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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Food and Loot?

    I've not played since my pc broke but what I used to do is this: Say I spawned far down the coast in the south east, I'd head up the coast, avoiding kamenka, going straight to komorovo, where'd I go into the big industrial building and the attached barn, on the coast. I'd pick up any tins of food and drink, and check all floors for an axe. I'd then go on to balota and do the same. I'd not bother with the air field as I don't worry about guns in the early stages of a game. If I have an axe I can usually survive, as it's my weapon of choice. All the way, I run when there are no zombies and I creep when there are. My first priority is always food, drink and axe, then bandages and a backpack. Then I can hit cherno and find the rest pretty easily as long as I don't run. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    I was rolling but then

    There's nothing wrong with bringing up subjects more than once or twice if they matter to you. He's joining in a conversation and sharing. Honestly guys, you don't have to reply if you've nothing nice to say. We've all rolled off a roof or into the path of an attacking tree and died or broken a limb. Weird physics of the dayz universe aren't exactly the same as our universe. ;)
  3. Sula

    Fracture out of nowhere ?

    It's like real life, the worst happens just when you need it least. Just got to grit your teeth and start over. I know it's hard and can drive you to the edge of sanity but it's what we learn to cope with. Good luck. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Nagging Cough

    DZ probably thought this was the forum for the mod. I'll leave it here for now as he can return to see our replies. Thanks for helping him, guys. :thumbsup: :beans:
  5. Sula

    What causes Desync?

    In the old days we used to find that when another player joined the server, and he had a high ping, we'd all get problems. We'd slow down, sometimes like slow motion, and then be killed by the laggy player who we couldn't even see. But today, I have no idea what it all means because things have changed so much. I'd be interested in reading detailed information on how desync happens and why but not had much luck finding information, so far. If I find some I will share it here. :thumbsup:
  6. Sula

    DayZ Standalone Or Arma 2 DayZ mod?

    I loved the mod, it was perfect for me but sadly, I can't play at this time as my pc is broken. I find the standalone very challenging. I still have no shirt or pants, for example. But if you're looking for busy server then I think your only choice is the standalone. :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    Permanent Night servers

    Also, in the standalone, night time is so dark that it's beyond a challenge. So I think many players, including me, wouldn't want to play on a night server. Best of luck if you do find and play one. Way too challenging for me. :thumbsup:
  8. Sula

    Starting Over

    Hi Sorath, it can be frustrating when it happens and most of us know how that feels as we've been there too. But as others have said, perhaps not as politely, when you play an alpha there will usually be a lot of pain and frustration. For me, it's worth it because it's one of the most joyful games I've ever played. So I grit my teeth and work with what I've got. Mind you, right now I'm on an old lappy because my pc is broken so I can't play at all. Best of luck to you if you choose to try again and again and again - that's how dayz is - you have to grit your teeth and start over every time you die. It's not some little console game where you just click a mouse and you "win". It's hard work and there's little reward other than knowing you experienced the game, and tomorrow you'll experience it differently. :thumbsup:
  9. Sula


    Thanks for your help, you big hero you. Any idea if there are still helis in mod at moment?
  10. Sula

    Blood Transfusion Help

    I can't access the mod as my pc is broken. Does anyone know the answer? Got any useful help/tips? Cheers.
  11. Sula


    Dayz is a mod of the game Arma2. It proved so popular that Rocket designed a separate game called Dayz Standalone. You need arma2 for the mod game but you only need to buy the standalone game if that's what you want to play. They are NOT the same game. :thumbsup: You could type Dayz mod into youtube and view a few vids, then type dayz standalone into youtube and do the same. It might help you see which one you are looking for. Good luck.
  12. Sula


    Kichi, this query is about the mod. Are there no more helis etc in the mod anymore?
  13. Sula


    OK no more unhelpful answers. This is the mod forum and the guy is asking about the mod NOT the standalone. If you don't know the answer then don't post unhelpful childish replies or I will remove them. Ejoe, take a look in the menus within the game and you will see their are tabs at the top regarding which buttons to use for movement, and another about using vehicles etc.
  14. Sula

    How to look into tent?

    I checked and one of the devs told me..."...there's a bug with inventories not showing up at first. The person needs to first put something inside the tent to refresh its contents, that should make the rest of the stuff visible again..." I hope that helps. :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    Need a wolfpack

    Hi Captain. Good luck with finding players. My only advice would be I've seen a lot of threads where people post like this and others post back each saying to look them up but no one ever actually things to take the names posted and look them up. Everyone sits there posting their names and hoping someone else will contact them. So whoever posts here I would tell them all to contact everyone else who posts their name! Then you'll have a good busy game. :thumbsup:
  16. Sula

    My first day - a story by a newb.

    Just wait, it gets crueler. :) Not only will you be shot at, hacked at and generally been as a target by every living being in the game, and by the zombies, but the tents, staircases and your own legs will often try to kill you too. :thumbsup:
  17. Sula

    How to look into tent?

    Hi Peetar, I'm sorry Melfist wasn't helpful. I'm not sure of the answer but I will look into it and see what I can learn. Does anyone else have any helpful information they can provide?
  18. Sula

    do I have any chance?

    Wow, Jusf4Me that sounds like bad luck. Best of luck with them game. We've some good gamers who would be happy to meet up and join you for a game, maybe help while you learn and practice. :thumbsup:
  19. Sula

    do I have any chance?

    Hi Just4me, not sure what you mean by "mute" (other than unable to speak) but we have had quite a few deaf players in the past who don't use their mics. Yes it's a challenge, as much of life can be when someone has something extra to deal with but that doesn't mean you won't have fun. You might like joining a clan or group and getting to know the friendlier players too, as that might be helpful. Have you looked at the recruiting forum on which groups/clans etc are recruiting? :thumbsup: PS if you've any problems finding the right group, don't give up, come back here and let us know.
  20. Sula

    DayZ Machinimas: Editor Questions

    Not heard of it. I don't know how many people bother with variations of the dayz mod, these days.
  21. Sula

    Standalone to mod? Sell it to me.

    My pc is broken, so I haven't been able to play for months but when I did - and hopefully will again once I get my pc fixed - I loved the standalone. As to the hacking, well I've played since about May 2012 and played every single day for anything from an hour to 12 hours (before pc broke) but I never saw any hacking apart from twice someone spawned in behind me and shot me. Also, it's a peaceful game to play on your own, You arrive on the beach, find an axe, and work your way up the coast just blissfully killing zombies. Lovely! Much easier than all the blood types, types of meds, searching for scopes etc that seem so much more complicated to me than just hacking at zombies. :thumbsup:
  22. I haven't played in 6 months as my pc is broken but I used to play via Commander which worked very well. Easy to use and good for finding servers. :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    [HELP] Corpses disappear after death!

    It's possibly just a glitch in that particular version, and as facoptere said, hopefully it'll work in the next update. :thumbsup: I find that each update has its own quirks but they just mean you have to change your game style and work a different way. For example, there used to be high level weapons in deer stands but once they were removed I stopped bothering visiting them. It meant I had to change my routines but that's not a bad thing, :)
  24. Sula

    My first experience

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience. As a woman, I find references to rape, distasteful and offensive. Thankfully, older players would never use the word 'rape' inappropriately. The younger ones have no understanding of how that word makes them seem but in truth there are very few who use the word. If you want to find friendly players to play with perhaps try one of the groups who advertise in these forums, Be warned, not everyone is a friendly as they first seem. Good luck. :thumbsup: