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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Well, I'm glad you don't have the same problem, doc. :thumbsup: :beans: Sorry, Doc, yes, after leaving the game for a time, when I return later to dayz I'm on the bloody beach again! I may as well buy some bikinis.
  2. Sula

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Yes, I have some tips: 1) Enjoying dying a lot 2) Get used to people hating you and assuming you are under 14.
  3. Sula

    Night-time playing without NVG

    Never use any kind of light at night. Everything on the server that moves, will blow your head off. :thumbsup:
  4. This happens more often than people realise. Most just take down the server, they don't post here. Seems a kind gesture. Sorry to see server go, the DE ones are excellent. :thumbsup:
  5. Yup, getting stuff is a pain to keep. It's refreshing if you have nothing. What can they take except your life? And oh looky, spawned right there on the beach. Perfect location to head to town. :thumbsup:
  6. Excellent and very funny vid too! I'll have my steak medium-rare please! :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    I give up!

    Bandaid - next time I need a medic I will contact you and give a reference. :thumbsup:
  8. Sula

    I give up!

    I feel for you, mate. I just posted a similar thread. I got transported from Olsha to Kamenca and it's about the 6th time in the last couple of days. Oh sometimes it's so hard to just grit your teeth and start over but just have to, I guess. :emptycan: Sometimes it just happens on particular servers that have their own hive but usually it's every server that I'm transported on. I don't think this is to do with hackers, I think it's a wider and more common problem than any hacker or group of hackers could manage.
  9. First off, let me say a big thank you to Soul Shaper who took the time to explain this to me because I had no idea that what I was doing is not allowed. :thumbsup: LVG mentioned it too but I thought it was a joke. This is about aborting when you're attacked by a zombie, or a shooter or going from server to server, trying to find night or day, or for whatever reason. If, like me, you're still relatively new to the game, when attacked by a zombie it might seem sensible to abort the game and find another server. Apparently, this is cheating called "meta-gaming". It means escaping the reality of the game's universe and using our external universe to your advantage. And it's going to be blocked. Players who do it a certain number of times in a set period of time will be banned from playing dayz! Moving from server to server is called "Server hopping". I'm not sure how this will work if, like me, you have to spend hours trying to get into a server and once you are in, it's too laggy for you to move, so you leave to find another. Presumably that's what the appeals against bans section is for. I'm letting you know because I've been playing for a couple of weeks and almost everyone I've met has shouted "abort" at me when I'm being shot and can't aim the gun at the zombie because of the lag. I thought it was ok but apparently it isn't allowed. I love playing dayz but I'm not interested in killing zombies unless I can't sneak passed them. I've no interest in killing players and the only time I would use a gun would be if someone was shooting at me. Honour and fairplay are part of my life. So I was stunned to learn my escaping a zombie by aborting was cheating! Doing it when you're being shot at is also, cheating. I haven't tried that only because when someone shoots at me I die, and then I find out about. If you're a newbie, I hope this information helps forewarn you and explain. I confess I don't fully understand why we have so many servers or how and when we can leave one server and join another yet but I'll let you know once I do. :thumbsup:
  10. To all of those who have been helped by medics - the player Cruwlity (steam account: daniel.rox88), has killed a medic after asking for help in the medical assistance thread. He received a blood transfusion in the NorthWest Airfield from a very kind medic, and when he was healed, he turned around and killed the medic. He was running under the alias "Sargon" when he killed the medic He is a bandit and cannot be trusted. The medics won't be helping him again, and you might want to think twice about helping, or running with this sort of lowlife too. :emptycan:
  11. Sula

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    Great! :thumbsup: :beans:
  12. People have different views but I'd say do the following: 1) as soon as you see you are spawning, look at the bottom right of the screen. It will say Chernarus and underneath it will tell you exactly where you are on the map. 2) That very second you spawn on the beach, go prone (z), and look around you. Think about where you are. Hit x and double tap shift to crouch run. If all you see is beach and above it high hills of trees, you're probably deep down the south by south-west on the coast. If it's getting dark and I'm on a low population server I run along the beach until I get to say Balotta, where I check the Beach side barns for axes and coke. If it's busier I run through the trees, coming down when I spot enterable buildings. Look for cans of drink and food and an axe. Don't run if you can see zombies unless they sound very angry and are coming at you. They can see you in daylight from a long distance. As soon as you get an axe right click on it in your inventory and choose "remove from toolbelt" then when you're holding the axe hit R for reload - yes you have to reload axe as though it were a gun. You need to put it back on your toolbelt if you pick up a shotgun so you can carry a gun. I have a gun for zombies but frankly the axe is better - and running away is even better still. Expect to die over and over again, and post threads here saying how the game is unfair and shit - lots do that. But if you stick with it you will get better every single time. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    Yes, that's what I sort of think I am saying and I'm a she. :) :thumbsup: Thing is, make sure you rename your current version of the arma game file first, so that it's safe and not replaced by the new patched version. Ironman read the thread, he's says that doesn't work - it's blank - no servers showing! :emptycan:
  14. Sula

    To anyone on UK 25

    It's really hard staying alive. I've been playing over a month and I still die regularly. I get sniped by killers or the zombies surround me and I get eaten. I'd rather drop my weapon and carry an axe, at least I'll take down some of those zombies when I do die. Look out for me on the server, Nick, always good to find an ally! :thumbsup: I often play under the username Reilly, or Sophia Santini. I don't kill players, only zombies.
  15. Sula

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    I had the same problem. It's not dayz commander. You don't need 6launcher. When you download the updated arma beta patch, you need to click on the executable file, so it will then create a beta directory for you. Once you have that, you can rename your current beta directory and move the new one in to the same place. I think you have to put the game upgrade in the main folder once you have renamed the earlier version. But if you use dayzcommander it compensates for whatever version you have - so you should still be able to play. Sorry if I'm not making sense. Best of luck :thumbsup:
  16. Sula

    is there some way to change my player name in game?

    You get to be one player per copy of the game that you own (or key code). However, if you just want to change the name of your character, use the instructions already given. Go into arma2, combined ops or arrowhead, and edit your character's name/face etc.
  17. Sula

    Looking for UK Playdates XD

    I play most evenings. I'm in London. Add me on skype if you like at sulale01 BUT add your forum name if it's different, or just say dayz. I can't stand steam but if you have only that then I think my name is just sula on it. :thumbsup:
  18. Sula

    To anyone on UK 25

    There's a pub in Kamenca? Be careful with that crowbar, it'll get you killed. Find an axe, kills zombies with one hit. :thumbsup: Also, that was very nice of you. Never can have enough bandages when near the coast!
  19. I've been playing on UK 135 alone - good pings. I'm new to teamspeak but I'll look you up on ts and join you sometime, if it's convenient for you. :thumbsup: Sorry, forgot to add I'm 46, from London, and don't say or write "lol" unless I'm actually and genuinely laughing out loud.
  20. Sula

    There is hope...

    I agree with Scott. Really a heart-warming story but no :emptycan: ;)
  21. Sula


    Sorry to hear you didn't make it but that does happen to everyone. Next time you will get much more quickly if you post asking for help from a medic in the medical assistance thread. Good luck :thumbsup:
  22. I love this thread, and I especially love the threat by guards to shoot us in the face if we point a gun at the driver, and feed it to sheep. :thumbsup: So passed my bedtime, goodnight!
  23. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Saucy, I love that avatar. Meow! :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My post should have said, lesson, not listen. I'm convinced I've gone batty. Also, not sure if I already thanked him but want to say MikaelM has save my life with blood transfusions many times. Thank you MikaelM :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Another very big thanks to Austin, who saved me in a field in Balota with my blood down to just under 600. He wasn't just fast, he was incredibly patient and kind too. He gave me a quick listen in how to use ventrilo and wouldn't take anything in return. What a star! Thank you so much, Austin. :thumbsup: