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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Thanks, Azrael, though I find the "fogeyz" title utterly repulsive.
  2. Sula

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    The first couple of weeks I played dayz I would abort using the routine way if attacked by lots of zombies. I've never alt-f4d. Someone told me that it was "cheating" to abort, even though it's against zombies, and I used to usually end up dead anyway because it takes some time to exit the game the routine way. But after that I learned to run away from zombies, as I play this game as fairly as I can but must still comply with other people's views of right and wrong where those views are the official rules of the game. If they are not rules of the game company, then I live by the high standards by which I live my life and play games. So I don't kill other players. I've never even pointed my gun at another player. I only kill zombies. I have only ever been killed by gutless cowards who snipe me from a distance. Now that's what I call cheating. No one has ever had the guts to shoot at me up close. So I have never needed to use escape, abort, disconnect.... and so on against a player. But do I think it's acceptable for someone to whine because another player didn't let him kill them? No but it's a part of dayz. As to double standards, I'll accept your point if you list both CMLegion. As my behaviour always complies with my values and beliefs on honorable and fair play. That's how I live my life and it's how I play games. Explain your point by simply listing the two standards you accuse me of.
  3. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Thanks Fraggle and hunterkilla. I've no idea how to join you though!
  4. Sula

    Your Final Words Before Death

    I'm ashamed to say, the last time I died, I said, "Well, thank you very mu...!" To be honest, I couldn't help laughing. The guy deservered a medal, and he taught me a valuable lesson. In the barracks, he snuck up right behind me, about 2 yards away and shot me, while I was tippy-toey around to avoid zombies. Good for him! he deserved everything of mine he got, including my NVGs. I'm still laughing now, when I think back to it. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    There's a problem. I opened an account with some to do list software called scribbles and it won't let me back in to edit the list. Says I don't have an account. So that's that. I cannot face retyping the list and can't edit it. I might feel more willing to do it when I feel better but right now if anyone wants to take on the task help yourself. The list is at a link in this thread. :thumbsup:
  6. Sula

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    You could tell he was innocent because he wasn't wearing a bandit skin, and he didn't shoot at you, as you said yourself. You chose to shoot at him, not the other way round. How do you know he spoke English? You don't. So you shot at a guy because he ignored you and so he didn't stay to let you kill him. That's just how I see it. You're entitled to shoot at whomever you like. When you post about it people will reply, and not everyone will see things your way. That's dayz. :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    If you play in large groups you will be attacked by hackers. Often, they don't bother with a few but a server with a dozen people on will be repeatedly attacked. Battleye is worthless junk, despite it's proud self-advertisements for how great it is at banning hackers. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. You seem to be playing after I'm in bed but I don't think I'll be seeing much of you! :thumbsup:
  8. Sula

    I hate alt-f4'ers

    I don't see the problem. It sounds like you got exactly what you deserved. You shot at an innocent person and they escaped from you. I've never used alt-f4 but when I read about people shooting at others, I can fully see why they do it.
  9. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Probably because it has been moved from the New Player Discussion forum to this one. Sorry I've not been around much these last couple of days, not been feeling too well. If you've asked to be added to the list, I will add you but just assume you're on it, and contact each other if you want to meet up. There is no need to send me messages I will take your details off this thread. I know some of you have servers or teamspeak servers but I'm not aware of any of those details. However, I will put a link to the updated list in here at some point over the next couple of days. :thumbsup: thanks Sula
  10. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Leron, I'm the same as you! But I can add you to the list if you like. :thumbsup: Voodoo, if you change your mind, I can add you with "contact via forum message". Just let me know. :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Forget? I knew nothing about it. When did that become the place to check? Never heard of it. Also, you can just view the list and send someone a message at the forum, like Voodoo said - don't leave him or anyone out if they don't have skype etc. :) :thumbsup: :beans:
  12. Hi, everyone. Over the last three or four days, I've spent a lot of time sifting and sorting your information into a list. However, I need your help because I'm still waiting for information from the following long list of people! :o It's mostly your communication software and username - NOT your username here in the forums but the username people will have to use to contact you on skype or steam or teamspeak etc... This is for 2 reasons, so that you can each contact people on the list and speak to them about dayz, your style of play, maybe discuss a favourite server, and then you can carry on talking during the game. With some of you it's that you haven't made it clear that you want to be on the list. You've just said it's a good idea, for example. In that case please confirm that you do want to be on the list, and if you haven't given your contact details please do. If you don't have a communication system already that you use to talk in the game and contact people with: everyone will tell you their's is best but I'm doing the typing so I recommend skype because you register your name, then you click call and speak to the other person, or type if you don't want to speak/don't have a microphone. Quick and easy. I can add your username to the list with no other information than to contact you via the message system but it's likely to limit the number of people who contact you. Just let me know if you do want just your forum username on the list. Still waiting for some bits of information from the following players: Colonel-Wicked Dani5 Halligeirbakken Razorman GiantCorn TR!PLE Therinial THC HMS The_Dude DayZisMySandbox Avean Ninjabeaver Jimmy J DrewDubious Bottlerocket Bobalonious Mkiii MichaelVoodoo25 Wabid Wabit Dr Shepards L1ckeysp1t Bournesto33 BelMarduk PigMonkey tripl_b Solitaire disorder cash4gold MrBaconbit Boneboys
  13. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Blackmonday - this is why I wasn't happy to get a suggestion so late in the day. I have just typed up the list on the software you suggested and it took me a whole hour. However, the list exists in both a word document and in the new list format which is available to the public, as I can't offer on invite only to people because I haven't a list of email addresses (and don't want one!). The link is as follows - 30 years+ players http://scribbless.co...sts/list/119425 Please note, I've left almost double the number of players off because they've not confirmed they want on the list or have given me no information. Please check your entry on the list. My apologies if your data is wrong, please let me know and I will correct it.
  14. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Voodoo, I just replied to you in the update thread saying I have omitted you from the list as you gave me no contact details. If you want on the list with just your name here and telling people to send you messages I need to know now, as I'm about to release the list!
  15. Voodoo, I have assumed your reply is, "No thanks, I don't want to be on the list of players over 30 years.", as it's no clear to me what you're saying. I've no intention of starting up a steam group. I don't use that hateful software except where I must for arma! <_< OK If I haven't heard from you I'm not putting you on the list but you can easily just ask to be added if you read this. :thumbsup: :beans:
  16. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Feel free to take what I have done and type it up on there if you like. Edit: OK, I looked at that tool but it requires every single line to be entered separately, and there are a lot of lines in this note - it's at 3 pages. So when I have a few replies here, I'll decide what to do. But the question is Yes or No, post list here? AND if not, how? BUT please keep in mind that after all the sifting, sorting, messaging and typing of the last week or so, I'm in no mood to retype this list. I don't mind sending it to one of you, if anyone wants to take over managing and updating the list. Thanks Sula
  17. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Ok, So a rough draft of the list is ready. But you all replied in different ways with some or all of the information missing. So there's not much of a layout format. Would it be best to just post the list here? What do those of you who have asked to be on the list think? If could post it here or send every one messages but that would take a long time and would fill up my (and your) box, as it's a long list.
  18. Sula

    Servers Aren't Normal For Me Anymore

    Same was happening to me. I reinstalled the lastest beta patch for arma (not the dayz one) and now I get lots of crappy servers I can't get into.
  19. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Stewart, I'll add you to the list. The list is proving a huge pain in the neck but I will put out a draft in a few hours if I ever get chance to complete it. :o
  20. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Hi, I'm still waiting for updates from those on the missing list I posted yesterday. I'm off tomorrow, so I will have time to send you all a copy of the incomplete list. It is odd at first when you call someone on skype. What I do is contact them in writing, and then ask if they'd like me to call so we can talk easier about finding a server. People are always really nice. I only ever had one guy I didn't like. I found him cocky, patronising and ill-mannered. Everyone else seems really nice to me. :thumbsup:
  21. Sula

    back at the beach.....PoS game

    I agree, just because it's an Alpha doesn't mean you can't complain about some of the crappy things that keep happening and haven't been fixed. There are plenty of updates. I'm sick of running all over chernarus and coming back the next day to elektro or kamenca yet again, over and over and over again. I know it's an alpha and that means it might possibly be fixed one day but it's still a pain in the neck. And it's disheartening. I just grit my teeth and start over but some days it does get hard to do. :) :thumbsup:
  22. Sula

    Flipped atv Save querie

    I agree with trickpat42. It works. :thumbsup:
  23. Great! Thanks to tripl_b and Solitaire. :thumbsup: Now what about the rest of ya? :P :beans:
  24. Sula

    Just found my first AS50

    Thanks, Angel. I like a modern weapon with a biiiig magnifying scope so I can see the zombie I'm shooting at. I don't like anything too loud. I dropped an akm and 3 clips of ammo for this thing and I feel like I've got a 1900s weapon. The little thingy for aiming is a tiny circular whole and I can't see through it. So it's very quiet, incredibly quiet but I'm still using 8 bullets to kill a zombie, or sometimes still miss killing them.
  25. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    OK, please guys this is getting incredibly messy because I'm not getting the right information from you. To clarify I am putting together a list of people over 30 years old (or so) who want to play dayz. I am NOT setting up communication systems, servers, or clans. IF YOU WANT TO BE ON THE LIST you need to TELL ME PLEASE what software you use to speak in dayz AND/OR outside of dayz so you will be able to contact people on the list and arrange a game. For example, I use skype, I contact someone and we then go into a server together. If you don't tell me what what software you use and the username you use on it - I have nothing to add to the list! So my entry will say: Sulalee, skype username is Sulalee01, UK based. That's all I need from you - unless you have more than one communication software package you use, such as mummble, ventrino, teamspeak etc. I will need your usernames for each, so people can find you! Thanks! :thumbsup: Hunterkilla, once you start to speak to people on the list you can see what they're interested in whether or not they'd like a site. I'm just sorting out the list. :thumbsup: