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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    I pulled a Noob move!! First and last time

    Most of us do that when we're new. I did it a lot. It doesn't take balls to admit it, just to put up with some of the crap posts some people make in reply. There's nothing wrong with a new player doing that, in my view. Especially if you've never visited these forums and have no idea about dayz's vague rules. :thumbsup: Most important thing is to have fun. :)
  2. Sula

    This game is great but...

    I was just about to post the very same thing. :huh:
  3. I think the Aussies must be nicer than we English. Many of our players just kill each other non-stop. They think they're playing CoD. I wish they were! <_<
  4. Sula

    This game is great but...

    Haha, yes! I heard it described recently as..."not really a game so much as a running simulator...". It's a good point! :) :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    woot woot

    Yes, you're quite right to make a thread about it! Well done! It's hell finding those NVGs! You go ahead and tell us whenever you get good news because that's exactly what we should be hearing about. This is New Player Discussion, that means discussing the good stuff as well as the problems! :) :thumbsup: :beans:
  6. Tmull, that made me smile. :) :beans: I seem to do a lot of bleeding mainly, no matter which character. In fact, right now it's only dayz official that I'm alive and healthy. I've got bleeding bodies on non-hive servers all over the place. :huh: Actually, if you there are any friendly players out there or medics working the lingor island servers, I'm lying in a pool of blood under a staircase, if anyone would like to give a transfusion! :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    My first time.

    Welcome to the world of dayz, devonlassa! Sounds like you had quite an adventure. I found it useful to make the same runs over and over to help me memorise the map until I found one. In Electro, the firestation is across the road to the left of the church as you leave it. That's where you find the good weapons but the zombies keep a close eye on it. To get to the store from Electro's church, run across the road and head a little to the right. That's where you'll find everything from backpacks, maps, watches, hunting knives to food and drink. Also, the bar/cafe opposite the store is good for that too, and for handguns and compasses. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  8. Yes, yes, we all know Rocket is no longer human but a god, who is wired to a machine, working 24/7 to develop his new standalone game, and cannot do anything at all about h*ckers - oh and you forgot to mention, "it's an alpha" so every flaw is entirely acceptable and no one should ever feel remotely frustrated. None of which means that forum members have to "shut the fuck up" because you don't happen to like their opinions. Freedom of speech goes both ways and is essential to a healthy community and your comments, pvtjace, have made this usually positive and strong dayz supporter feel quite the opposite today. So perhaps you should think about what you're trying to do because you've had the opposite effect on me. You can't convince people of an arguement if all you do is shout at them while spewing the official chant. To those returning to dayz, welcome home guys! There are still thousands of servers - yes, literally thousands, and you can look at the server list at any time of day and find servers that are full of players. All of whom are loving dayz just as much as ever. Yes there are h*ckers but so what. Grit your teeth and avoid them. To play in official dayz servers there is no need for dayzcommander (in fact dayzcommander is a pain in the ass for this because it doesn't differentiate between the official servers and the "dayz chernarus" other hives' servers - and I'm a big fan of dayz commander, use it daily but when I look for dayz servers I just use the game server list). Just use the ingame server list and sort by Mission by clicking on it. That will show you the dayz and the "dayz chernarus" servers. dayz are the official ones, as far as I've experienced. :thumbsup: Edit: Oh and I forgot to add: another benefit of free expression in this place is, should one of the standalone-dayz developers ever become blind drunk, or suffer major head damage, or by some other means, happen to find themselves here, reading threads, it is the best place for concentrated honest views on the significance of impact that flaws can have on a game-as opposed to the usual butt-kissing they see.
  9. Been playing all day, on and off, when I could get the time. And in the main it's been on the same server. No one else has been on that server. So I've been wandering around elektro and still couldn't get a ruddy rifle. Anyway, I was just thinking about posting a thread in the forums saying that despite playing for hours today, the best weapon I've been able to find is an m1911. I did come across ak-74 with no ammo, and a pellet gun, also with no ammo - when something happened. I'd been attacked repeatedly by zombies and my blood was so low I kept passing out, so I decided to get out of elektro and head for cherno. When I got there I went to the fire station - no weapons. But then after my second visit to the store for more food, to try to build up my blood, I got the message that I'd been kicked by the admin. Even though there was no one else on the server. I could sort of understand it if a clan had arrived to play their game and wanted me to leave (I would have, had I been asked). Could someone tell me if I had done something wrong please? It does seem to me that I'm often kicked by admins and I've never any idea why. I don't break rules, I play nicely. (I have the server details if needed). Thank you.
  10. I posted a thread here yesterday about an admin kicking me from a server but can't find my thread, yet other member's threads have been cleared for viewing. Also, when I click on "my contents" it shows nothing after 2 October. If our threads have to be cleared before posting, how are we notified if they are not cleared? I've had no new messages. Thanks
  11. Sula

    Top UK Servers (I want a home)

    Amazing. I can't stand many of the GB #500 servers, or the GB #00 ones. I often can't get into them. I spent most of today trying to get into servers and then when I finally could get into the world of lag (What the hell is going on with the frame rates when I'm in the school or dense tree areas? Never been like this before.) I was attacked by those magic zombies we're told don't exist, the ones who can see through rain, night and walls like they've 20/20 vision. I'm now lying somewhere on a chernerus server passing out from blood loss. And I was the only one playing on that server but I still couldn't get more than an axe for most of the day until I found an m1911. Stupid empty building everywhere, those ones that you have to enter first before entering them so that the spawn timer can start. How realistic! Moaning? Me? Ah well, only a little bit. :) :beans:
  12. I messaged you, as I'd be interested in being another solo player doing their own thing. :thumbsup: You don't say where you're based, so it's a US based server, yes?
  13. Sula

    Players 30+ years old

    Further reminder - as I keep being asked - if you want to find the list of players over 30 the link is in the above page or the one before, in a post of mine. As is the link for the fogey's forums, which will give you the teamspeak server address too. :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    I need transport

    Are you new to dayz? This is an extremely unsafe thing to ask. You are most likely to be killed by lying, cheating bandits. It's much safer to grab a few tins of food/coke and and axe and run there yourself. That's what I did today. In any case, good luck. :thumbsup: Perhaps a medic who is heading up there for a patient could give you a lift?
  15. Also, I just read a message on a UK GB#00 server that said, any player logging in with no weapon would be banned immediately! That is ridiculous. My friend hasn't had a weapon since he spawned. Sometimes it's just not easy to find weapons, not even axes. Yet some daft admin who has no experience of the game, has decided to ban anyone who doesn't have weapons? Presumably because they're cheats, maybe? Honestly, it makes me want to rent a server to run one properly without all these daft rules be some admins.
  16. Sula

    3 times today THREE

    Eliteskittle, something is definitely wrong with the latest dayz. I found a car in need of fuel yesterday and the moment I sat in it, before I touched a button, *boom* it made a loud exploding noise. No idea why. No idea if anyone official even knows of this but I keep hearing it's been happening to people.
  17. Sula

    I keep fainting

    It isn't just a glitch. It's a growning problem for a number of players and has been happening since at least Jun/Jul. I know of a new player who cannot get into official hive servers and has never been able to play once because he faints/passes out immediately. Yet he's fine on non-official chernarus servers. Shouldn't this be in troubleshooting? I wonder if the developers even know how widespread this issue is?
  18. Sula

    Script Restriction #40 ?

    Just posted about this is another thread but yes, another #GB 500 servers user and I get the #40 battleye kick too, though am getting the connected message and then kicked. It's pretty much every time I try to join any server. Not been able to play today at all.
  19. My latest advice is "be very cautious and think about it". A lot of the Chernarus servers (that are not part of the official hive but may well share a hive) are now putting up messages that say things like "AS50-TWS use is forbidden, as are all hacked weapons. Automatic ban, NO exceptions. You've been warned". And these guys share a hive, so you risk being banned from a number of servers. Personally, I don't like it and I agree with Rocket, players shouldn't be banned, the hackers should. Also, new players of a week or two just won't know about things like dayz wiki and what is and isn't a banned a weapon. But if these admins ban you there's little you can do about it. So I'd think carefully before picking up weapons I don't recognise. :thumbsup:
  20. Sula

    What is the point in DayZ?

    Yes doc, but you forgot to include: a) being repeatedly kicked out of servers for unknown reasons, and B) being transported to Kamenka the moment you head North of Stary! :huh:
  21. Sula

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #40

    I just did a google search on restriction #40 for battleye and it brought me back to this thread. I'm trying to get into one of the GB #500 servers and have a ping of 19 but it keeps kicking me and says it's for "restriction #40", which tells me nothing. I've been trying to play dayz for a couple of hours but not had any luck. Either there are no official hive servers available on my list, so I can only find chernarus vilayer type servers, or I do get into an official server and get kicked a few minutes later for restriction #40, though battleye says "updated successfully". I upgraded all my files but still no luck. Plus I was in Olsha yesterday and have once again been transported to the south coast - why does this keep happening, and why almost every day? I wonder what's the point of me putting in literally days and hours of effort into this game to get north, only for the system to transport me back to elektro or komorovo or elsewhere on the south coast, the next day that I play? It's particularly frustrating because often, there's little acknowledgement that anyone official is aware of this long term problem and its significant negative impact on game play. Don't misunderstand me, I appreciate this game is a) alpha and B) free (!) but I love it and want to play but often can't. I do mean that, I love this game. After a hard day of being yelled at, or ignored and wondering why I bother to breathe some days, the only thing I look forward to is a good cup of coffee and running around in the woods of Chernarus. :thumbsup: Apologies to the mods, if you would like to merge this thread with the previous #40 thread. I did a search on google and was brought to this thread. After posting I then found the previous #40 thread.
  22. I think it's where I use the arrow keys to run, and my palm sometimes touches the the keys to the right of the spacebar. My avatar is no longer running straight ahead. Once again she's running sideways (like when you hit up and left or right arrow keys at the same time) but she's locked into that. As soon as I enter a server the zombies attack and I can't run because the usual keys make her run left and she won't run forward (up key). Anyone recall how to unlock this? I've hit and double hit alt repeatedly with no luck. Tried same with ctrl but didn't work either. So frustrating. Just managed to get into a server for the first time today and this happens. So can't play. I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  23. Thanks, I haven't used any keys on the left side of my keyboard. It's just the arrow keys and my mouse. But as I say, sometimes it's my palm that rests momentarily on the alt-gr and ctrl keys next to arrow keys. I'll try your suggestions, thanks again. I'll let you know if any of them work. :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    Need A Ride Please.

    Thank heavens bandits can't read and then trick you into offering a lift, get the server number off you and go kill your friend. Do you know the meaning of the word naive?
  25. Sula

    Noob need help!

    Marc, I've heard of that happening to players whose bandwidth isn't strong enough-so the game puts them in as spectators (birds). It's from Arma2, where if you die you can watch the rest of the battle as a bird and fly over. I've only heard of it happening a couple of times. It happened once with my friend when I tried to run an arma2 armory server but my bandwith and his were both not good. So he was a blackbird. Sorry I don't have a solution, just thought I'd mention it might be a broadband issue.