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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My thanks to Antariuk. Who patched me up and sent me on my way. An extremely kind and helpful player and medic. If I can ever be of help to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, are there any medics available to help me in Elektro please? I've got a broken leg and no morphine. My blood is low and I keep passing out. I'm Sula on steam and sulalee01 on skype. Many thanks. :thumbsup:
  3. Sula

    Shoutout to the Axeman!

    Great thread. Good to see public "thank you"s to the guys who make dayz a positive experience. :thumbsup: Have some beans! :beans:
  4. Sula

    Turning into a cow?

    I DO know what I'm saying, in English. Re-read my words. You have misinterpretted them. I wrote: "...have not been ABLE to OR not YET attempted to...". It isn't fixed, so what I wrote it fact. I had no idea you knew Rocket so well. I hope his English comprehension is better than yours.
  5. Sula

    For anyone who knows about arma 2...

    I haven't tried accessing an arma 2 server since downloading the beta. You are talking about playing arma 2 and NOT dayz right? I'll have a look and see if I can get in, and report back. You should be able to run arma2 without the patch but would need to alternate each time you played dayz. OK, to confirm, Arma 2 is working just fine for me. HOWEVER, you do know that you can't play arrowhead if you have dayz right? To play OA you have to remove the @dayz bit in your path. For me, using steam, I right click on properties and open the Set Launch Options box and remove @dayz from the path. Keeping a note so I can put it back again after. Does that help?
  6. Sula

    is this normal?

    I have daily problems with accessing a server and now I'm running latest dayz I have to wait for all the .4 to catch up with us .5s.
  7. Sula

    Msg for noobs

    Shame there isn't a thumbs down smiley for people who criticise others and are then bitchy when others do the same. How about no beans. :emptycan: Hey Carlii, I'm in the UK. You're welcome to add me on skype if you have it, and join me in the servers some time. Anyone who would like to add me should feel free. Skype is Sulalee01 :)
  8. Sula

    What do YOU carry?

    My top priorities are - water (prefer a water bottle), as many as I can find - food, as much as I can carry - weapon (I prefer an axe, and an M1911 is always nice to have too) - bandages, as many as I can carry - bigger backpack - map - matches - compass - watch - binos - hunting knife Never found antibiotics, rarely found morphine, compass is rare too but had them lately. :thumbsup:
  9. Great stuff. Daztroyer. Nothing wrong with disconnecting when you're very new and the thrill of excitement overcomes you. Though I'm told we must not do this as it isn't using our reality to escape the game. I've been playing for about 2 weeks and I still panic and scream when I get chased by zombies. I'm on my own in Berizino - after accidentally running there from the South coast - and can't find the military tents. I managed to get to the store but I don't know this town. I'm a mix of fear, thrill and dizziness due to loss of blood. :D :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    Turning into a cow?

    It's hackers, sadly. So far the deveopment team have not been able to or not yet attempted to take role in dealing with it, though Battleye are doing what they can.
  11. Certainly do in the game! :thumbsup: I accidentally ran to Berezino today. :( I was trying to get to Elektro. Now I'm in Berezino with a blood of 5000. This would never have happened if you had been there to make sure that I wasn't left alone to my own devices. I can't be trusted! *zombie magnet*
  12. Sula

    So i met a friendly hacker

    If these hackers are so great, why don't they fix that bloody artifact glitch! Show the dayz developers how it's done. I can't understand how they can release updates without fixing the worst issue in dayz. <_<
  13. Lately, for me that has included: The great medics and especially MikaelM who has saved my life more often than is imaginable and then given me tips on how to survive, what to do and not do, and sent me on my way with a steak and morphine. What a lovely guy. Thanks, MikaelM :thumbsup: (Apparently, shouting and screaming over skype while in a crouched position and surrounded by zombies is a big no-no. One should remain calm and simply enter the nearest doorway to laugh at any other fools screaming hysterically, "My god, he's got me, I can't run! I CAN'T RUN!" :blush: Also, more thanks to LVG who has spent many an hour laughing at me and saying, "just do it noob!", as I ask, "Click where? " or "What does unzip mean?" :blush: And even more thanks to Spectre, who took the time to teach me that standing up in the open is like wearing a "SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE" t-shirt. A great guy, real friendly and so patient with me as I stop to admire rabbits. :blush: And my first real dayz hero (and in my books all those guys above, are heroes too), Stiffy. Who joined me in the early days as we legged it through Elektro. Me whimpering, "Oh God, I heard a zombie, I know I did!" as I crawled bravely into town on my belly. Stiffy, running around evading every zombie's grip and ending up with just about everything he wanted. Thanks to all of them. :) What about you? Who would you thank for their company in the game, their generosity, help or just for being a nice guy? :thumbsup:
  14. Hi Austin, I'd swear I added you. Do you use a different name on skype? What is it? If you're new new to dayz, feel free to add me and say hi on skype at sulalee01 :thumbsup:
  15. I came across a new spawnee the other day being chased by zombies. I killed them with my axe and he ran away, though I said on the mic I was friendly (I think my mic is broken!) He looked like he might come back but then ran off. A few minutes later, I look back and he's running towards me. Aww, he's changed his mind. He wants to be friends! Thats niiiiiice. :) Uhoh, he has about six zombies following him. Aaaaand yup, he dumped them on me and legged it to safety. :D
  16. Sula

    Humanity increase?

    That doesn't make any sense. Teairra's a hero. He saved my life too. :thumbsup: There must be some calculation that is misallocating and contributing to a negative humanity. Do the developers ever answer questions at this forum? Maybe it should be reported in the bugs/glitches forum?
  17. Sula

    Starting group for older guys

    *coughs* Sulalee01 (skype) Sula on steam Located London
  18. Things just keep getting better and better! Having spawned on the coast, LVG agrees to meet up with me. I explain to him about my cunning to go find a hatchet and kill all the zombies with it. He laughs in my face and calls me stupid noob, shakes his head and says, "Come with me". So off we go, him slipping and sliding through the grasses, me trotting along upright asking "Where'd you go?". Suddenly I hear a familiar noise. A helicopter! :o :D LVG points out that standing in the middle of the field is just asking for a helicopter on your head and we get in! I'm in a copter up in the air and it's daylight. I could see the tiny little houses and roads and tree tops. Amazing just like real life. :thumbsup: We get out of the helicopter and then change servers (security is tight) then we trek for a time. I've no idea where we are. We finally reach his camp. He has a few spare weapons in his camp and some food and drink. He tells me to help myself and I go straight for a can of beans and a piece of steak. He tells me he meant the weapons. :blush: I ask him if he has an axe to spare and he laughs again. I'm starting to suspect he doesn't value the axe as much as I do. :huh: He gives me a gun of some kind and tells me it's good. It's long and gun-like so I guess it must be. And then we're off. I'm back on familiar ground and head off to get some sleep. I arise the next day and meet up with Spectre. We decide to take up a couple of other players on their invite to travel North together. A day zombie killing, looting barns and farmhouses, trekking high and low, hunting and cooking our food follows. Finally, we stop at Stary. I don't want to go in because my gut tells me it'll be the death of us. But I decide to ignore my many years of experience and throw caution to the wind when I hear calls of "Oh come on! It'll be fun!" We enter Stary carefully, on my belly I crawl forward telling Spectre, I can't see a thing because of the artifact. By the time I finish the sentence I'm dead. I'm not surprised. <_< Ah well, another fantastic day in Chernarus. Got kiss good bye to the night goggles, the map and such and get back out there and git me summore! :D :thumbsup:
  19. I'm sure I can find a super recipe for macaroni cheese to post in the bandits forum! :rolleyes:
  20. Sula

    New Player to Computer games

    Hi rthinman, I have the same problem but it isn't my pc, which is high spec and less than a year old. It's the poor broadband. I turn down my graphics options to low or disabled and make sure postprocessing is off because that makes everything blur as you move. Meant to look authentic - makes me dizzy!
  21. Except humanity points, no? :thumbsup:
  22. Why haven't you put this in the medic thread? That's far quicker as that is where they look for patients. :thumbsup:
  23. I'm GMT -1 in London. I haven't killed anyone so far and I am getting tired of groups younger people who want to just get weapons and fight. I'm not interested. That's great if that's what they want but I'm happy to find food and water and explore. I prefer an axe because I can kill zombies with it. Does get tiring when people want to meet up and go up North. I warn them we will die and we do. I hope the full and final version of Dayz has fortresses so those of us who aren't aggressive can live fend off the zombies and bandits behind the safety of a community property. :thumbsup: Add me if want actual mature adult players to meet up with and explore, gather stuffs, hunt wildlife and even kill zombies but not if you want to go get guns and shoot people. Today is the last day I offer to help young people in dayz. We have different objectives and I end up going along with the plan. Another lesson learned - I'm a loner who is happy to meet up with other loners from time to time to share a journey or project. Skype is sulalee01
  24. He means this is not the forum for bandits. Go post this in the bandits forum. :rolleyes: