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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Tip for blocking buildings

    Not sure it is noobs. I think it's the midrange players who think they're geniuses. :rolleyes:
  2. Sula

    Tip for blocking buildings

    Yep, that's happened to me too, you die because of they genuinely think they're being so clever, as they lie there next to the wire they also trapped them. I had to server hop this morning because of barbwire. I shouldn't complain, found a lag free empty server. :beans:
  3. Sula

    Always playing solo?

    I would if I knew how to but I just use steam because that's how I bought the game. I don't know about using to communicate, sorry. If you ever get skype feel free to add me, I'm sulalee01 I'm always happy to meet up with people and explore. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Tip for blocking buildings

    Also, if you do block a building remember that this is an act of war and that means I consider you fare game. I don't shoot anyone who isn't shooting at me. If you block a building you're as good as killing me because I can't get to the food or water, and I will fight back. Nothing I like more than to come across a barbwire blocked door and to see some moron lying there surrounded by flies. Those bullets can get through the wire and so can glitchy zombies. :thumbsup:
  5. Good for you, mate. :thumbsup: Mindless killing gets boring after a while, I guess. But there will always be new mindless killers, so keep yourself safe. :beans:
  6. Sula

    My newest goal in DayZ.

    Sounds like that Thunderdome hack too. People are so nice and then they shoot you in the face. I'm so glad I'm not like that. :emptycan:
  7. The Alpha god is merciless. I feel you. :beans:
  8. Sula

    Wonderful Game This Morning

    Oh that was you! Someone said to me that there were tents in odd places, inside. Good to hear you had fun :thumbsup:
  9. Sula

    So can this not be played alone?

    Hi Cindyanne, welcome to dayz. I don't get it either but that's the norm in dayz. It's much harder to play alone, and virtually impossible to stay alive. I think the current life is 40 minutes. Not days, minutes. There are some of us friendlier folk playing the game. I don't shoot people, just zombies and even then only if I can't run away. I die a lot but that's the way the game has to be played. I often say, play dayz for the experience before you die and not for what material goods you can find because it won't be long before you lose them. DayZ is great fun and you meet great people but there's a huge variety of ages, values and beliefs. You only need one nine year old sniper who thinks "lololol me a killa" and everybody's a potential victim. Now in DayZ we have about 90% of that kind! So keep your head low, know where you're going and why, and get out as fast. Remember, you're rarely alone in DayZ because there are plenty of snipers in the hills. :beans: Feel free to add me if you use skype. I'm on sulalee01
  10. And I should know it's full of matches because I'm currently lying in another slumped heap outside Stary, bleeding to death yet again! Got to love this game. :thumbsup: Three boxes of matches in the store. All I wanted was some sardines. <_< Strange but I got to three spawn piles and each had matches. Then the zombies caught up with me so I had to run. How can zombies run faster than us? I'm full of sardines and they're dead? Yet every time, they run faster than me! :o
  11. Sula


    I use skype and I'm happy with it but people who use Teamspeak give me their Teamspeak names, so I said I would look into getting it. Despite the many websites I can't find it. I went to Teamspeak UK and it was all about hiring servers. I went to Teamspeak.com and could only find free trials. Does that mean it isn't free like Skype? Anyone know? I appreciate your help. Thanks :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    So I met 10 year old kid...

    Toasty, make it so. :D :thumbsup:
  13. 2 days I have not played dayz because I promised a guy my ghillie suit and I didn't want to risk dying and losing it until I got that ghillie suit to him. You see, I had one and offered it free. I went to meet him and his friend and I got sniped and he bled to death. I had a good chat with them on skype and it was fun but then we died. As I've said before, you don't go into helping people unless you are prepared to die. So when I got sniped, I figured either it was a third party or his pal shot me but that didn't matter. I had promised him a ghillie and he died trying to get mine (he bled to death after I was sniped.) So I asked for one from the female players and Bianca kindly offered me hers. :thumbsup: I contacted the guy and said, I promised you a ghillie and I got another. He said where he wanted to meet and I agreed. I travelled by copter to get there, aborted and didn't go back into dayz because I wanted to stay alive long enough to get that second ghillie to him. My guts warned me I might have been robbed. But what if I had, so what? I'd had fun meeting and talking to them. And I'd been in a helicopter and was dropped in part of Chernarus I couldn't have reached alone. But my gut kept niggling at me. I did a search and found a thread yesterday where he was offering a ghillie in a trade. Is that the ghillie he got of my body? So maybe it was a set up OR maybe he's a genuine, and innocent guy who just hasn't had a chance to get online today. Either way, I've learned a lesson, which is, I'm still me and I will still help people when I can. A bad experience doesn't make me bad, it makes me wiser. :thumbsup: Oh and I still love this game! :D
  14. Sula

    A Lesson Learned

    Chip, thanks for the advice. Bianca, I wish I could hug you, you're so sweet and generous x :thumbsup: Osirish, yep my point exactly. Who knows But I experience was great and I can't see complain. Andrey, I see your point but I'm happy to pass on what I don't need. I think I'd rather give things to a noob who might have it for only a few minutes yet value it than give things to those who have lots. Reptile, please don't worry. There's no need. These things happen. :thumbsup: If anyone has a helicopter or truck and wants to get me out of Stary - now that's a favour I wouldn't say no to! :D
  15. Today, I offered Iamblazelflack my ghillie suit, as us ladies can't wear them. He travelled for 2 hours to get that suit and died after I was sniped by a coward. So I asked for help from the forum. I asked if anyone generous girls would swap their suit for something. I was amazed by the generosity of the offers. Thank you to all of you. I want to say a really big thankyou to an amazingly brave player, Bianca. :thumbsup: On a veteran server, she offered to meet me in Elektro, despite being surrounded by players and zombies. We had to lie low talking to each other from our different places in town for so very long. I lay in hiding, watching the zombies dance their zombie dance, back and forth across the town, as players tip-toed passed me, not knowing I was there. Later I moved and found a player standing over me. I froze and said "Friendly" but he beat me to it and asked the same question. :) Turns out Catman had asked his pal to help me, as he knew I was stuck unable to get to Bianca in town. He tried to help but it's much harder on the vet servers. My thanks to both of them. :thumbsup: When I told Bianca, she said, "Oh ok, no problem, you want me to come to you?" I told her I was surrounded by zombies but she cooly and calmly replied that it wasn't a problem! Brave lady. I was afraid to stand up let alone move. :blush: I see her slowly creep around the zombies, they didn't suspect a thing. Carefully, she makes her way to where I was hiding and asks me to identify myself. Of course I'm saying, it's Sula! But then realised my tag is Reilly in game. We headed to the supermarket, she gave me the precious ghillie suit for Iamblazelflack and asked if I was ok getting out of town. She gave me a few tips and then slinked away like Catwoman! Now that's someone you need in a tightspot. Thanks Bianca. If you ever need my help, just let me know. :thumbsup:
  16. 23 hours since I last played dayz, and same as the day before, I'm waiting for the same guy to collect this damn ghillie suit. I am so f*cking bored. Someone, shoot me in the head. :emptycan:
  17. Better than "help I am stuck near coast, it's dark and every time I light me flashlight I die. I am starting to suspect someone might be shooting at me." :beans:
  18. *unfollows Flexho and blocks* :P This is what you get when you let damn women, with their excellent communication skills, into the forums. :beans:
  19. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Dev, sure. Bob, great. Evo, that is an Irish accent not Scottish. :D Bottle, not a problem. I've spent 2 days waiting on someone collect a ghillie suit because I promised it to him. So I haven't played more than 10 minutes because I'm afraid to spawn and die before I get rid of this ghillie. I just thought it would be good to see how many of us might be interested in meeting up and heading into a server some time. Doesn't have to be a big group, you can contact one or two maybe. :thumbsup: I have skype, sulalee01 - warning if you contact me and your photo is explicit porn I will block you. This is why I thought it might be good to find a few older players. I've been porned to death on skype by teenagers and prepubescents. :rolleyes: No idea how to use steam but do have it so I'll work it out.
  20. Sula

    Animal spawns

    Frustrating but that's why it's best to keep an emergency can of food. Not sure if Gorka has a store. I checked a map for you but couldn't find one but that's probably the crappy map I was looking at. :thumbsup:
  21. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    I love Americans. :thumbsup: Always great fun and usually, very nice manners. :) Lag could be a problem but it's always worth a try. :beans: Jimmy, anymore? How long have you been playing dayz? I'm not much use but I love playing and getting out there trying to find stuff and move on. I welcome anyone who isn't interested in killing friendlies. :thumbsup:
  22. Sorry that happened to you but it happens to everyone. You cannot gather up great gear and hope to keep it. That's just not possible with so many emotionally immature and selfish people in the game. What are we going to do, make it only available to people who prove they can play nicely? No, so we just have to man up, grit our teeth and start over. It's gut-rippingly heart breaking to lose everything but I just smile and start over - once I've calmed down. :thumbsup:
  23. Yep, you and the rest of the planet. Why do people want them? It's not like they really hide you.
  24. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    West coast of what?
  25. Sula

    how to reduce lag

    Hi, welcome to dayz. I agree with malachi, turn off post processing in your video options. That does help. I have a high spec pc but a low spec broadband, so I turn my options down anyway and that helps. :thumbsup: These last 3 or 4 days lag has been bad all over the net, not just dayz. I don't mean the usual busy times, I mean insanely slow and laggy yet broadband tests show I'm getting the best ever connection. Makes no sense.