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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula


    Well, can anyone think of a reason not to trust this chap? Seems an honest offer. I might pop over there myself. *puts on her "sucker" t-shirt* :huh: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  2. Sula

    Thankyou Battleye!

    Pennyworth, no not necessarily. I have been searching for a tent now for over a month with no luck. Of course, others will see them everywhere but I've been all over the map - stopped in every supermarket, every cafe/bar looked in barns, sheds, industrial sites, well, just everywhere but no tents. Still, can't complain. My hunt has taken me up to the Northwest and Northeast airfields, and I've found a few heli crashes. Got myself an M249 saw at the moment. Seems quite nice but bit loud. So there's always a plus to every negative. :thumbsup:
  3. Sula

    Zombies do not attack biking man ?

    It certainly does. I guess there's a trick to how far you stop your bike from those items and then leg it to them and back to your back again before the old *chomp chomps* get to you. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Zombies do not attack biking man ?

    Yes, that's often the way with vehicles. But if you stop and wait, when they run up to you they will suddenly go docile and just hang around looking useless like a flock of boyfriends in a store while their girlfriends try on clothes. I fully expect one of the zombies to say, "uh yeah, it's nice...very nice...it suits you...."
  5. Sula

    What is the point in DayZ?

    Bitz, 11 year old boys don't think that way. They think, "lolz me is gonna killz and git revenj" (but not spelled quite that well). They've no experience to tell them what the "right" thing to do would be. :thumbsup: Biohaze, it not possible to use actual dry wit and for it to be lost on a, as you call us, "Brit". (Meaning all people from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, of course.) Why don't we all play nicely. Or I might hug you all, and you wouldn't like that. *Does icky lipstick covered "Aunty face"* :huh:
  6. Sula

    I'm Sorry, Dude!

    Kajin, an honorable apology. Well played. :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    You don't have to use "fogey" in your username. That was just one suggestion. Of course, using it is a nice big advert to everyone else that you're easy to shoot.
  8. Sula

    Zombies do not attack biking man ?

    Janos, it sounds like, ishtushpituuurrriportshopZOMBIEenashtoorprsportipurZOMBIEpirtshurpZOMBIE...... lovely accent. :thumbsup:
  9. Nice thread, Shepuz. :thumbsup:
  10. Hello Gert-Jan. Good luck with playing dayz. There are lots of friendly players who won't kill you but it's best to get to know them here first before meeting them in game. It is frustrating when you die, so it's best not to get used to having lots of stuff. Just enjoy every moment, as it might be your last. :thumbsup: :beans:
  11. Thanks, Livebythegun. I can't help but feel a bit of love for all the players (even the bandits) when they do their happy, wavey-gun dancing in the moonlight. I'd never shoot at them, I just sit and smile and watch, and hope they have fun. :thumbsup: Voodoo, I know. :)
  12. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Sorry, Azrael, I hope that didn't sound like a harsh criticism. I've been telling people I talk with that one of the things that's especially nice about your teamspeak group of people from the list is, you're not regimented and controlling but more friendly and welcoming, especially to those who are less experienced. :thumbsup: Its' good to hear you're making such great progress. Your team has certainly convinced me of the benefits of teamspeak, though I'm still not entirely comfortable with larger groups on teamspeak. The individual rooms for groups sounds like an excellent solution. :) It's not that I have a great love of skype, I don't but I want to add balance and be helpful to those who don't have or want teamspeak. (Sometimes I feel I'm downloading program after program just to speak to, for example, medic after medic, who use some obscure program to talk to people. But you have to when someone is going out of their way to help you). People on the list, who don't have teamspeak or skype, can still contact the others on it to ask if they would like to spend some time in dayz - via steam or via the personal messages system at this forum. So there should be lots of choices. If anyone still feels a bit isolated, or shy about contacting people on the list do let me know, and I will introduce you to someone. I'm sure Azrael would be happy to help those wanting to learn more about the teamspeak group, and as I have been doing, I can provide help too - though the details are in the links above! :)
  13. OK, I'm remaining calm. I'm lying on a beach, under a warm sun, with a gentle breeze caressing me. I am at peace with the world. I have not just been kicked from dayz without explanation, losing an akm, 3 clips, 4 cans of food, 3 cokes and 4 bandages. No, this did not happen to me. No, no, it didn't happen. Go to my special place. I am at peace with the world, on a windy beach, warm sun in my teeth, bloody sand in my knickers and this damn breeze is messing up my hair! What the heck is going on with this fantasy? Damnit! Ok gawd, so much stuff lost without explanation. Let it go, just let it go, warm sand in my special place...windy knickers... oh it's no use! :|
  14. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Great. But remember, if you don't use teamspeak and don't want to, there are plenty of players on that list with skype addresses! :thumbsup:
  15. At what point in my post did it say I had no idea how to make up these items? OK, I try to entertain but I may as well be wearing a bloody clown costume for some of you. Or maybe something shiny and just dangle it on a chain. <_<
  16. I am not a dude I am a woman. Further, you have missed my thread's point. I should be writing for the New Yorker, not this fapping forum! God, I'm wasted! Satire is dead in the modern youth. :emptycan:
  17. Sula

    Zombies do not attack biking man ?

    Same if you're on a motorbike zombies don't attack; they go docile and wander off. Proof that dayz developers still have a long way to go. And I will personally throttle any twunt who says "alpha" like we don't know that already. I could listen to your accents for hours - no idea what you're saying but sounds great. :thumbsup:
  18. Sula

    Read this urgently!!

    And a hacked weapon, so possibly a new player.
  19. It's at moments like this I wonder why I bother posting. Good grief.
  20. Sula

    Nice guys finish last.

    Zinny, I've been playing this game for some months now. I've been shot many times, killed repeatedly. I've never even pointed my gun at another player, let alone killed anyone. It doesn't mean you have to become a killer. There are alternatives, watch, listen, tread carefully, have objectives before you go into the game and make those your priority. But always be prepared to kill anyone who is shooting at you. That, for me, the point I feel justified to shoot back. The only people who have ever killed me is cowardly snipers. :thumbsup:
  21. Have to say it does annoy me that we play the game with it on and then they just pull it out of the game. So you've no idea how much blood you've lost, whether you need to waste that vital blood bag or not. One slash from a zombie and you could pass out if your blood is lower than you think. It changes the game's dynamics. You have to be much more vigilant for zombies because you can't always tell when they're close. I just hope they can at least change the hud information so that with the final version we get more of an indication of our blood status, so we have time to get to food/blood/medical help.
  22. Sula

    Operation Arrowhead Demo

    Don't know about demos but I think you can download a free version of arma2 and arrowhead (but with lower resolution graphics only) and dayz is free. :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    Dayz = PvP

    I see the under age player disagrees with me by stating the same arguement I put forward, except I used whole sentences. Yes, Dayz is more than one player's tiny mind can imagine. It's whatever we want it to be. And if you're 11 year olds who shouldn't be playing the over 18 years game, then it's going to something very different to you than it is to older players. Thank you, Jamz (though I'm a woman by the way). :thumbsup: Edited, as I was a bit mean and should know better.
  24. Sula

    Is it wrong to build up a camp?

    I have never once found and put up a tent. I've found many but never got to the point of putting up one of my own. I've been searching for over 20 days now and still not found a tent. So good luck to you, have fun with them. :thumbsup:
  25. Perhaps team was hoping you'd move it to Delia Smith's Recipes Webpage forums? Who knows?