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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    getting bored :/

    But it can be lonely for some of us. The best time I had in Dayz was with Stiffy. I learned so much and it gave me confidence. Which is why I am lying on my belly in a cafe in Cherno right now. :blush: I would say read the threads and find someone who seems similar to you in age and approach. Don't go rushing in a join a "cland/group" but talk on skype or similar and see who you get along with. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Is it true?

    Is it true there's no supermarket in Cherno? What do people eat? I've spent hours, I mean that, actual hours searching Cherno but can't find a store/supermarket. Someone told me there wasn't one. Really? :o
  3. Sula

    Weird ping results?

    I tried direct from steam, six launcher and commander but the pings have gone mad. I got into one game but couldn't move. Lag was so bad I was moving in slow motion. Checked my line again and it seems fine but I'm not convinced. This is two days in a row I notice every webpage I go to the timer appears. I have no idea what it means. :blush:
  4. So if it's in our favour that's a bad thing but if we can't see because of huge fragmented mountain sized glitches on screen, that goes undealt-with? Pff! :rolleyes:
  5. Sula

    Is it true?

    I can't get out now! I need to lay low until it's darker or oh yes, find another server. :blush: :thumbsup:
  6. What infinite m1911? *raises eyebrow* :huh:
  7. I have a GeForce GTX570 Phantom 3, with a GB of GDDR5 RAM and after an hour of playing I see spikey mountains across my screen. So I have to keep turning to try to see what's behind the mountain of fragmented screen. My cooling system means it's shouldn't over heat. I don't like not being able to see where I'm walking. Zombies and snipers being the main reason but even without them, it's a pain. Demon, I'm glad that worked for you but I have tried a variety of settings and it hasn't helped. I hope your suggestion can help some of the people here. :thumbsup: Alpo, yes but it's right in front of my face, like five metres away, so I can't walk without bumping into things.
  8. Sula

    Is it true?

    Oh good grief, I found it. What did that take? Less than five minutes? Thanks again. I've been right up the other end and round and round the square. On a more serious note, it's very badly situated. There's nowhere to park or sit down and buy a coffee and croissant. :blush:
  9. Sula

    Is it true?

    Thanks everyone. Hours, back and forth, right through town, bullets whistling, zombies chomping and not a baked bean in sight! I'm dying here people! :D
  10. Sula

    Quit Playing Alone!

    Look at all the threads in this forum asking for someone to play DayZ with and you're bound to find someone who suits you. :) Look out for me in the servers, I'm usually unarmed, dying of thirst and bleeding but I'll meet up with you if you're on the server provided we've spoken on skype first. I don't kill people and I don't want to mix with bandits. Just players who will shoot if they are shot at and would prefer to escape without anyone being shot. :) I'm happy for any dayz players to add me on skype. I'm sulalee01 I play in the servers as Sula or Reilly. Sula x
  11. Sula

    Found other Players to build Groups

    Have some beans. That's a great effort you made to tell us English people about your idea. We're not known for speaking other languages. Thank you. :) :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    Just joined a group.......I suck

    Hi Creator. I felt the same way when I started, and still do to some degree. But many people in the forums are so kind and helpful and many offer to meet up. It's much better to meet up with people via the forum message system and then go into a server together in my view. People rarely talk to strangers in servers. Good luck, I hope you have fun. :)
  13. Every day I love this game more. Today, I learned I like the night more than than the day because I can sneak passed zombies. Before dawn today, I watched one player dancing with his gun atop the roof of the college in Elektro. I wondered what he would think if he knew I was lying so close by. It was sweet to see him having fun doing his little torchy dance. I watched a sniper trying to snipe, not knowing that I was lying 3 metres to his right and if I were like him, I could have done the same. I watched two bandits fight it out, and a number of people use their flashlights as though there wasn't another person in the world - hey, we can see you! :) On my own, I strolled through Elektro, though it was so dark I kept bumping into things. I like the dark. I like that others seem to need their flashlight. Throw it away. I even warned two players who were around the store that I could see them, via direct chat, and told them I was friendly an unarmed. A few seconds later there were gun shots and two deaths. *shakes head* I just love this game. I love the bits where I'm on my own and don't feel worried because I have a couple of cans of soda and some beans, so I can relax. And I love the parts I hate just as much. Funny, I had a hatchet I couldn't use and when I spawned yesterday I kept finding barns and sheds with 4 or more axes (hatchets) in them. Now I'd love one because I saw a video on how to use them. I keep wanting to hate the game but apart from the zombies I can't think of anything. Actually, when I'm running through town with my train of zombies, so everyone else can shop in peace, I feel quite fond of the zombies too. :)
  14. Well, some of them. I'm happy to die in the game and have no desire to kill anyone. I rarely get near a weapon but wouldn't kill anyone who hadn't shot at me. I'm friendly. I give my word on that. :)
  15. Hi, there are lots of players in europe and plenty from Denmark. I'm sure you'll find lots of good people to play with. Feel free to add me if you like, I'm on skype sulalee01 I can't play as often as I like but I do a couple of hours a day :) Oh and Stiffy is in Denmark and is a good player, doesn't shoot noobies or kill for no reason. He's on mikkla121
  16. Sula

    Teleportation and a killer heli

    Wow, is that a bug then? Weird isn't it? Great to experience. I can't wait to see my first real working vehicle in dayz. :)
  17. Jaznap, haha thank you! Look out for me on the servers, wherever I am, there's whole train of zombies running after me - even at night! :D Kozak, we should ask Nooby Noobster at Youtube if he'll take us all on his bus! Great videos he does, I just love the. Do have a look if you get a chance. He's so funny, but good at dayz too. :thumbsup: HMS, I hope we can run around screaming while trying to hatchets soon! :D Hadria, right I'll add your name to the list of people coming on the bus ride if we ever find a bus! ;)
  18. Sula

    Bad version in operation arrowhead server list

    Yes, I have the same problem too but the dayz developers don't seem to participate in these forums, so we never know why these things happen. I haven't found anyone who can give me any constructive advice on what to do. I keep trying servers until I find one I can get into. I'm sure there's an answer but I just cannot find it. Good luck, I hope you get an answer soon. :thumbsup:
  19. Sula

    I am the Mountain King!

    Speaking of moutains, I've just seen the giant buggy glitch of a mountain that appears filling the screen. I was down south and suddenly the screen was a giant spikey mountain of sky high streaks. Weird. Like this thread! :P
  20. Sula

    Are you new to the game? Join my server!

    Sounds like a US server? You mentioned dollars. Is that right? $30 a month is a hell of a lot of money. I hope you find plenty of US players offer to join in. Good luck Ghosts :)
  21. Sula

    I found a crashed helicopter!

    I think it's a good enough reason for a thread. Well done! Great team work and planning. This is a new players' forum. You're doing great for noobs. I've got a flashlight and a bandage. :blush: Puppetmaster, that was some serious action! Great stuff. And well done to who ever it was who was singing the Ride of the Valkyries! Hah! :thumbsup:
  22. Oh Kozak! That sounds like a great day trip out. I'm off to buy a picnic hamper and a new dress. So I can shoot cows looking my best. I have high expectations of you, mate. Get that car super fast! Oh and something big. There are lot of people who will want to join us! :D
  23. Hi Sebastian. Can you abort the game? People won't come to help you as they will be afraid it's a trick.Good luck, I hope you can get out. :thumbsup:
  24. Hi Milch. The way I did it was through these forums. I think it's very hard to meet anyone and become friendly in game. I never see anyone and when I speak no one replies. I've met some really good people via this forum and I'm hoping over the next weeks we can meet up on servers. Time zones make it a little difficult but we'll keep trying. Look at the threads where people want to meet others to play. :) :thumbsup: I play under my username, sula or under Reilly. If you see that name on a server, you can be sure I will never shoot you unless you shoot at me first, and I would rather join you in exploring Chesres than have you lying in hiding, feeling you can't speak to anyone. :)
  25. You're welcome. Can I give you a little tip? I go up to the search field at the top of this page and I click where it says "search this topic". When the menu appears I click "forums" and I type ghillie in the search field. A long list of threads all about ghillies, including trades comes up. I hope you get one soon. :) :thumbsup: