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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    I'm a newb.

    I'm sure just about any new desktop would run it, and probably many laptops too.
  2. Hi Elmu, do you play on any private servers/hives? That way Brack, he can prove how friendly he is and it won't risk your official dayz servers life.
  3. Sula


    Well, if you see me in any dayz servers I never shoot at or kill players. I would if shot at but would never start an attack on another player. So you are safe to join me if you see me. I play under my nickname Sula and sometimes under Reilly but often make up a name if I feel like being anonymous. If you ever see a player called "Quick, where's the bar, I'm so thirsty!" that would be me too. :thumbsup:
  4. Hang on. Are you saying that you shoot unarmed players that you happen to come across, and then argue that it was self-defence because if they had been allowed to live, they might have found a gun and that would make them a potential threat to you? That is not self-defence. That's murder.
  5. Sula

    Hello everyone!

    Hi Goz! Welcome to DayZ! :) It's great to hear you're having such a good time. Enjoy these first few days, they're unique. As you develop your experiences and knowledge, you'll start planning and strategising where you want to go, what you want to find and what you want to achieve, so your game play changes and develops. You won't be just running from zombies and running up the beach all the time. ;) Do ask if you have any questions but also, check the pinned links and see what has already been answered. There's some great advice here for new players. :thumbsup: I'd say use the search field but it hasn't worked for me in months. Good luck and have a great time! :) :beans:
  6. So there are short guns and long guns. As far as I can tell the short guns are called side arms or hand guns and the long ones are called rifles. However, some of them aren't called rifles. But why? Why is a sub-machine gun, sub? Why are light machine guns not called rifles? Or are they? Is a sniper rifle just an assault rifle with a better scope? Is a pwd an ouzi and if so, why isn't it called that? is it a sub-machine gun? Or is different because it's smaller? Why is an 1911 sometimes called a glock and a g17 also called a glock? What's the difference between the shot guns and rifles - OR - are all long guns riles, even if they're shot guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles or other? Does anyone know a good, serious website for information on guns? Thanks :)
  7. Sula

    Guns for Girls

    Klesh, thanks. That really was very helpful and informative. :thumbsup: Void, that website is very interesting. I spent a couple of hours there last night reading about guns. Fascinating to find we British made guns in the 1910s. They looked like the kind used in the the very old black and white spy movies. :thumbsup:
  8. Sula


    I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you, Brack but it says a lot more about your friend than you. He's clearly still a child and has a lot of growing up to do. It's horrible when someone betrays you but don't let it change you! I've been betrayed and killed in dayz so many times but to this day, I've never pointed my gun at another player, let alone killed anyone. You learned that you can't trust him, that people are not always trustworthy but that doesn't mean no one can be trusted. Remember you lost what you thought was a friend but he lost a true friend and probably doesn't even understand the impact that will have. Now he won't have you to rely on anymore. :beans:
  9. The information you should be telling us, as should every server offering their services, is where your server is located (not where you are based but which country your server is based in). That will be the deciding factor for most on whether or not they will be able to play on it. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    Guns for Girls

    Well, yes, obviously I'm going to research it myself! I wasn't going to pay anyone else to do it. As I said before, I asked for info here because I thought some people might know where I could start - and they did. So that was great. Thank you for much! :) :thumbsup: :beans:
  11. Better to post this in the medic thread, so they will see it. :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    Guns for Girls

    Thanks everyone. I didn't just go straight to google because there are millions of pages and I wouldn't know where to start. I want to learn more about guns, the technical stuff, so I thought I'd ask for your recommendations. Thanks for the web address - I'll take a look. :thumbsup: What's it got to do with guns for girls? They're guns and I'm a woman (but that doesn't rhyme so well). :)
  13. Not seen my friend. Can I ask, is it just PvP all the way? Also, are you still running Chernarus? Thanks.
  14. AngryOfficer! I'll tell your mother you said that and she'll wash out your dirty mouth with soap! *faints with shock as is a delicate lady* :o Well, I'm feeling much better thank you everyone! I finally got back in after about 15 minutes. Of course, the server had restarted and after a few mins everyone else had got back in. My heli crash had disappeared but I still had my dmr - yay! Haven't had one since the early days when I first started to play dayz. :thumbsup: My thanks to those nice guys of the [uFC] clan who came and collected me in at the NW airfield and took me in their car for a trip around the map as they went about their clan business. Was great sitting in a car with so many ghillie suited guys! Thanks to Zephariel, Chris, Vixx and all the other guys. I had a lot fun. :)
  15. Well, yes, there is that. *carries on chewing on her backpack* but I'm still not coming out from under the sofa! :(
  16. Sula

    WARNING for fellow Survivors!

    References to rape are not funny but always inappropriate and offensive. When you grow up you will learn that.
  17. Sula


    Not sure how or who runs this server but they were extremely kind and helpful when I played there the other day. I'd like to thank the admin for being fair and friendly. Also, none of my things were stolen or destroyed when I went back. And I got a free lift in a heli to Stary too! :thumbsup: See now that's the kind of server I'd be happy to call home.
  18. And the sense of achievement was overwhelming. I almost shed a tear of happiness. A couple of nights before, my friend had put up his first tent and a few hours later he had a second tent. They were breeding! :o But he managed to pack it up accidentally, and lost his gun in the process. So I was extra careful and spent a good half an hour assessing the exact spot I was going to place my tent. I'm convinced they duplicate if placed in a less than perfect spot. So, yesterday, I finally decided the perfect spot and I put up my tent. And what do you know, no duplicating.*smug* Naturally, I visited my tent throughout the day, making sure it was happy and safe, bringing it litte tidbits to show my affection: a can of beans, a clip from my M9, a spare waterbottle, and so on. I just popped in to the server where Tenty lives, you know, to say goodnight - not to give it a kissy and a hug or anything - and there it was, still safe and sound after 24 hours....but entirely empty. :( Ah well, tomorrow's another day! *shakes fists at the skies* And I WILL fill it again, I will refill Tenty! (For those of you who had an education before the 1990s, yes that was my Scarlet O'Hara rip off scene) *sings "Smile Though Your Heart Is Breaking" while trying to smile* PS, if anyone says "it's only gear, you can't keep it...." I will hunt you down and rip off your kneecaps! *Tries to look menacing but fails* :huh:
  19. Sula


    Oliver, I think it was you who helped my friend and I. I played as . and he is Unobtainium. Thank you for being kind and helpful to a couple of relative noobs. :thumbsup:
  20. Klesh, what does <and> mean? AMF, it's a sad fact that bandits could be dangerous or unlucky people who had to defend themselves and sometimes it's hard to know what to do. You do the best you can.
  21. Sula

    First time playing DayZ failed.

    Something went wrong with steam a few days ago. It sent a message saying arma 2 needed to be replaced with more efficient file format and to click Yes to update. I did and have had the same problem as you ever since. So what I did was reset my computer to a week ago, went and downloaded the new patch again. It didn't work on correcting the steam problem because I have a separate computer for my game storage - but I have the right version. I go into my arrrowhead directory and click on the game's executable file armaoa and the game runs fine. :thumbsup:
  22. :thumbsup: Hand guns are quieter and so they are handy for killing zeds up close without causing zombies to come running from miles away. By the way, don't trust anyone is your best bet - also, I find the Germans and Austrians in dayz are incredibly polite and friendly. :thumbsup: Watch out for the regular chickens. They are tough as rock. I had one block the door to a barracks recently and I had to climb over it! Wow, another dayz player who can spell pterodactyl! *faints with shock*
  23. Sula

    Waypoints and Zombie Movement

    HerrJon, they're two different things, of course, not to different ways to do same thing. :) Selmack, when next to a bike, roll your mouse wheel and a menu will appear. You might need to run round the vehicle (it works with all vehicles) to get all the menu options but they will include: Get in, Save, Gear, Refuel, Repair, and others. To get off you do the same, roll mousewheel and choose Get out. Eject is dangerous as you can die if you use it while travelling at speed. Remember, the map grids change size as you zoom in and out but those numbers work for me - for example: if I have 1100m to run, I know it will take very roughly ten minutes. :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    Player Tracking

    I agree with mZLYm sounds more like he was letting you know by your evasiveness that you were probably up at the nw airfield, as that's where I'd keep quiet. A hacker wouldn't ask, they'd appear from nowhere, shoot you and leave. Good luck. :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    Someone barricaded me?

    Remil, have my beans - it had to be said, and you said it. Of course, I've no idea what you said but well done anyway! :thumbsup: :beans: