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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    New User

    Hi Midnight! Welcome to the forums. I've been busy killing zombies today, so I'm feeling good. *wipes blood from hatchet and waves* See you on the killing fields! :thumbsup: :beans:
  2. Sula

    I was lucky...This time

    I know Voovoo but they do. Why? I dunno, I just don't know. And apparently, it's not a hangable offense in the UK so we're stuffed. I am working on this and if you'll just vote for me in the next election, I promise to make almost every thoughtless act a hangable offence! Even walking on the cracks in the pavement! :thumbsup: Too much? :huh:
  3. I was going back into dayz via steam after an earlier trip, when a steam message popped up and said arma needed to be updated into a newer, more efficient format, yes or no. When I said yes arma died. Looking at the steam forums it's happened to lots of people and apparently there was a spelling mistake in the steam message. So either steam can't spell or update software reliabley or it's possible hackers have some how got into the system. So I'm dayz and arma free right now. Don't update. About to try that go back in time thingy - thanks to Fraggle's advice recently on another software problem.
  4. Fair enough but as I said, Steam done-broke arma and has done bugger all about it. I see they've faffed about with their support system to make it virtually impossible to report problems. Very clever of them. <_< I mean this in a kind and sharing way - I'd like to see those buggers crushed to a thousand pieces. Sadly, they're going to be the way to access the upcoming stand alone replacement game for our dayz mod. So let's hope they some how improve soon and big time. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    Medic Forum??

    This is daft. First, what is the purpose of the forum you propose? But at the most basic level, I've been asked to vote yes or no in your poll, and then forced to choose a name for the forum I voted against! There should have been a "no need for a title" option. The only medics I trust are Dr.Wasteland's and they seem to be a great success with their thread. :thumbsup:
  6. Sula

    Main Hive

    If you look in the gamespy list of servers in the game it will says under Mission "dayz". If it says anything else, such as "dayz chernarus" or "panthera" those are other hives and you will have a different character in each of those. :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    Game is not availible. SayWhut?

    Exactly, Fonzie. Arma 2 is not a mod, it's a game. And steam is saying there's an error and the game is not available. That's stopping us playing dayz. :(
  8. Sula

    Game is not availible. SayWhut?

    I want to understand all this but I don't. Surely we should all be putting in fault reports to steam.
  9. Uh that is what I said,yes. OK so rolling back to an earlier date on my pc didn't work because my game files are all on a separate cpu. It never rains but it pours.
  10. How do you approach other players? Preferably, in writing, via a UPS or other courier! Or even better - don't! :thumbsup:
  11. Sounds good. I might give it a try though need to find out if my mate wants to join too, as we often work as a duo and I don't have his email address. :thumbsup:
  12. So this is how it's going to be. We all get encouraged to move to private servers because they're so secure and every single day I get kicked by some admin or another. And I don't break rules, I always follow them. I'm happy collecting tins of food or hunting animals. So keep that in mind when you race to join a private server. There's no right of appealing to a mature adult like you can on the official servers. There are just power-mad assholes who get off on kicking innocent players. I think I'll stick with the official servers until this escalates and lots of you are experiencing the same thing. Maybe something might be done by then.
  13. Sula

    noobz thoughts

    It sounds like you need a lower population server. Ask Fraggle for info on some good servers where you won't get sniped every second you're in dayz. :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    Coaching a bambi

    Well it's a good advert for yourselves, I guess. I don't support your use of words such as "must" and "critical", with which I disagree. No training is a must or critical for dayz, which is why none is provided by the official source. But good luck in your endeavours.
  15. Sula

    Coaching a bambi

    Holy cow, it took me a month to find that stuff when I first started playing! :thumbsup:
  16. Your bandage did work, twit! You dropped it on the floor! :huh: And you're a dev team member? Great! For which game? :) *whispers* Clear you desk, pal. Rocket will be calling you in for a meeting come Monday. :D
  17. Sula

    Playstyles in DayZ

    My approach is: - appear on beach, check location on screen, crouch and leg it up said beach to cover - spend hours search for can of coke or beans and eventually die of thirst/hunger - repeat 1 above but then find drink/beans in time and look for axe - find axe but die from zombie attack while trying to remove it from my belt (stupid place for an axe!) - repeat all of the above but manage to use axe - get sniped - repeat all of the above - get sniped again - repeat all of the above yet again but live when sniper needs to reload - get a bit cocky and try to make it to deer stand, get killed by zeds - yes, repeat all of the above again - and again - finally get up a deer stand, find a bandage and some tin cans, fall to knees sobbing, drag self down ladder, and get killed by zeds - you'll be guessing about now if it's "repeat all of the above, yet again". You'd be right.... - repeat ad infinitum...
  18. So, I just started playing dayz and I can't be bothered to put the effort in. Could someone play the game for me and gather up all the stuff I need, kill some zombies, build a camp with maybe oh, say six tents, repair a quad bike, UAZ and a bus for me, find NVGs and full set of all the weapons, save about 20 lives so I have the hero skin, repair a helicopter for me and practice for 20 hours so I'm a great pilot? Kthnxbye!
  19. Oh and I only eat beans and sardines, no pasta! I'm sorry but I must insist upon this. Good luck with improving my playing on dayz for me! :thumbsup: :beans: kthnxbye Oh and I need a lift bye helicopter, to Manchester, thanks.
  20. Sula


    That's kind of you, Filas. Good luck! ;)
  21. Sula

    Need a lift :)

    You won't have that ghillie suit and sniper rifle very long, thanks to your laziness! Good luck, my friend. You'll need it!
  22. Sula

    Coaching a bambi

    Filas, there's a brand new bambi begging for help in the Survivor HQ forum. He seems very young to me. Keeps just pleading for people to tell him how to play the game! I'd suggest he would be extremely grateful for your tutoring him. His name is kilz. I've told him, as have others, to post a thread in New Player Discussion and ask specific questions but I've no idea if he has/will. I suspect he means he wants someone to tell him the "point" of the game and how to "win". I doubt being told it's "a sandbox game" will help him. I thought perhaps you might welcome the opportunity to at least offer him help before he goes on a mad rant about how this game is horrible. ;)
  23. DoctorCrazy, sorry you've had it so bloody bad lately. ATVs can be turned back upright but only if you stay on them and keep pressing the up arrow key. It takes patience but I've seen it work. I don't know if you can do anything much once off. Possibly nudge it with another vehicle? :thumbsup: Kilz, make your own thread and ask specific questions about what you are having problems with. Say what you want help with and we will try to help you. There are plenty of threads in New Player Discussion offering advice on how to start playing the game. :thumbsup:
  24. I have nothing against "...protecting the average survivor...", sounds great. However, what causes me concern is when those same "policing" forces start denying me access to food, water, and land, and shooting at me, unless I play by their rules and not my own. I know and trust my own code of ethics, not those of strangers. That said, I've always suported your and your colleagues' medic work for its "Medicins sans frontiers" approach, Dr Wasteland. Though I'm not sure I'm looking for a government and its police force in dayz. Personally, I would tread very slowly and carefully towards such an idea. On a separate note, I don't think it is just scripterkiddies who have lowered numbers on servers. I think PvPkiddies are problem too.
  25. Sula

    For the Panthera players.

    If you're serious then that's very nice of you. Thanks for not being a total douche bag. :thumbsup: