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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Aw stop, I've gone all sentimental now. Or maybe just mental! :huh: Oh and my cheque is in the post. :D
  2. Oh right. Initially when you wrote I thought you were saying that was what I was doing. Then I realised you meant that that was how you felt others were playing dayz and you didn't like it. :beans:
  3. Sula

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I sat on a bus bleeding to death because I couldn't get my mic to work, so the driver couldn't hear me asking for help. :lol:
  4. Sula

    Friendly Players?

    Hi PWN, there are lots of us, we do exist. You won't find us by approaching us in the game as we have our heads down and the only people coming at you are those who want to kill you. Add your skype/teamspeak/steam whatever names to your thread and invite people to add you. And add people who see in similar threads. You'll make some good friends. I'm on sulalee01 (skype) but have a backlog of people to meet up with, so I'd be happy to meet up and explore it might be a week or two before I work through my list of folk to play with first. :)
  5. Sula

    She´s gone

    I still don't know what you're on about but I'm guessing it's a gun. :beans:
  6. Sula

    A new guy says "hi"

    Hi, welcome to the forums. I don't know if there are particularly friendly servers but I what I found helpful was getting to know people via these forums was how I found great people to play the game with. Why not do a thread saying "looking for friendly rp players in x or y country" or something like that? Or reply to someone else's thread. There are lots of them. And lots of groups looking for new recruits who will help people to get started. :thumbsup: I play just to survive. I don't go looking for fights, or hunting for high grade weapons, and have never shot anyone. I have killed about six zombies in the last couple of weeks but that was only in self defense. Usually, I prefer to avoid them. Lots of people play that way. However, there are just as many who want to get a gang together and "let's go shoot people and take their stuff". It might not appeal to you or me but they're free to play that way in Dayz. My best advice would be get used to dying, enjoy every moment in dayz and don't bother valuing material items you gather because you'll soon be dead and can't take them with you. :thumbsup:gg Also, expect to spend half your time trying to get into servers, another quarter downloading updates and if you're lucky 10% of the remaining playing the game. :emptycan:
  7. Austin, I've had a problems accessing the servers as I didn't have the latest patch. However, the amazingly knowledgeable LVG has sorted that for me. I'll be in dayz later today sometime. Not sure where I will be though. ;)
  8. Thanks Lauren. I could name more but I find most people helpful. OK, a few have been super nice then assassinated but with considerable planning an effort. So I even admire that. :D
  9. Sula

    Starting group for older guys

    OK what fool is questioning playing games at 40+. Surprise surprise, just because you grow up doesn't mean you don't get to enjoy yourself anymore. I'm in my 40s and been playing about 2 weeks. I'll meet up with you sometime. Good to have a travelling partner and someone to practice stuff with. I have steam but prefer skype. I'll add you on steam tomorrow. Now I'm off to bed. Should have been there sooner, what with being so old. <_<
  10. Sula

    I witnessed a war in dayz

    Fantastic report. Thanks for telling us about it. :thumbsup:
  11. Lauhing my head off. Especially Fraggle's "friendly" then shooting boss in face. Still laughing like a fool. Genuine lol. :thumbsup: I really did pass houses yesterday and wonder if enterable before it dawned on me I wasn't in Dayz. How about, when you throw yourself to the floor and drag yourself across Tesco carpark every time you think you hear a car approaching?
  12. Gert there are other threads just below this with new players asking to join up. Why don't you reply in those and make so new friends? :)
  13. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'd like to say a very big thank you to Teach, for offering transport this morning, and to MikaelM who managed to save the player's home camp from disappearing - and saved me from bleeding to death. And I enjoyed the experience of travelling by night alone, from Berezino to Zeleno, which was terrifying and thrilling. :thumbsup: God I love this game! :)
  14. What a nice thing to do, Christos, have some beans. :thumbsup:
  15. Poor Zeplague! I came across a tractor too. I helped myself to the water bottle and the can of beans and then I walked away! ;)
  16. Ah right. I thought you were trying to help with this thread. I'm trying to find LVG's post, which he tells me is magnificently wonderful and if followed exactly, can't fail. I'd like to believe him but you know.....I don't. <_<
  17. Ulfhedjinn, I don't understand. I have dayzcommander. How does that help? Sorry, to be honest as soon as I hear manual update I feel sick to my stomach because I can never get them to work.
  18. I've read this and it just makes me want to cry. I spent an hour trying to do the first part last night but failed miserably. Why can't games just do what they're meant to do and then people like me, who find all this stuff so scary wouldn't have to worry. :blush:
  19. I'm looking for help as I can no longer access most servers because I seem to have an out of date version of Arma 2 via Steam. I had no problem until a day or two ago and now I can't access many servers. I have the option to automatically update in Steam set to "On". A couple of weeks ago I turned on my computer and Steam told me I was updating Arma2 and I think Battleeye updated too (not sure?). But I learned last night that I am still using an old version. I tried to download the latest version with the some help but Steam didn't like it. I can't see an option in Steam to upgrade Arma2. Can anyone help me please with explaining exactly what I need to do to update via Steam? I appreciate the help. Thanks
  20. Ratchet, thanks I don't get why Steam says it's updating arm2, I even saw the word Beta, yet it hasn't done it. But I will try your suggestion. Thanks for your help. System, thanks but I'm not trying to upgrade dayz. I'm trying to upgrade arma2. I already have 6launcher and dayzcommander. :thumbsup:
  21. Capefear, that's a honorable player you met there. I hope I'm as lucky if I end up in that situation. :thumbsup:
  22. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've had a non-medical request from a friendly player I've met in game a number of times, asking me to help him, as I'm known to be a friendly pacifist. His computer crashed about 4 or 5 days ago, so he messaged me via the forum asking if I would help save his camp as his tents will be lost in a weekly clear out if not saved soon. I have the coordinates and a description of the location but I am across the far side of the map. Is there a medic with transport available who would be willing to get me there please? I realise this is non-medical but I don't see how I can entirely trust anyone else. In the same with this player knows he can trust me, I know I can trust medics. Apologies if this is considered an inappropriate request but there isn't an alternative system available to get people out of these "natural disasters" that are not immediate risks to life but are a risk to homes. Honestly, the government of Chernarus should have prepared better! I am on the mid-east coast and need to get far across to the mid-west extremes of the map. I can provided details. I am available now for one hour only and will then be back online in about 5 hours. If anyone is or might be available later today, and willing to help, please message me. :thumbsup: Thanks Sula
  23. Sula

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Great idea :thumbsup:
  24. What do you do? 4022 servers and only 3 available to me. Ah you have to love that London lag. :huh: So today I've read forums and reread them and watched some dayz youtubes of other people playing dayz and then I thought about where I should go next when I can get in. No luck so far actually playing today, thanks to whatever is denying me access to so many servers. It was fine yesterday morning, which is odd. Do you have any favourite places to visit that you'd recommend to me? I'm looking to explore the map. :thumbsup: