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Everything posted by Sula

  1. I'm quite serious when I say, looking at someone with that headscarf upsets me. It makes me sick in my stomach with sympathy for whoever's wearing it because, in my view, it's happening too soon and the wrong people are being labelled as bandits. When I say "the wrong people" I mean anyone who does not normally kill but has done so, exceptionally. OK, it's brief if you really don't kill often, a couple of good deeds will sort it out but it left me thinking about having to wear that headscarf. I keep coming across people who have bandit skins but not what I'd call bandits. They don't live a life of killing and stealing other people's stuff. Instead they've either had to fight and kill to escape an attack, or worse, accidentally killed a mate while everyone is trying to escape an attack by someone else. I suppose what I'm saying is, people who - for any reasons whether good or bad - have killed a once or a few times - and that is not my idea of a "bandit". That's not what the word means! The other night I had to go down into cherno to give a pal a transfusion. He told me he was down on blood and couldn't go for help because he'd been in a fight and had been left with a bandit skin, so people would shoot him on sight. (Let's face it they do that with everyone, but that skin makes you a target for everyone.) When I saw his little face and that bandit skin, I felt real sadness and I didn't tell him but, I was a little choked-up to see him like that. He's such a nice guy, so not a bandit. And it made me think of all the other people wearing those bandit skins. It's horrible. It marks people openly as a killer and a thief who cannot be trusted, someone who kills others as a way of life, which isn't true of many in dayz wearing the skin. I transfused my friend and he then transfused me. Shortly after his skin just suddenly popped back from bandit to normal. I felt like a mother with her son back from prison for some minor and foolish indiscretion-emotional and overjoyed, and determined never to let it happen again! I suppose it's two issues I was left thinking about: - first, that you go straight to the bandit skin, no inbetween, no gradually becoming the long-term killer, and no exceptions. - the second issue is, in real life you don't get to see killers. They can smile at you and be charming, and you'd never know you had a killer in the room. What do you think? How do you feel inside that moment when one of your pals has that skin but is no bandit? Has it happened to you? Also, what do you think of the skin? What do you think of another skin for those who have lots of kills over an extended time period?
  2. Sula

    My Struggle

    Are you dead or dying? You can put a call for help into the medic thread, you know. :) :thumbsup: PS - good story!
  3. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    BelMarduk, does that mean you want to be added to the list? I need a skype/teamspeak or other username so people on the list can contact each other and arrange to meet up for a dayz session. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Just found my first AS50

    Me too, Angel, and you know what I did with mine? I gave it a pal of mine who's new to dayz. I've lost sleep worrying about him and that gun, and the trouble it might bring him. I'm currently carrying an mp5sd6, and I hate it. It's so quiet that I didn't realise I was actually firing it. Still can't hit anything with it. Spent a clip trying to kill 2 zombies but only got one. I must turn down my mouse settings. It's too smooth and fast. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    tips for noobs

    Apache25, a really helpful post. Thanks, I'm sure lots of new players will find it useful! :) :thumbsup: :beans:
  6. Sula

    So The Rumors Are True...

    Well, this thread made me smile. And so did Drunk in Cherno's response. It's the same when I find a heli crash and get some good gear. I feel like a dead man walking.
  7. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    D3nty and others in their twenties who want to play a broader and more mature game, not just shoot whatever moves - doesn't matter if you're a few years out. If you want on the list you're on the list. :thumbsup: Update - the list is going slowly. So far few people have said, I use x, y and z to communicate. My username is blahblah on teamspeak/skype/steam etc... and I'm based in the US/UK/Germany..... I'm in my 50s/20s/40s ...etc So it's taking some time to put together a meaningful list. If you've expressed interest in being on the list I will send you a copy when the first draft is ready. My inbox is now able to receive messages again. Thanks! :thumbsup: Boneboys, how can you be too old? Impossible! And here comes Box with his advert for his clan. You sound like Jehovah Witness, man!
  8. I spent this morning running around Lingor Island for an hour or two. It was my first visit but it wasn't very exciting. Despite a very busy server, I couldn't find a single other player. Have you played it? Do you find you come across other players? After I found a map, I realised it's bigger than I thought, so will probably find everyone at the airstrip. :huh:
  9. Tell him direct, he can't go on any more looting raids until he understands your/the teams approach and can do it successfully himself. Tell him the truth, that you think maybe he might be too new, and need to develop more skills before coming on your next looting.
  10. Sula

    People finding tents little bit too easy?

    People are putting up tents in the doorways to churches, fire stations and stores! They're not even tryin to hide their tents behind bushes. I'm mean, come on! I've seen them in the middle of streets! Mad and daft! :o :D
  11. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Just to confirm, yes my in box is full and I will sort that out by tomorrow, thanks. :thumbsup: Also, I want to clarify - I'm not looking to create a clan or wear a tag that tells people I am not a killer, such as the "fogey" one might. Neither am I a fogey. :huh: Of course, you are free to do what ever you like - because it's not a clan or group. It's just a list of people who are over 30. So you could even set up your own clan/s. I've already had a few people telling me they're keen to get into some PvP action - which is a surprise considering that is exactly what this is NOT about! To clarify, it's entirely up to you how you play, what approach you take, PvP, or survivor who wants to experience setting up camps, travelling, exploring and so on. But you should make it clear when you contact anyone on the list, so they know. As many of you will know, I don't kill players, full stop. I don't even point a gun at them. However, if someone shot at me, I'd do my best to kill them first. I travel a lot across the map, and I'd be happy to lead teams up to the north, for those who want to see it and the airfields. What I personally cannot do is defend you on my own. So I'd need a few good shooters too. Just in case we had to cope with a zombie hord! Sorry there are 2 threads of this kind in this forum - I did ask if a moderator could move one to Survivors forum but I don't think any of them has spotted it yet.
  12. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Orlok, I thought the original thread was in the Survivor forum and I posted another in the New Play Discussion forum, as all levels of skill are welcome. However, I was wrong, the original thread was in New Player Discussion. I did post asking if a mod could move one of the threads to the Survivor forum. :thumbsup: Apparently my Message box is full! Gawd, I better sort that out asap! Sorry to anyone trying to message me.
  13. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Hi again everyone. A quick update for you. In the next 48 hours I will combine your usernames, your skype/teamspeak/etc names (if different) and produce a list. I will then send each of you a copy of that list. The idea is that you will then be able to contact anyone on that list and know that they don't want to just mindlessly PvP kill, and will have an older outlook. As the list is now international, it would help if you give your time zone too, and if you have certain days or times you prefer to play. I can add that to the list too. I don't play on a particular server. I'm lucky if I can get into to one when I try. So that's the one I play on at that time. Some of you might play on certain servers but keep in mind, this was originally about a group of UK people playing on UK servers (better chance of low ping as our country's broadband is crappy) so some won't be able to play on far away servers. However, it's always worth a chance if it means you'll play with a friendly person from across the pond! :thumbsup: I've post a thread in the New Player Discussion Forum too, inviting people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and more to add their names to the list. Feel free to take a look - but there's no need for YOU to re-add your names there. If you're ovrer 30 you'll go on the list (along with those of you in your 20s who expressed an interest too). regards Sula (Not on much today as going out but will check in again this evening)
  14. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    I'm putting together a list of players who are a minimum of 30, as quite a few of us are in our forties and fifities or older. So my plan is to put together a list of players in that age group - no matter how inexperienced they are - and give those on the list a copy of it. So you will be able to contact each other and play together - as I know that for many, mindless PvP style killing is not what interests you. Initially, I started working on a list of UK players but it doesn't matter where you are from in the world. If you're interested and you are in your 30s or older send me a private message in the forums AND include your skype and/or other communications system username/s. If you have already done this, even if it was some time ago - you don't need to do it again. I haven't got around to it yet but I still have your details and won't forget to inlude you. thanks Sula Is it possible for a moderator to move this thread to the Survivor forum please? I meant for it to go there as I already have a thread here for newer players. :thumbsup:
  15. Dova, I agree, food and drink come far too easily. I can't carry anymore. It's too heavy! Enforcer, I agree. I was in a town on my own, running with a train of 30 Zds after me. We had fun but then I bid my farewells and moved on. Hi Rudson. I agree with your points. :thumbsup: I could only find one server and the only people to speak were Russians, which I kind of liked. They were probably talking about the dumb English people who no speako any lingo excepto Englisho! :huh: And who can blame them. People around the world amaze me with their ability to learn languages so well. :thumbsup: What's that you're holding up in your pic? Some zombie form? You have to apply to kill zombies? :o Edit - like I said, it's a "yet". I'll give it time. :)
  16. Sula

    AKM or DMR?

    Once again my post has disappeared! I can't be the only one this is happening in the forums, surely? :(
  17. Sula

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    Me too. I bumped a similar thread in New Player Discussion this morning. I realised I hadn't got in touch with everyone and promised I would over the coming week. Happy to play dayz and discuss via skype, though have now downloaded teamspeak for those who use it. I don't shoot people, just zombies. If I could point my gun at a bandit - I wouldn't. But if someone were to shoot at me, I would try to shoot back. And that's my "style" in the loosest possible meaning of "style". :huh: Feel free to pm me, happy to give out skype name or receive teamspeak addies if you like. :thumbsup: Mkiii - or perhaps a big round target sign would be just as dangerous as your "fogey" title! :)
  18. Sula

    Hero Suit

    I don't have one. I have about 4900 humanity and help people when I see them, if they need it. When and if I get the humanity skin I will have earned every point through day to day play. Not one point from chasing the skin. Disappointing to hear of so many people killing and healing each other repeatedly, who now wear the skin. What can you do? They introduce an idea and it gets abused sooner or later.
  19. Sula

    Singleplayer DayZ

    It would be great to be able to run your own mini-server like we used to with old games like Drakan. You should set up a little server, met up with upto six pals and played together - no being killed by strangers. Oh it was lovely. :)
  20. Sula

    in game map.. scroll speed..

    Yes, that's what you have to do and when it's super slow you can lose a couple of minutes! :(
  21. Sula

    What just happened?

    M4L, it takes far more than ten seconds and if you have to do that with every single item you come across in dayz then there's no time to play the game. However, my point stands. How about you stop being a bitch to new players who are looking for help and advice, and go take on the regular players in the forum you should be visiting instead. These guys are here for help, not for you to mock and insult. If you're not going to help then get lost. :emptycan:
  22. Sula

    What just happened?

    Perhaps we could all keep in mind that this is the NEW player forum. So if you are not a new player and your are not here to help them, then all you are doing is damaging the game's reputation and driving away potential new customers, when you post some bitchy, childish remark that criticises the new players for not knowing things. It doesn't encourage them or help them in any way. :emptycan: How about trying the Survivor or Bandit forum where people will give as good as they get? :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    in game map.. scroll speed..

    Fair enough, happy to help when I'm free. :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    in game map.. scroll speed..

    Blackmonday, they're found all over the place, towns are best, especially the store. If you're free today I'll meet you and see if we can get you a map. Let me know. I'm disappearing now for 15 minutes but could then play for a little while. Do you know where you are in the game? Fraggle, sorry! :P
  25. Sula

    What just happened?

    ML4 Yes, actually it is hard to know! You might know the entire list of everything that IS meant to be in dayz but funnily enough many of us have busy lives, and haven't the time or inclination to memorise vast lists from god knows where! If it's on the ground I'll pick it up. How am I meant to know it's not allowed! :emptycan: Also, the-old, I watched Rocket say on video that you won't get banned for using them. Can you give me a link to this new rule please? If there's a new rule then I want to make sure I can follow it.