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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Thanks Chip :) Play as a man? For a Ghillie suit? No thanks. :P *slaps Bozo* :D iamblazelflack, I'm sulalee01 :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    I Need Help. im New :D

    Don't believe everything that everyone tells you. Not everyone is friendly and they're not all here to help you. I've had that happen to me many times. It was something to do with my antivirus ware. I updated battleeye and seems ok now. Good luck. :thumbsup:
  3. Oh yes,name tags. They're a mixed blessing. Often, the only way I can see the people I'm with is looking for their tags but others see them too. <_<
  4. I have 2 hours. I've lost Catman, I think his PC exploded as he died on skype too and hasn't come back. I have a hatchet and a flashlight - anyone feel like exploring with me let me know here. I'll check back every ten mins. :) I'm free for 2 hours. I'm sulalee01 on skype. :thumbsup:
  5. Really? No takers? I have all these guys on skype and none are around to play? Ah well, better get back in there!
  6. You're in the map menu's player list?
  7. Sula

    New Player - My 1st few hours

    That was a good post, Westford. I've seen vids where the hackers are the admin, and where hackers turn people into goats and chickens. Avoid servers that say sanctuary. I've heard people say those are the ones where hackers are free to go in and script whatever code they like. Welcome to Dayz. Have fun, ask questions, laugh when you die and don't hold pressure anything you can't take with you when you die. :thumbsup:
  8. I'm starting to memorise that advert thank you. :) I just ran from zombies, crawled through a house and found matches and a ghillie suit. Brilliant! Love this game. :)
  9. Oh Neo! You poor thing. I'm sorry to hear that. Though you did make me laugh when you wrote, "God I hate most players in DayZ". :) I've been shot twice since playing and it hurts. It's the betrayal of mankind by mankind, in a world where we should be helping each other. It's that moment you realise not everyone has the same definition of the "honorable" that you do. Chin up friend. If you see me I promise I will not shoot anyone unless they shoot at me first, so say hello if you say Sula or Reilly in the game. I play by both names. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    man I am terrible lol...

    Hi Daspope. Sounds like you're doing really well so far. You've found a lot more than me and I've been playing for a week. Be careful when you read people's advice, sometimes they're just teasing you. ;) Keep quiet, move slowly, listen, watch and when the need arises, run like bloody hell! :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    Zombies harder

    They have for sure. I am lying prone in grass at night and being attacked by them.
  12. The spec of the kit that amazon list will work perfectly, if the companies are any good. I spent two grand on my kit and it's no much better. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Please help!

    Steam has just updated. Mine was yesterday. I couldn't get it to work. I'll check to see if it's working now. It might not be you. Sorry, I can't help. It's working for me. I suggest you go to steam and click on support. Log a query with them for help and hopefully they can help you sort things out. :thumbsup:
  14. Interesting but you have no authority over DayZ. So this is meaningless, isn't it? I'm not saying it's a bad idea. It's just I've seen a number of threads where people are trying to make rules or guidelines to play by but they only apply if we choose to let them. Good luck with you idea. :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    Hi Shig, it's a shame but many people play that way. That's life. All I can say is I will never shoot anyone who hasn't shot at me. If you see my name in a server I will most likely be carrying a deadly flashlight, doing the flashlight dance or running away from zombies. These are two skills I have recently developed to a high level of skill. But I expect to be shot because we're playing with people who have different values, beliefs and reasons to be in DayZ. I know it can be hard but it's still great to get out there. You just have to have a different objective. If your objective is to gather lots of quality loot, foods, weapons, etc and then try to keep them for as long as possibl, you can only lose. See it more as what can you achieve before your next death. That's what I do. :thumbsup:
  16. Sula

    Starting tomorrow!

    Hi DrDru, welcome to dayz :) You'll see lots of threads with people looking to join up with others, just message them and they'll be happy to join you. Good luck. If you have any questions just ask. :thumbsup: Don't trust people in the servers. Make your friends here, in the forums, talk on skype or whatever you use, and then join a server together. It's much safer.
  17. Sula

    Need Help In Stary Sobor!

    tomdabomb, I'm trying to contact a couple of people, will get back to you shortly. Hang on, you are heading? Do you mean once you have blood or you've already moved? Let me know. I have no food and one drink, so if I bring you blood I will probably die. So I need to know where you are. Also, I have no idea how to use steam. Send me a message here with your server details if you do still want me to help.
  18. Hi Ch3, it's a bug. I'm female and prefer to play female too. I feel uncomfortable with a male avatar - which is daft of me. :) Each time you die, you have to choose male or female for your next character. Sometimes it just throws out the wrong choice. Nice to see a few more of us ladies in the forums and the game. :thumbsup:
  19. Hi Das, I turn down graphics to low because of UK lag but also there's a setting in your options that you can turn off. It causes things to blur when you move in a "realistic" (or annoying as I like to call it) way. There was a thread about it called something like "How to finally fix our graphics card". I'll have a look and let you know next time I'm here. The game's still playable. The best, or maybe only, way to find friendly places, is to find friendly players here, meet them here and join a server together. My personal advice is new players will find it easier if they join under populated servers and stay out of the big cities but the those are also the best places for food and drink and various other stuff like weapons, ammo and backpacks! I agree with 2ugly.
  20. Just tested my line and it's good with a ping of 15. But the servers have gone mad. The lowest ping I can see is 178 then the rest are up in the thousands. Anyone experiencing similar? Thanks Sula
  21. Sula

    Thanks for the ride

    Interesting vid. No idea what was being said though. :)
  22. Sula

    Newer player Let's play

    That was fantastic, Degen. What I liked was that you were scared but so what, you kept on going! I tend to think, ooh I can't go in there. But hell, yes I can. ;) I hope you do more of these vids. I'm addicted to dayz on youtube. :thumbsup:
  23. I'm still a lousy shot and found little more than beans but it was great entertainment. I'm going back on the servers tomorrow. I'll let some of you know on skype and you can join if you're free. :thumbsup: Big thanks to Stiffy and Brad. It was scarey but so much better with others there helping too. Thanks for the fun and help :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    Need Help In Stary Sobor!

    If you could lie low until tomorrow, I might be able to get up that far but I'm travelling on foot. (No need for payment) To be honest, it's a slim chance but a few of us are travelling up from the coast tomorrow. I need to talk to them to see if they think we could make it that far on foot and get to you in time. It might be too far for us without much food and water. I won't forget though, I'll check in the morning. If someone else helps you or you die please post here. I don't want to arrange a trip and find you've gone. :)