get in once. So that was rotten. On the plus side, when you finally find yourself in your first supermarket, crouching down and examining the loot with a heart full of hope and expectation, after a month of youtube vids seeing others do the same - it's amazing. I hope I never grow so cynical that I forget how happy I was. I got a watch, compass, binoculars, big rucksack, beans, sardines, pasta, coke and pepsi and wow I can't even remember it all. I thought I'd last for days in the woods. Dies less than a hour later. Zombie. :)
  25. Sula

    Deaf Gamer

    I agree, it sounds ideal. You'll have a hell of a time of it at first but everyone does. It's very hard to stay alive with nothing and no help but that's the point. :) I don't use a mic yet and have no problems but then in dayz there's no one to talk to and other players aren't so friendly. Well, no one has every replied to me let alone offered help. I'm friendly, though so there must be more friendly people out there. So you would get people replying if you used typed comms. :) And quite a few of the forum people are helpful too.