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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Still nice players out there

    Hawkeye, players like that are not the brightest of people. They don't think about the long-term impact their actions will have on the viability of the game. They don't think at all. They think the game is about killing as many as possible. You just have to keep your head down and run for the hills. It is hard work. Best of luck mate. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Heheh I think The Weapon meant don't get too attached to your "gear" but, thinking about it, he's right about your rear too. You'll definitely lose both. Onaturi is right. Big hills outside of towns and cities are full of snipers. Avoid them if possible or you will be sniped. It's true about stairs, and walls and roof tops and bushes - all are a bit glitchy and can kill you. Tread carefully. I only found a dead player with a backpack once. I used the scroll button on my mouse to take his alice pack but I don't know if that's the right way or the risky way. Anyone know?
  3. Sula

    Your in the wrong forum

    Yet to meet me either. I'm a survivor. Never killed anyone. Well, occasionally kill a zombie that if I can't sneak or run away. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Afraid to die - are you?

    I play alone most of the time but like to meet up with people along the way. Unfortunately, every time I do, I die. I'm not afraid to die because I rarely have anything more than some beans and flashlight but if I get a map and a compass,or similar, then I find myself thinking what a shame I'm going to die, it would be nice to have these things for a bit longer. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula


    Let's not jump to conclusions! I think this footage could be real. :o :beans:
  6. Sula

    An Apology

    Have some beans. If you mean what you say, that makes you a normal guy who doesn't always do what he knows he should but it's also brave - and unusual - to be so honest. If you express regret for what you did, while people will still be cautious, the least we can do is recognise what you've done, mate. :thumbsup: + :beans:
  7. Sula

    Humanity reset? Is it possible?

    If you go to dayz wiki and type Humanity into the search box, it brings up a detailed explanation of how many points you can and lose and for what actions. Spent ten minutes trying to paste a link here for you to click but it won't let me, sorry.
  8. Sula

    Humanity reset? Is it possible?

    Do good and your humanity will soon grow. Or you could take the lazy option and just stay a bandit. So much easier than trying to improve, which requires effort.
  9. On the plus side it has a supermarket either end of town. On the negative, there are few trees so you are a wide open target as you approach, and then it's a big widely sprawled place. Nowhere near as tight as Elektro and Cherno, so you have to move around quite a lot.
  10. I would have kept my mouth shut about Berezino, personally. However, it isn't the paradise suggested. Most will die trying to get there and there are the same issues in Berezino as there are in Elektro and Cherno. My advice is practice your craft, develop your skills on the South coast and then when you're ready move on. So many people try to reach the NW airfield in their first few weeks and end up spending more time dead than alive. Whatever you do, be pragmatic, accept you're going to die soon and enjoy your time in the game. :thumbsup:
  11. Quacksnooze, I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you. That person is very immature and probably lacks the ability to understand what he did to you and how you feel about it. In my view, he's no friend. I arrived in a server, earlier today. It had only 2 other players on it. Yet within a minute I was sniped. That's no coincidence. Hackers maybe but no coincidence. It hurts to see a stranger kill you just because he thinks this is some sort of shooter game. One bullet and that's it, all your hard work is over. It's like real life when you hear on he news about some great kid stabbed to death by some scumbag for looking at him the wrong way. At least in the real world there's a small chance the killer will be caught.
  12. Yes, there are lots of us out there. More than we think. I crossed from Berezino to Zelano to help someone I hardly knew to save his tents, when his computer crashed. A medic helped me to save them but I was sniped. I was sniped three or four times yesterday, not sure how many today. It's very hard to keep bothering to play when you repeatedly spawn around Cherno and get sniped before you can reach a can of beans. Sometimes I have to take a break and remind myself, life is unfair, Dayz is unfair, and always will be until the developers decide to even things up a little. I think Humanity is possibly an attempt to address the issue. Just got to keep loving the game for all its variety. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is there any medic with antibiotics in the area of Zelano who could help me please? My blood's started dropping and I have a bug. I'm with two people and I'm worried they're going to get it too. If anyone can help I'm on skype I'm sulalee01. Glad of any offers of help, thank you . :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    Why is everyone so agressive?

    I agree Schrapple. To be honest, I keep telling myself it's an alpha and hopefully there'll be some kind of restructuring to help limit PvP. The new humanity marker might help but I think the people who PvP will get bored soon enough and move on. But the never-ending supply of new players mean we will always have to suffer PvP. I doubt it will happen for the release of the game but maybe in later upgrades we will get a chance to vote for sherriffs who have high enough humanity and/or gun skills. And arrange bounty hunting teams who can kill killers without losing humanity. :thumbsup:
  15. Yup, pretty disgusting but for me it's players who kill me when I've nothing at all or just an axe. :huh:
  16. It's a good idea to mention the username you use here when asking someone to add you on Skype or Steam, for example. :thumbsup: Thank you to everyone who has contacted me on Skype. I am trying to contact each of you to meet up in the servers but two problems are, 1) it's slow because I keep dying and 2) I don't know who you as you don't all mention your forum usernames! It's quite helpful if you can add your forum name to your Skype name (if it's a gaming account). Also, remember if your account details are in a different language to the person you are contacting, they might not understand. I have a request from someone called cinq to join me on Skype but I'm not authorising because the message is in Russian. Could be anyone. :beans:
  17. Sula

    Happened to me this morning

    Mr Dubardo, nice movie you made there. :thumbsup:
  18. Sula

    Why is everyone so agressive?

    Hello, Elwin, you're doing everything right. Unfortunately, Dayz is like the wild west, there's no law to protect citizens who just want to go about their lives. Players kill for many reasons from being too dumb to understand the consequences to a thousand other infantile reasons. There are plenty who don't just shoot on sight. Me for one. :thumbsup: Keep on trying and don't let it get you down. I recommend meeting up with one or two people from the forums on skype/teamspeak/etc... Arrange to meet up and go into a server together. :)
  19. Well done, Maniak. I've been killed about half a dozen times today. If I'm honest, it does get grindingly tiring respawning at Cherno 9 out of 10 times and being sniped soon after you spawn. I just made my way through cherno, picked up a backpack, some food and a water bottle - bam, guy runs in and shoots me in the dead. I don't understand it. I can't get my head around people like that. I wish we had non PVP servers and I'd like there to be public hangings in Cheranus with bounties on the heads of these selfish lowlifes that kill because they're playing an 18+ and their mummies haven't made them go to bed yet. Ah well. Just got to do what I always say - grit your teeth, smile and get right back in the game again. :thumbsup:
  20. Yes, we know that lots of you like to PvP and you like to say so in the threads like it's a joke never heard before but we know, already. However, I keep coming across people in Dayz who tell me they think I'm unusual in the way I'm playing the game but I don't think I am. I suspect there are lots of us out there, and I've come across quite a few who are taking a similar approach. My approach is this: I play for the fun of exloring the Dayz world. I loot for food, drink, essential items and try to find what I need to hunt. I want to be able to hunt for myself and to travel from town to town without worrying where the next can of beans can be found. I don't particularly want to be off in the hills, a lone survivor. I like meeting up with people for parts of my journey. It's great meeting people and sharing with them, helping each other and swapping stories about what we experienced. I do know this game would be nothing like as good without a microphone. I have never shot anyone in Dayz, and won't unless they are shooting at me and I can shoot them first. Truth is I'm usually sniped, so I never see who kills me. I don't kill zombies unless I can't avoid them. Shooting seems to end in bad results for everyone, so I avoid it. I'm not against shooting people who want to kill me or my friends because I know I am harmless. So they are always trying to kill an innocent player. Often I don't carry more than an axe, so anyone who kills me is most likely hiding in hills in the distance. And I see that as cowardly and childish. I was once shot in the head by a looter but I don't blame him. He didn't even loot me. I think he was running through and trying to stay alive. Probably thought I was a risk, though I had broken bone and was lying on the floor. So that's my way. I like meeting people, everyone I've met via skype in Dayz has been great, good fun, friendly and helpful. We haven't all shared views. Some were looters looking to go PvP but not while with me. What I find touching is no matter who they are, because of this forum and what I've said here, they know they can trust me. They know I will never shoot them and so I get a great reward helping newer players to have someone to interact with safely in their first day or two. Then I tell them about the people I've met and they contact them too. Of course, I get tricked and killed sometimes but that's all part of life in Chernarus. You can't take it personally. You have to look at things with a pragmatic approach, smile and move on. :thumbsup: I've learned about myself in Dayz. I know I'm a loner and find it easier to survive without the distraction of other people but I also know it's lonely being alone and that a mix of time with people and time alone, works best for me. What about you? I know Bianca has a fascinating approach to the game. She too seems to spend time alone, meeting up with people from time to time. She's very independent and looks out for vehicles to fix. I can't imagine even trying! :o So what about those of YOU who are also taking a non PvP approach? I'd love to hear what you do. For example, medics! What about lone survivors? Or groups of friendies? Or RPGers?
  21. Yes, I've seen it on youtube. Fascinating. I lay in Elektro one night watching a player dance about with his gun on the top of the office block. :)
  22. Thanks for your replies. I knew I wasn't alone. I think many players aren't interested in just PVP. I agree with so much of what you've all said. Living around a city, get in and out with what you need, maybe run with people for a time, move on from town to town. I hope to run into you in the game some time. :thumbsup: Bob, sorry I didn't see your thread. This bloody forum is full of people posting threads saying "Looking to meet someone to play dayz..." If only some of them would actually read the threads already there maybe they'd find someone. :rolleyes: My thread is different though. I'm not interested in why someone chose become a bandit or whatever they are. I'm just interested in learning about those who play differently to the PvPers who make our lives a pain in the neck I agree, Sui I think younger players often just want to shoot but, as you say, there are old ones too.
  23. I'd been travelling for two days, trying to reach my pal, Spectre. He'd died but managed to get a message to me asking me to get to his base camp urgently, and to save his tents. Only problem was, I was across the other side of the map. It would mean running all night. But he'd asked for my help and couldn't let down a pal. No compass, no good at reading the stars, I headed for the direction I thought was right. An hour later I found myself on the outskirts of the NW Airfield. Unbelievable 1) I had travelled for an hour in the wrong direction and even more unbelievable, 2) I wasn't dead! I got out of their as fast as I could. Still can't believe I wasn't sniped a hundred times! :o Of course, I eventually got bitten by a zombie - you know, the special ones that aren't meant to exist - that see perfectly well in the dark. <_< Yet again, medics saved my life. Actually, the same medic, who has saved me many times these last few weeks, MikaelM. And then he offers to escort me back to a safer location. I cannot believe my good fortune. I get expert company and charming conversation too. :thumbsup: We head for the sector where Spectre's base is located, and then I remember we're going to have to change servers, as I was not on the one where he keeps his camp! But nope, life is never that simple. I can't access the server, wrong version of beta! :o OMG what am I going to do? The tents will be lost if I don't save them. Then MikaelM volunteers to a save them. I'm so grateful I could hug him. So we're talking on skype and he asks if I had said 3 tents as he can see 5. Odd. Yes, should have been 3. But we didn't worry about it too much. We had done what we needed to do, and it was time for me to get some sleep. I thanked MikaelM and he headed off into the wilderness, why I settled for the night. Next day, I meet up with Spectre and he's shocked to find 5 tents at his camp. He's even more surprised to find his weapons gone! This looked bad for me as I was the only one there but he knew that I was happier with an axe than a weapon and I'm not the sort of person who steals from friends. Then he tells me there's a small base close by that he spotted on the way, and we decide to go check it out. He says he thinks it's possible someone there took his weapons. He recons the area and we move in. The tent's full and one of the weapons is the same version as one of the stolen ones. We take it and move out, deciding to make our way through the wilderness to the nearest town. On the way, we come across a car. It appears to have been deserted. We jump in but it's hell to drive in the wilderness and we leave it. Suddenly, I spot somemone in the far off distance. We hit the ground but Spectre's convinced the player saw us. I told him, we're not out looking for a fight, let's stick to our plan, head to town. He's probably just heading to his camp and we need to get to town. So we back off and head on our way. Luck looks like it's favouring us because we find a truck! We discuss taking it as we could get to town much quicker and it could have been here a while. Suddenly we hear another vehicle approaching! Quick! Get in and let's get out of here! Spectre gets in and as I join him - a headshot kills me instantly! It seems that while we were out for a friendly trek, we had been stalked by killers. Spectre escapes, but lies low, watching. He tells me it's a small group and they've taken over his camp. Now we know who's been stealing his stuff. He tries to fight back, lobbing a grenade, taking shots from the distance but he's out numbered. Last thing I heard was Spectre was shot trying to get his camp back. Hopefully, we'll meet up today sometime. What a great day. It's worth dying when you have an adventurous day. I managed to survive four and a half days and loved every minute of it. :D
  24. Looking forward to meeting up with you soon, Saucy! :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    New Humanity System

    I can see people doing things just for the skins instead of for altruistic reasons. Not sure how it will affect the community as a whole, if at all. :)